Plagiarism Policy
Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine is dedicated to upholding scientific integrity and publication ethics by requiring all submitted articles to be free from plagiarism and contain original content. Authors must present only their unique work and properly cite all sources used.
ACAM enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy against plagiarism and academic misconduct to maintain scientific reliability. All submissions are meticulously reviewed to ensure they meet high academic standards.
Plagiarism Check Process
All manuscripts undergo a comprehensive plagiarism check before publication. Submitted content is screened using reliable software, such as DupliChecker, to evaluate similarity indices within the text. Manuscripts exceeding acceptable similarity thresholds are returned to authors for revision or may be rejected.
The acceptable similarity rate is below 20%, as recognized by the scientific community. If the text is found to lack originality or proper citation, the article may be rejected.
Types and Scope of Plagiarism
ACAM considers not only direct copying but also other forms of academic misconduct, such as improper citation, unattributed ideas, and self-plagiarism. Submitted content must be wholly original and should not have been published or submitted elsewhere.
Actions if Plagiarism is Detected
If plagiarism is identified, authors are required to correct it immediately. In cases where plagiarism is discovered post-publication, the article will be retracted, and the author’s institution will be informed. Repeated offenses may result in stricter sanctions against the author.
Works found to contain plagiarism will be immediately rejected. In cases of repeated violations, authors may face extended or permanent bans from submitting to ACAM.

Author Responsibility
Authors are required to ensure that their manuscripts are entirely original and contain no plagiarized content. They are responsible for properly attributing all direct and indirect references. ACAM upholds rigorous standards and expects authors to maintain academic integrity.
Authors must also confirm that their work has not been previously published or is not under review in any other journal.
Role of Reviewers and Editors
Reviewers and editors are expected to remain vigilant against plagiarism and report any suspicious cases to the ACAM editorial team. Editors manage the process with transparency and adherence to integrity principles.