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Section Policies

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine maintains specific policies for various article types, each tailored to ensure rigorous academic standards and valuable contributions to the field.

Original Research Articles

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine welcomes original research articles that contribute new insights to the scientific literature. Research articles should provide in-depth analysis, appropriate methodology, and valid results. All submitted research articles undergo double-blind peer review, evaluating their originality and scientific impact.

Review Articles

Our journal accepts comprehensive review articles that critically analyze relevant literature in the field. Reviews should offer a broad perspective and present updated information for readers. Review articles are published upon editorial approval and, if necessary, peer review.

Case Reports

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine publishes case reports that highlight rare or interesting cases in medical practice. Case reports should contribute new knowledge or notable findings that fill gaps in the literature. Each case report is subject to double-blind peer review.

Short Communications

Short communications are brief articles that summarize new findings or preliminary research results. These articles, often presenting time-sensitive information, are subject to double-blind peer review.

Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor allow readers to provide feedback on published articles, fostering scientific dialogue. These submissions should contribute original insights related to the discussed topic. Letters are reviewed by the editor and may undergo peer review if necessary.

Open Access and Licensing

All articles are published under open access and are licensed under Creative Commons, allowing users to freely download, share, and reference articles. Our open-access policy is designed to make scientific knowledge accessible to a wider audience.

Publication Process and Evaluation Criteria

All submitted articles must meet high academic standards and align with the journal’s scope. Following an initial editorial review, each submission undergoes a double-blind peer review process. Key evaluation criteria include originality, scientific contribution, methodological rigor, and language quality.

Ethical Standards and Conflict of Interest

All submissions must adhere to ethical guidelines, and authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest. Our journal mandates ethical approval documents and data-sharing permissions for all articles.

Revisions and Resubmissions

Authors may revise their articles based on peer feedback and resubmit them for further consideration. Revised manuscripts may be sent to reviewers for re-evaluation.

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