February 2023
Utility of infrascanner device in the diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhage in patients presenting to the emergency department
Serkan Altuntas, Ayse Cetin
Department of Emergency Medicine, Altinbas University, Bahcelievler Medical Park Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21240 Received: 2022-05-20 Accepted: 2022-06-27 Published Online: 2022-12-26 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):96-100
Corresponding Author: Serkan Altuntas, Kültür Sok., No:1, E5 Yolu Bahçelievler Metro Durağı Üstü, Bahçelievler, 34160, Istanbul, Turkey. E-mail: dr.serkanaltuntas@hotmail.com P: +90 212 484 14 84 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2754-7175
Aim: In this study, we aimed to compare data from an infrascanner device that can be used at the bedside with infrared technology with data from intracranial computed tomography and to investigate the utility of the new device in patients presenting to the emergency department with head trauma or neurologic symptoms suggesting ICH.
Material and Methods: The measurement was made beginning from the left frontal region of the head and continuing in the right frontal, left temporal, right temporal, left parietal, right parietal, left occipital and right occipital regions. Patient demographics such as age and gender, GCS, time between the incident and evaluation with CT and infrascanner in the emergency department, diagnosis reported by CT and Infrascanner and outcomes were recorded.
Results: A total of 173 patients were included in this study, 73 of them with ICH and 100 were control subjects. The mean GCS score was 11.44±4.03 in the ICH and 14.16±1.07 in the control group with a significant difference between both groups (p<0.01).
When CT scan findings were taken as reference values, the Infrascanner Model 1000 device had a sensitivity of 84.9%, specificity of 30%, positive predictive value of 46.9% and negative predictive value of 73.1% in detecting ICH.
Discussion: The results of this study indicate that the infrascanner model 1000 device significantly records specificity and sensitivity values when used immediately after an incident.
Keywords: Intracranial Hemorrhage, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Near-Infrared Technology, Infrascanner
Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is the most common subtype of stroke (15-20% of all strokes) and a critical disease, usually leading to morbidity and mortality [1, 2]. ICH is the result of extravasation of blood from an artery, capillary or vein. The incidence of ICH is approximately 25 per 100,000 person-years, and ICH mortality is about 40% within 30 days, making this disease one of the most critical acute emergencies [3-5].
Establishing the true diagnosis of ICH in the emergency department is of paramount importance in terms of time management, prevention of complications and survival. Early diagnosis and intervention of ICH is essential for successful treatment in patients presenting with head trauma or neurologic symptoms.
Neuroimaging is essential for the treating clinician to understand the location and volume of hemorrhage, the risk of cerebral injury and to guide emergency treatment. The diagnosis of ICH is usually made on a non-contrasted computer tomography (CT) scan since it is easy to identify blood, which is hyperintense on CT. MRI is also a good option to diagnose ICH and may also be used in the acute phase or later [6, 7] because acute presentation of ICH can be difficult to distinguish from ischemic stroke [8, 9].
However, failure to detect and treat ICH within the first several hours significantly increases the possibility of severe neurologic deficits and even death [10]. Therefore, the time to diagnosis and emergency intervention is critical in ICH, necessitating the development of other imaging/scanning instruments that provide faster results. To address this need, a near-infrared (NIR) system for detection of cerebral hemorrhage was developed and successfully tested at Baylor College by Britton Change and Claudia Robertson [10]. This system, called infrascanner model 1000, was approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an instrument to detect ICH and has been introduced worldwide. Under normal conditions, the brain’s absorption can be considered symmetrical. However, when additional underlying extravascular bleed is present, there is a greater local concentration of hemoglobin, which results in significantly greater light absorbance and less reflected component. This difference is detectable by the detectors placed on symmetrical sides of the skull. So far, the infrascanner system has been studied in several countries, including the USA, Canada, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Afghanistan, Russia, Poland, India, China, and Turkey with varying results [10-13].
The objective of this study was to compare data from the infrascanner device that can be used at the bedside with infrared technology with data from intracranial computed tomography and to investigate the utility of this new system in patients presenting to the emergency department with head trauma or neurologic symptoms suggesting ICH.
Material and Methods
Before the beginning, the study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of our hospital. All patients were informed about the objectives of the study and gave written informed consent. The study was conducted in line with the relevant ethical items of the Declaration of Helsinki.
A total of 77 patients who presented to the emergency department of our hospital with head trauma and/or neurologic symptoms suggesting ICH and hematoma detected on CT, and 100 patients who presented with similar complaints, but had no ICH detected on CT as the control group were included in our study. All patients were examined by emergency medicine residents specially trained in the use of the infrascanner device for IVH following CT scans.
All patients were evaluated according to GCS scores determined at the initial neurologic examinations. Based on the medical history and physical exam, including trauma, syncope, headache, and mental fog, patients underwent CT scans and infrascanner examination immediately after CT scans with their informed consent or the consent of their relatives.
In the present study, the Infrascanner model 1000 device and HP mobile information platform were used. The infrascanner model 100 device is equipped with a portable head that has two optic detectors and a diode laser. Measurement data captured from the sensors are transferred to the mobile info platform as wireless and processed at the platform. The measurement was made beginning from the left frontal region of the head and continuing as the right frontal, left temporal, right temporal, left parietal, right parietal, left occipital and right occipital regions (Figure 1).
The frontal region was measured at the level of pupil over the frontal sinus, the temporal region from the anterior ear over the temporal fossa, parietal region from the midpoint of the skull midline and ear level, and the occipital region from the occipital protuberance and mid ear. Portable head of the sensor was cleaned with alcohol after each measurement and the head was changed after each 50 measurements (Figure 2).
Children younger than 4 years, patients with cervical neck injury following trauma, a markedly (so as to prevent measurement by the device) impaired skin integrity at the scalp, cephalic hematoma, expanding so as to cover any of the frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal regions, patients with marked soft tissue infection in the scalp, pregnant women and those who did not give informed consent were excluded from the study.
Patients’ demographics such as age and gender, GCS, time between the incident and the evaluation with CT and infrascanner in the emergency department, diagnosis reported by CT and Infrascanner and outcomes were recorded. Regions on the intracranial CT were termed with similar terms to the regions examined with the infrascanner device as the left frontal, right frontal, left temporal, right temporal, left parietal, right parietal, left occipital and right occipital. In addition, hematomas were divided into groups as subarachnoid, intraparenchymal, epidural and subdural.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis of this study was performed using SPSS version 16.0 (SPSS, Statistical Package for Social Sciences, IBM Inc., Armonk, NY, USA). The normality of the data was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Continuous variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation, minimum, maximum values, while categorical variables were expressed as numbers and percentage. An independent t-test was used in comparison of the continuous variables, while Chi-square test was used to compare the categorical variables. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the Infrascanner device were obtained. p<0.05 values were considered statistically significant.
A total of 173 patients were included in this study, of which 73 had ICH and 100 were control subjects. Of all patients, 103 (5.5%) were male and 70 (40.5%) were female. Among patients with ICH, 47 (64.38%) were male and 26 (35.62%) were female, while among patients in the control group 56 (56%) were female and 44 (44%) were female.
The mean age of the patients was 46.39±26.24 (4-91) years. The mean age was 53.49±25.62 (5-91) in the female and 41.56±25.66 (4-91) years in the male patients. The mean GCS score was found as 11.44±4.03 in the ICH and 14.16±1.07 in the control group with a significant difference between both groups (p<0.01). Demographic and clinical features of the groups are given in Table 1.
In the ICH group, intracerebral hemorrhage was found in 24 (32.88%), subarachnoid bleeding in 17 (23.29%) patients, epidural hemorrhage in 15 (20.55%) patients and subdural hemorrhage in 17 (23.29%) patients. Twelve patients (16.44%) had more than one subtype of ICH.
Regions of hemorrhage detected by infrascanner are shown in Figure 3.
Comparison of the findings obtained with CT scan and Infrascanner Model 1000 device is given in Table 2.
When CT scan findings were taken as reference values, Infrascanner Model 1000 device had a sensitivity of 84.9%, specificity of 30%, positive predictive value of 46.9% and negative predictive value of 73.1% in detecting ICH. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the Infrascanner device for different measurement regions of the scalp are given in Table 3.
Studies have underlined the importance of early identification of causes of brain injury in an effort to prevent secondary brain injury and improve neurological outcomes. Early diagnosis and intervention are critical in ICH for success of treatment and prevention of debilitating and sometimes fatal outcomes. By recognizing hemorrhage at the initial presentation, many treatment options are available for the patients, from medical to surgical treatments. Approximately half of the mortality from ICH occurs within the first 24 hours, highlighting the critical importance of early and effective treatment in the Emergency Department [8].
NIR infrascan technology offers numerous advantages to the bedside clinician. It is a portable painless tool, which can be easily applied to the skull in minutes [14]. This device can perform readings in all eight scalp locations (right and left frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital regions) in 3-5 minutes under ideal conditions [10]. In our study, sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV values were found for all measurement locations of the skull.
In our study, the mean age of the patients with ICH was 46.39±26.24 years. In a study by Vermeulen et al. with patients having subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), the mean age was reported as 58.1 years. In a study by Xu et al. the mean age was found as 48.3 years in 85 patients [15]. In a study by Cander et al., the mean age was reported as 51.8 years [6]. In another study from China by Liang et al., the mean age of the patients was reported as 41 years [11]. In this context, our finding was in the normal age range.
In the present study, we tested a near-infrared portable bedside tool, Infrascanner Model 1000 for detecting four subtypes of ICH including intracerebral hemorrhage, epidural, subdural hematomas and subarachnoid hemorrhage. According to our results, the NIR intrascanner device detected ICH with a 30% specificity, 84.9% sensitivity, a positive predictive value of 46.9% and negative predictive value of 73.1%.
So far, the near-infrared intrascanner device has been tested in numerous studies worldwide with conflicting results. Liang et al. from China used the portable NIR detector in 305 Chinese patients who underwent CT scan within 12 hours of a blunt or penetrating head injury with a GCS score ≤15 [11]. Cander et al found the mean GCS score as 10.6 [16]. In our study, the mean GCS score was 11.44, similar to that study. It was reported in the study of Liang et al. that NIR infrascanner demonstrated excellent sensitivity (100%) and specificity (93.6%) in detecting traumatic intracranial hematomas. However, patients in our study were not only the ones with traumatic brain injury but also those with neurologic deficit suggesting ICH [11].
Xu et al. used NIR infrascanner to scan intracranial hematomas in 85 patients. As a result, specificity of the device was found as 92.5%, sensitivity as 95.6%, NPV as 94,9% and PPV as 93.5% in detecting ICH [15]. Peters et al. used NIR infrascanner in 25 patients with traumatic brain injury and compared the results with those from CT scans. NIR infrascanner predicted intracranial hematoma with a sensitivity of 93.3% and a specificity of 78.6% [17]. Our study included both patients with head trauma and those with neurologic deficits suggestive of ICH, suggesting that the number of patients may affect the results.
Semenova et al. used the new infrascanner device in the diagnosis of intracranial lesions in children with traumatic brain injuries. The authors concluded that the infrascanner device can be used for detecting intracranial hemorrhages in ambulances and outpatient trauma centers in order to decide hospitalization, CT scans and referral to neurosurgery. They claimed that combined with the other risk factors, infra-scanning may reduce the need for unnecessary CT scans [18]. While the mentioned studies investigated the utility of the intrascanner device in all participants, we used it in all patients who had already undergone a CT scan.
In their pilot study, Salonia et al. applied the infrascanner device on 28 children aged between 0-14 years. The children were divided into two groups with abnormal and normal CT findings. As a result of the study, the authors reported that this new system can be beneficial in the evaluation of a child with possible ICH [19].
Robertson et al. [20] evaluated the utility of infrascanner device in 335 patients and found the specificity as 86.5%, sensitivity as 68.70%, NPV as 84.6% and PPV as 72.5% in the scanned patients. This study confirmed the findings of other studies that NIR technology can be used to screen for the presence of ICH for a simple examination of the difference involved in the hemorrhage and the uninvolved site of the opposite site of the scalp. Differences between the studies seem to be resulted from sample size and type of ICH examined.
Study Limitations
This study has some limitations. It was conducted in a single center with a relatively small number of patients for such a study. Second, sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV values could not be examined for all four subtypes of ICH. However, given the conflicting results between the studies, we believe that our findings will contribute to what is known on this topic.
The results of this study indicate that the infrascanner model 1000 device significantly records specificity and sensitivity values when used immediately after the incident. However, the low specificity value that we found shows that although the device provided beneficial information about the patients that should undergo imaging investigations, further studies should be conducted in order to introduce the infrascanner device for scanning or triage purposes in the emergency department.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Serkan Altuntas, Ayse Cetin. Utility of infrascanner device in the diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhage in patients presenting to the emergency department. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):96-100
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Diagnostic value of hepcidin in patients with sepsis and septic shock
Busra Bildik 1, Utku Murat Kalafat 2, Melis Dorter 3, Doganay Can 4, Basar Cander 2, Sebnem Tekin Neijmann 5, Serkan Dogan 2
1 Department of Emergency Medicine, Karabuk University Training and Research Hospital, Karabuk, 2 Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, 3 Department of Emergency Medicine, Tekirdag Dr. Ismail Fehmi Cumalioglu City Hospital, Tekirdag, 4 Department of Emergency Medicine, Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Istanbul, 5 Department of Biochemistry, University of Health Sciences, Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul,Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21307 Received: 2022-07-06 Accepted: 2022-12-02 Published Online: 2023-01-02 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):101-105
Corresponding Author: Busra Bildik, Department of Emergency Medicine, Karabuk University Training and Research Hospital, Alparslan Cd., No:1, 78200, Sirinevler Merkez, Karabük, Turkey. E-mail: drbusrabeyoglu@gmail.com P: +90 532 605 47 36 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1546-4612
Aim: Accelerating the diagnosis of sepsis patients and the ability to determine the severity of sepsis will speed up the treatment and thus decrease mortality and morbidity. Hepcidin is the regulator of iron metabolism, also an antimicrobial peptide and acute phase reactant, which is synthesized in hepatocytes. In the study, we aimed to determine the diagnostic value of this peptide, which is effective in sepsis by contributing to host defense, in patients with sepsis and septic shock.
Material and Methods: The study was carried out with patients who were admitted to the emergency department and were diagnosed with sepsis and healthy volunteers. Patients with a SOFA score of 2 and above were included in the study. The patient group was divided into sepsis and septic shock subgroups. Hepcidin, CRP, IL-6, TNF α, and leukocyte values were noted in the patient and control groups; also, SOFA scores were recorded. ROC analysis and AUC values were calculated for the determined data. P <0.05 value was considered statistically significant.
Results: A total of 86 cases were included in the study, as a healthy control group (n=23) and patient group [sepsis (n=32) and septic shock (n=31)]. When the relationship between biomarkers and binary study groups was evaluated, a statistically significant difference was observed between the control group and the patient group for hepcidin, leukocyte, TNF α, IL-6 and CRP values (p<0,05). While leukocyte, TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP values were significant in the binary comparison of control-sepsis groups, hepcidin values were not significant. However, no significance was found in other biomarkers in the comparison of sepsis-septic shock, while there was a statistically significant difference in hepcidin values (p=0,043). While sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were calculated for hepcidin as 96,7%; 37,5% ; 60% and 92,31% respectively.
Discussion: The ability to determine the severity of the disease in the pre-intensive care period will speed up the treatment significantly and help to reduce mortality. According to the obtained findings in our study, we believe that hepcidin may be a useful biomarker in the diagnosis of septic shock and is correlated to the severity of the disease.
Keywords: Hepcidin, Sepsis, Septic Shock
Sepsis is a complex syndrome that develops in response to infection and has high mortality and morbidity rates [1]. Morbidity and mortality remain high despite the improved understanding of the pathophysiological pathways, pharmacological treatments, and intensive care in sepsis. Sepsis is a major public healthcare concern as it is one of the leading causes of mortality in the world and has a high incidence [2]. The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) was published in 2016; the definitions of sepsis and septic shock were updated. However, to the best of my knowledge, there is no gold standard for diagnosis yet [3]. Therefore, diagnosis is challenging, and the initial treatment is delayed. Early detection of sepsis and its severity may facilitate early initiation of treatment and reduce mortality and morbidity in patients with a suspected diagnosis of sepsis.
Hepcidin, the hepatocyte-expressed antimicrobial peptide during infection, is an acute-phase reactant and the major regulator of systemic iron homeostasis that exhibits intrinsic antimicrobial activity [4]. Recent studies have shown the antimicrobial activity of hepcidin is due to the depletion of extracellular iron because of hepcidin induction. Hepcidin leads to a type of nutritional immunity that plays an important role against many extracellular bacterial infections [5]. All these features of hepcidin suggest that it is a significant marker in the diagnosis of sepsis, which is defined as an uncontrolled response to infection.
This study sought to determine the diagnostic value of hepcidin, which plays an important role in host defense, in patients with sepsis and septic shock and its relationship with other inflammatory markers.
Material and Methods
Study setting and design
This single-centered study was conducted in a Level 3 emergency department. The study was designed as a prospective cross-sectional study and approved by the local ethics committee (KAEK/2019.06.155). The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The informed consent form was obtained from the patients and the volunteers.
Participant selection
This study included patients with sepsis who were admitted to the emergency department of the study center between August 2019 and May 2020; healthy volunteers constituted the control group. Patients admitted with suspected infection were assessed. SOFA scores were calculated for patients with suspected infection. Patients with SOFA scores of ≥2 were included in the study.
The patients were divided into three groups: sepsis, septic shock, and control. The sepsis group comprised patients with a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of ≥65 mmHg and lactate level of ≤2 mmol/dL after vasopressor support and adequate fluid resuscitation within the first hour, whereas the septic shock group comprised patients with an MAP of <65 mmHg and lactate level of >2 mmol/L after vasopressor therapy and adequate fluid resuscitation.
Patients aged <18 years, pregnant patients, and those diagnosed with hematologic malignancy or iron metabolism disorders were excluded from the sepsis and septic shock groups in this study. Healthy volunteers aged <18 years, pregnant volunteers, and volunteers with other known diseases and acute infection findings at hospitalization who had an iron metabolism-related disorder or received iron therapy were excluded from this study.
Participants’ age, sex, mean arterial pressures, GCS scores, leukocyte counts, SOFA scores were recorded at hospitalization. The levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6, and hepcidin levels were analyzed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Synergy HTX (BioTek® Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT, USA) device was used for ELISA. Sandwich ELISA was to quantitatively measure the levels of hepcidin, serum IL-6, and TNFα (Catalog Nos. SL1001 Hu, SL1761, and SL0868 Hu, Sunlong Biotech Co. Ltd., Hangzhou, China) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Within- and between-group coefficients of variation of all three tests were <10% and <12%, respectively. Hemolytic and lipemic samples were excluded from the analysis.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed for the comparison of the control and patient (sepsis and septic shock) groups as well as pairwise comparison of the three groups separately. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 26.0 (IBM Inc., New York, USA). The normal distribution of data was analyzed using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. Continuous variables with normal distribution were presented as means ± standard deviations and those with non-normal distribution as medians (Q1-Q3); categorical variables were presented as numbers (percentages). The comparison of two groups of non-normally distributed continuous variables was performed using the Mann–Whitney U test; the Pearson chi-square test was used to compare categorical data. Spearman’s rank-order correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship among numeric variables. Correlated biomarkers were evaluated via receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) curve analyses, and the area under the curve (AUC) values were determined. The cut-off point, sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) for hepcidin, which was found to be the most informative biomarker, were determined and compared with the SOFA score. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
This study included a total of 86 participants, including sepsis (n=32), septic shock (n=31), and control (n=23) groups. Women constituted 54.7% (n=47) and men 45.3% (n=39) of the cases in the study. The mean ages of the control, sepsis and septic shock groups were 60.73±13.34, 73.4±17.8, and 71.4±12.4, respectively. A significant difference was observed between the control and patient groups in terms of leukocyte count and TNF-α, IL-6, and CRP levels. Similarly, the difference between the control and sepsis groups was statistically significant (Table 1).
There was a statistically significant difference between the control and patient groups in terms of the hepcidin level (p<0,042). However, no significant difference was noted between the control and sepsis groups (p<0,418). A significant difference was observed between the control and septic shock groups (p<0,01); thus, the group characteristics and hepcidin levels were analyzed by comparing the sepsis and septic shock groups (Table 1).
MAP, GCS, and SOFA score were significant between the sepsis and septic shock groups (p<0.05); however, the difference in terms of leukocyte count was not significant (p>0.05).
In the comparison of sepsis and septic shock groups, leukocyte count and CRP, TNF-α, IL-6 levels did not differ significantly (p=0.945, p=0.891, p=0.847, and p=0.192, respectively) between the groups, whereas hepcidin level did (p=0.043; Table 2).
When the correlations of the biomarkers within themselves as well as with the SOFA and were analyzed, a significantly positive correlation was detected between the hepcidin and IL-6 levels and SOFA score (p=0.001, p=0.003, respectively). The IL-6 level also has a positive correlation with the TNF-α level and SOFA score. No correlation was found among other biomarkers (p>0.05; Table 3).
In our study, hepcidin was identified as the most informative biomarker in the differentiation of sepsis from septic shock (AUC [95% confidence interval]: hepcidin, 0.648 [0.511-0.785]; IL-6, 0.596 [0.454-0.737]; TNF-α, 0.486 [0.339-0.633]; Figure 1). After identifying hepcidin as the most informative biomarker through ROC analysis, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of hepcidin as the candidate diagnostic screening parameter were evaluated. The sensitivity was 96.7%, specificity 37.5%, PPV 60%, and NPV 92.31%.
The aging of the world population and the increased incidence of related chronic diseases increase the number of patients with sepsis risk. Due to the emergence of the “sepsis” concept, several studies have been conducted to improve the diagnostic accuracy and treatment of sepsis; however, there is still no precise method that could become the gold standard, particularly from a diagnostic perspective. Reducing the time before the imitation of sepsis treatment in adult patients from 3–6 h to 1 h is required for an accurate and faster diagnosis, particularly in emergency departments, which are the first units that manage adult patients with sepsis [6].
Hepcidin is a relatively new peptide, which was first introduced by Krause et al. in 2000 [7]. The crucial role of hepcidin in the innate immune system is merely beginning to be understood. In recent years, the efficacy and importance of hepcidin in diagnosis have been investigated, particularly in children and newborns [4, 8]. However, there are very few studies on the diagnostic value of hepcidin in sepsis; furthermore, these studies were conducted on patients in the intensive care unit. Our study differs from these previous studies in that we focused on adult patients with sepsis who were in the pre-intensive care period of treatment.
In recent studies on the relationship between sepsis and hepcidin, the hepcidin level showed a significant difference between healthy controls and patients with sepsis regardless of the disease severity. Jiang et al. found that the hepcidin level was higher in the patient group than in the control group in their prospective study conducted on 198 patients and 20 healthy individuals [9]. Wu et al. investigated the diagnostic value of hepcidin in infants and found, regardless of disease severity, a significant difference in the hepcidin level between the sepsis and non-sepsis groups [8]. In our study, a significant difference was observed between the control and patient (sepsis+septic shock) groups in terms of the hepcidin level.
Yesilbas et al. determined the diagnostic role of hepcidin in children with sepsis and septic shock and found significantly higher hepcidin levels in both sepsis and septic shock groups than in healthy control and non-sepsis intensive care groups [4]. In our study, no significant difference was noted between the sepsis and control groups in terms of hepcidin levels, whereas a significant difference was observed between the septic shock and control groups. The hepcidin level was significantly higher in the septic shock group than in the sepsis group. The difference in the sepsis group in the abovementioned study might be explained by the fact that the study was conducted in intensive care unit patients, whereas our study used blood samples collected at emergency department registration.
In several previous studies, the hepcidin level has been reported to increase significantly with increasing disease severity [4, 9, 10]. One of the comprehensive studies is a prospective study conducted by Qui et al. who studied adult patients in the intensive care unit for 2 years. A total of 183 patients with (n=90) and without (n=93) sepsis were included in their study, and the sepsis group was divided into two subgroups as sepsis and septic shock, similar to our study. Their study demonstrated that the hepcidin level correlated with sepsis severity [10]. In our study, the hepcidin level was significantly higher in the septic shock group than in other groups. This might be related to the increased inflammation and antimicrobial efficacy of hepcidin as the disease severity increased.
Sepsis is a disease associated with high mortality. A meta-analysis published in 2020 reported that the 30-day mortality rate of septic shock was 34.7% and the 90-day mortality rate was 38.5% [11]. Several scoring systems such as APACHE II and SOFA were used to determine the severity of sepsis as well as other diseases in intensive care units. In addition, the SOFA score, which is also used currently for determining the prognosis, shows the severity of the disease, although it was created to identify the complications of severe patients and not as a mortality indicator [12,13]. In the last 20 years, several studies have reported inconsistent results regarding the superiority of scoring systems in revealing the disease severity and predicting short- or long-term mortality. Although no consensus has been reached yet regarding their superiority, the common view is that as sepsis severity increases, scores will increase in both scoring systems. In our study, we compared SOFA scores in the sepsis and septic shock groups and found high statistical significance in the septic shock group.
There was no significant difference in leukocyte count or CRP, TNF-α, and IL-6 levels between the sepsis and septic shock groups. The literature shows inconsistent results on this topic. Zhou et al. reported no significant difference in the CRP level between sepsis and septic shock groups in their study published in 2019 [14]. However, Zhang et al. found a significant difference between sepsis and septic shock groups in terms of the CRP level but not in leukocyte counts [15]. Although the general paradigm is that the TNF-α and IL-6 levels are associated with the disease severity, a study conducted by Rossi et al. in 2015, in which they calculated the daily IL-6 production in vivo, demonstrated that this production can range from a few micrograms per day to milligrams, indicating a wide variation. In addition, they demonstrated that CRP production was also inhibited, particularly in patients with low IL-6 expression [16]. Although infections may induce this production, we believe that this difference in our study might be because of the variations in IL-6 production observed in the study by Rossi et al. as well as because of the fact that the blood samples collected at emergency department registration were used in our study.
In the evaluation of the correlation of hepcidin with other biomarkers and scoring systems in our study, it was observed that hepcidin had a positive correlation with the IL-6 level as well as SOFA score; this finding was consistent with the findings of some previous studies [4, 5]. The comparison of the hepcidin level with the TNF-α and IL-6 levels was performed through ROC analysis. After identifying hepcidin as the most informative marker for predicting septic shock, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of hepcidin were calculated and compared with the SOFA scores. For the defined cutoff value, the sensitivity of hepcidin was 96.7%, specificity 37.5%, PPV 60%, and NPV 92.31%. We suggest that hepcidin is an important marker in the prediction of sepsis and septic shock due to the higher sensitivity and negative predicted value for the defined cut-off value compared to SOFA.
There are some limitations of our study. The first is chronic diseases of patients in the sepsis and septic shock groups. We believe that some of the chronic diseases commonly noted in the age group of the patients included in our study may alter the levels of hepcidin and other biomarkers despite the fact that the patients with conditions that play a role in the production and consumption mechanism of hepcidin (pregnancy, hematologic malignancies, and iron metabolism disorder) were excluded from the study. In addition, considering the age of the healthy controls, there might have been undiagnosed chronic diseases in the control group. The small sample size of our study and single-centered study design represent the other limitations of our study.
Hepcidin may be a useful biomarker in the diagnosis of sepsis, and its level is associated with the severity of sepsis.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Busra Bildik, Utku Murat Kalafat, Melis Dorter, Doganay Can, Basar Cander, Sebnem Tekin Neijmann, Serkan Dogan. Diagnostic value of hepcidin in patients with sepsis and septic shock. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):101-105
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Surgical management of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis; A single-center experience
Şeref Dokcu 1, Mehmet Ali Çaparlar 2, Özhan Çetindağ 2, Salim İlksen Başçeken 1, Aydan Eroğlu 2
1 Department of Surgical Oncology, Health Sciences University, Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital, Diyarbakır, 2 Department of Surgical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21315 Received: 2022-07-16 Accepted: 2022-10-08 Published Online: 2023-01-12 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):106-109
Corresponding Author: Şeref Dokcu, Department of Surgical Oncology, Health Sciences University, Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital, Diyarbakır, Turkey. E-mail: serefdokcu@hotmail.com P: +90 533 443 43 33 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1807-8108
Aim: Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) is a rare nonspecific inflammatory disease of the breast. Although IGM is completely benign, it can be confused with breast cancer because of breast mass and nipple retraction. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics of 36 patients diagnosed with IGM, treatment options and prognosis.
Material and Methods: The study included 45 IGM patients with an average age of 36 years who were treated in our hospital from January 2012 to December 2020. Data were retrospectively collected from records. The relationship between categorical variables was analyzed using Pearson’s χ2 test.
Results: All of our cases were premenopausal, and 14% had a smoking habit. The most common presentation was focal asymmetrical density on mammography and irregular hypoechoic mass on ultrasound. The mean size of the lesions was 5 cm. All cases had unilateral mass, and 58% of cases had right breast involvement. The most common localization was retro areolar/central location, with a rate of 42%. The presence of disease according to lesion localization differed significantly in favor of retro areolar/central localization in the chi-square analysis (p=0.001). Surgical excision was performed in 80% of patients .
Discussion: Because of its similarity to malignant processes, it is crucial to confirm the definitive diagnosis by the presence of chronic lobular inflammatory process and non-caseating granulomatous inflammation on frozen sections. Our analysis determined that IGM was associated with the retro areolar/central localization of the main ducts. This likely supports the immune response secondary to ductal injury. Surgical excision and close follow-up were our preferred methods.
Keywords: Breast, Breast Mass, Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis, Inflammatory Breast, General Surgery, Treatment
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) was first reported by Kessler and Wolloch in 1972 as 5 cases of mastitis clinically simulating carcinoma [1]. IGM can mimic breast cancer clinically and radiologically. Therefore, the awareness of surgeons, pathologists, and radiologists is vital to avoid unnecessary mastectomies [2]. IGM usually occurs in young women with a history of breastfeeding. In the absence of appropriate treatment, it becomes chronic with a high risk of recurrence.
Although the etiology of IGM remains unclear, it is generally considered to be idiopathic, although some etiologic causes have been suggested. These include immune system response, foreign body reaction, an as yet unidentified infectious agent, smoking, α1-antitrypsin deficiency, breast trauma, and racial characteristics. The fact that it accompanies conditions such as pregnancy, lactation period, galactorrhea with high prolactin level, and oral contraceptive use suggests that a hormonal irregularity may also contribute [3-5]. The main mechanisms in etiology include hypersensitivity to extravasated lactational product, local breast trauma, subclinical infection, and autoimmune conditions [6].
Definitive diagnosis is based on histological examination of excisional biopsy specimens. Histopathologically, granuloma formation is often noted. IGM is characterized by the presence of epithelioid and multinucleated giant cell granulomas. Diagnosis is made only after exclusion of infective causes such as inflammatory breast carcinoma, other tuberculosis, parasitic and fungal infections, and non-infective causes such as sarcoidosis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, giant cell arteritis, polyarteritis nodosum, and foreign body reaction [6]. As the etiology of IGM, the treatment method is still controversial. Therapeutic options range from observation to various medical treatments such as steroids, immunosuppressants, and antibiotics, and surgical intervention, especially if secondarily infected [7,8]. Although the disease can be locally aggressive, recurrence rates (16-50%) are still high after treatment [2]. Therefore, surgical management and follow-up of the disease are essential.
In this study, we discussed the clinicopathological features and surgical experience of patients treated with the diagnosis of IGM in our clinic in light of current literature.
Material and Methods
In this retrospective study, 45 female patients over the age of 18 who were treated with the diagnosis of IGM at Ankara University Surgical Oncology Clinic between January 2012 and December 2020 were included. Demographic information and clinicopathological features of 36 patients who were followed up were recorded from hospital electronic records. The diagnosis of IGM was confirmed histopathologically from biopsy specimens. All pathology preparations were stained with special dyes such as hematoxylin-eosin, Ziehl-Neelsen (for tuberculosis), and periodic acid-Schiff (for fungal infection).
Our study protocol was reviewed and approved by the medical faculty ethics committee (Decision no: İ2-124-21).
Antibiotic treatment was administered to patients with microabscesses, which allowed them to shrink or merge into a single abscess. In patients whose abscesses developed into a single large abscess, the abscess was excised and drained, followed by extended resection after contraction of the lesion.
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 24.0 by the biomedical informatics team. Descriptive analyzes of all data were performed, and data were presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) values. Comparisons between categorical variables were made using Pearson’s χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Patient demographic and clinical variables are shown in Table 1.
The clinical appearance simulated malignity in half of the patients (n=18, 50%) at the diagnosis stage. Twenty (55%) patients were treated with antibiotics before referring to our clinic. Fistula formation was present in 15 (42) patients. A significant correlation was found between the probability of IGM and retro-areolar/central localization (p=0.001).
The characteristics of the diagnoses and treatment of IGM patients are shown in Table 2.
The radiological features of the patients are shown in Table 3 .
In the radiological evaluation: Parenchymal mixed echogenicity, focal asymmetric density, and mass enhancement were the most common findings on ultrasound, mammography and MRI, respectively.
In 24 patients (67%), core breast mass biopsy was performed and IGM was diagnosed in 16 patients. In other patients, tissue diagnosis was made by incisional biopsy performed during abscess drainage.
Thirty two (88%) patients underwent a surgical procedure. In 18 (50%) patients, breast mass excision with lumpectomy was performed, breast abscess drainage was performed in 12 (33%) patients, and 2 (5%) patients underwent a wide excision of the breast mass.
Oral prednisolone treatment, which was initiated before surgery, was continued for 4 weeks in 4 patients.
The mean follow-up period was 9 months (range 5-36). Recurrence developed in 9 (25%) patients. A recurrent breast mass developed in the same location at a mean of 8 (1-25) months after abscess drainage (n = 4) and lumpectomy (n = 3) in 7 patients, and fistula developed in 2 patients at 7 and 22 months after abscess drainage. All patients underwent a wide excision for recurrent breast mass and fistula. Patients were administered 20 mg oral prednisolone treatment daily for 2 weeks after excision. Three of the patients who developed recurrence (8%) had recurrence after 7.1 and 37 months. All three patients underwent re-excision for breast lesions.
The mean age at onset of IGM is 34 years, which mimics breast cancer both clinically and mammographically [6]. More than half of the cases reported in the literature are confused with breast cancer at the time of diagnosis. Therefore, it may cause unnecessary mastectomy [9,10]. Especially in young patients, the application of mastectomy based on triple evaluation (clinical, mammographic, and FNAC) is not considered a correct approach. Absolute accuracy of pathological diagnosis should be confirmed with frozen sections before performing mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery. The mean age of the patients in our study was 36 years. Similarly, since we experienced this dilemma in half of the patients, advanced surgical techniques were not used before the histopathological results of all patients were finalized. When necessary, the diagnosis was reinforced with frozen sections. Then, operations were planned for the diagnosis of IGM. Only two-thirds of patients who underwent core needle biopsy had a true histopathological diagnosis.
None of our patients were using oral contraceptives. Although various rates of oral contraceptives use are reported in the literature, there also are reports stating that there is no use [6,10]. All of our patients had unilateral involvement with right breast predominance (58%). Although the lesions are mostly centrally located, they have also been reported in all localizations. IGM is usually unilateral and can affect any quadrant of the breast [10]. Our analysis determined that IGM was associated with the retro areolar/central localization of the main ducts. This likely supports the immune response secondary to ductal injury. Besides, smoking and fluctuations in prolactin levels during lactation are also blamed in the etiology. Smoking rate was 14%, and the rate of lactating women was 25% in the patients included in our study.
IGM diagnosis is exclusion and should be considered when all known infectious and non-infectious causes of granulomatous inflammation have been excluded [11]. Bacterial cultures of the lesions and positive serology may help make the diagnosis. In our study, we exclude infectious causes with the serological examinations requested at the diagnosis stage. A clinically painful, palpable mass-like lesion is the most common physical finding [4]. The painful mass presentation rate was 69% in the patients included in our study. One-third of the patients were admitted with typical abscess symptomatology.
On ultrasound, hypoechoic tubular lesions in the breast tissue and/or the presence of a large mixed echogenicity suggest a diagnosis of IGM. In our study, these ultrasound findings were present in 83% of the patients. Along with this pattern, the presence of a focal asymmetric density on mammography further strengthens the diagnosis [3].
However, for some patients, confirmation of the diagnosis by dynamic contrast MRI may be required [12]. We needed to confirm the diagnosis with MRI in 14% of the patients included in our study. Especially thanks to its cross-sectional imaging feature, it can clearly reveal fistula tracts [13]. As a matter of fact, two of our patients who developed fistula were evaluated with MRI, and the extensions of the fistula tracts to the breast parenchyma were determined.
There is no ideal treatment for IGM; a meta-analysis report indicated no significant difference in recurrence rate between conservative treatment and surgical treatment [14]. However, most surgeons, including our clinic, still adopt wide local excision with or without steroid therapy [15,16]. Thus, there is hope for a cure for this disease with a persistent mass or a strong propensity for recurrence [17]. To minimize the side effects of steroid therapy and avoid surgery, some clinics focus on topical steroids and local injection [8,18,19]. However, our policy regarding steroids is limited to the continuation of treatment started only in recurrent cases or at the time of admission to our clinic.
Interestingly, 50% of patients relapse despite all treatments, and therefore, long-term close follow-up is required. Many authors still advocate complete resection whenever possible, given the difficulty of differential diagnosis from breast cancer [17]. It has also been reported that the most important factor in the prevention of IGM recurrence is early diagnosis [20]. The recurrence rate in our study was 25%. All recurrences were managed with surgical excision and corticosteroid therapy. In one-third of the patients who developed recurrence, the management of relapses was provided by re-excision..
IGM clinically and histologically mimics an inflammatory carcinoma. An accurate approach that includes ultrasound, clinical and histological analysis can reliably identify a patient with this pathology. Our study supports secondary immune response in etiology.
Study Limitation
Our study has limitations as it is retrospective. Only patients who underwent surgery were included in the study. Those who received conservative treatment were excluded from the study.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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19. Ertürk TF, Çakır Ö, Yaprak Bayrak B, Güneş A, Aydemir S, Utkan NZ. Local Steroid Treatment: An Effective Procedure for Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis, Including Complicated Cases. J Investig Surg. 2021;35(4):745–51.
20. Tasci HI, Turk E, Erinanc OH, Erkan S, Gundogdu R, Karagulle E. Factors Affecting Recurrence of Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis. J Coll Physicians Surg Pakistan. 2022;32(2):161–5.
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Şeref Dokcu, Mehmet Ali Çaparlar, Özhan Çetindağ, Salim İlksen Başçeken, Aydan Eroğlu. Surgical management of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis; A single-center experience. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):106-109
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Effect of mindfulness on fatigue, kinesiophobia and quality of life in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Canan Demirci 1, Metin Oksul 2, Necla Ozer 2, Leyla Ozdemir 3
1 Department of Nursing, Akdagmadeni School of Health, Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat, 2 Department of Cardiology, Hacettepe University Adult Hospital, Ankara, 3 Department of Internal Medicine Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21365 Received: 2022-08-23 Accepted: 2022-12-31 Published Online: 2023-01-05 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):110-115
Corresponding Author: Canan Demirci, Department of Nursing, Akdagmadeni School of Health, Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey. E-mail: karadas.canan@gmail.com /canan.karadas@yobu.edu.tr P: +90 546 133 19 89 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3364-6276
Aim: To investigate the effect of the brief mindfulness practice (MP) on fatigue, kinesiophobia, and quality of life (QoL) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) was the purpose of the study.
Material and Methods: This study was designed as a randomized controlled study. The study was carried out with 56 MI patients. Participants were randomly assigned to the mindfulness group (MG) or a control group (CG). The MG patients received a 15 min MP session during eight weeks, comprising sitting and breathing for a total of eight weeks, while the CG patients received only a single-time attention-matched education.
Results: After completion of the MP, any significant difference was not found in the fatigue scores of the patients (p>0.05). The kinesiophobia scores in the MG were significantly lower in the 4th, 8th and 12th weeks (p<0.05). The QoL scores were significantly higher in the MG in the 8th week (p<0.05).
Discussion: The MP practice can significantly improve the QoL, and this beneficial effect of MP is maintained particularly in the emotional aspect. Furthermore, the MP may decrease kinesiophobia in patients with MI. Based on the results of the study, MP may be recommended as mind-body-based complementary approaches within the scope of post-MI management.
Keywords: Fatigue, Kinesiophobia, Mindfulness, Myocardial Infarction, Quality of Life
Myocardial infarction (MI) is the most frequent manifestation of coronary artery disease (available at: https://www.tkd.org.tr/TKDData/Uploads/files/Turkiye-kalp-ve-damar-hastaliklari-onleme-ve-kontrol-programi.pdf). In recent years, the survival rate after MI has increased due to the advances in MI treatment, including the widespread use of defibrillators in the coronary intensive care units (CICU), reperfusion algorithms, and additional treatments such as the coronary artery bypass graft [1]. However, patients continue to experience symptoms such as anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, pain, and fatigue afterward [2,3]. Fatigue is experienced by nearly half of the patients after MI, and it lasts for about two months to a year during the post-treatment period [4,5]. Fatigue and other symptoms such as pain, palpitations, and dyspnea may cause difficulties in daily activities, which may decrease the functional independence of the patients due to stress, anxiety, and fear [4,6]. In the behavioral fear-avoidance model, the fear of movement situation is called “kinesiophobia” [7]. Kinesiophobia is an avoidance behavior and a natural and emotional adaptation reaction demonstrated after acute injuries. Perpetuating fear and avoidance behaviors after cardiac events may lead to negative physiological and psychological consequences [7].
Considering the symptom burden and reduced QoL after MI, supporting the patients through interventions is necessary. Psychosocial adaptation, lifestyle changes, cardiac rehabilitation interventions, and various complementary and integrative approaches have been applied for symptom management and increasing the QoL of the patients after MI [8,9]. Among complementary and integrative approaches, mindfulness-based approaches have drawn increasing attention in recent years for the treatment of various chronic diseases [10]. Mindfulness practice (MP), developed by Kabat-Zinn et al. (2013), is defined as a present-centered and purposive non-judgmental awareness. MP involves bringing an individual’s attention to the experience of the present moment, including their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations, with certain openness, curiosity, and acceptance [11]. The control of emotional response and the effective use of the breath reduce the tension in the body and increase the blood oxygen saturation in the patients. Therefore, MP may prove to be effective in reducing fatigue and kinesiophobia and improving the QoL in patients after MI. The present randomized controlled study aimed to investigate the effect of the MP on fatigue, kinesiophobia, and the QoL in patients with acute MI. The present study hypothesized that MP would (1) alleviate the fatigue severity, (2) decrease the kinesiophobia, and (3) improve the QOL in patients with acute MI.
Material and Methods
Trial design
The study was designed as a randomized controlled trial with two parallel groups and a 4-week follow-up period to investigate the effect of the MP on fatigue, kinesiophobia, and the QoL in patients with acute MI. The patients were divided into two groups: the mindfulness group (MG) and the control (CG) group.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) age between 18 and 75 years; (b) having received pharmacological reperfusion therapy after acute MI or the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); (c) no temporary or permanent pacemaker; (d) no diseases that would affect the breathing exercise; (e) no physical or mental health problems that could interfere with communication; (f) no diagnosis of cognitive, mental, or psychological illness; (g) no learning disabilities or difficulties; (h) ability to use a telephone; and (i) consent to participate in the study. The exclusion criteria were: (a) planned coronary artery bypass graft (CABG); (b) having experienced cardiogenic shock caused due to acute MI; (c) having hearing impairment; (d) living in a nursing home after discharge from the hospital; (e) currently not using any complementary therapy modalities known for stress-reducing.
Participants and sample size
The study was conducted in November 2018-June 2020, in the CICU of a university hospital, Turkey. A total of 163 patients were contacted and 104 patients who did not fulfill the inclusion criteria were excluded. The remaining 59 patients were randomly divided into two study groups, following which three patients withdrew from the study due to discharge before receiving the MP education (n=1), refusal to share communication information (n=1), and withdrawal after the first interview (n=1). Therefore, the study was completed with a total of 56 patients with acute MI [MP (n=28) and CG (n=28)] (Figure 1).
As there were no similar studies available in the literature, it was not possible to calculate the required sample size in advance. Therefore, the power analysis was performed using the G-Power 3.0.10 program, based on the mean change in the MacNew Quality of Life Scale (MacNew) score between the 0th week and the 8th week (MG: from 5.04±0.70 to 5.76±0.47; CG: from 5.17±0.85 to 5.37±0.51). Accordingly, the power of the study was determined to be 89.8% with a significance level of 0.05 and an effect size of 0.79.
Randomization, allocation, and blinding
The patients were evaluated for participation in the study within 24h of admission to the CICU, and the participants who met the inclusion criteria were selected. Stratified randomization was used to balance the age (≤50 years and >50 years) and number of MI events (first-time MI and recurrent) between the study groups. After the stratification, the patients were assigned randomly into two groups (Group 1: 28; Group 2: 28) using “Random Number Generator” (1: Mindfulness group; 2: Control group) by the senior (4th) co-author who was not involved in the intervention procedures conducted afterward. All the training sessions were conducted by the principal investigator (PI), who was not blinded to the study groups.
Study Procedure
The MP is, originally, a part of the mindfulness-based stress-reduction program [11]. Mindfulness interventions usually include yoga, walking meditation, guided imagery, body scans, and sitting meditation. In the present study, the research team included only mindful breathing and sitting meditation in the MP intervention.
The intervention procedures were performed at the CICU by the PI, who is certified and experienced in MP interventions. Each patient received the MP training individually on the day of discharge, with face-to-face sessions conducted while they were in their beds with a dim light. Bed curtains were drawn prior to the sessions to ensure patient privacy and reduce distracting stimuli. The patients in the MP group were first provided with a description of mindfulness and its effects on the body. These theoretical sessions lasted for 15 min. After the completion of the theoretical sessions on MP, all the MP steps were practiced by the patients under the supervision of the PI for 15 min. The PI asked the participants to sit in a comfortable position on a chair with their backs straight and eyes closed. Then, the PI requested the participants to breathe deeply and focus on their breathing and the present moment throughout the session. Therefore, each participant in the MP group received a total of 30 min of training, including theoretical as well as practical sessions on MP. The PI also recorded the MP instructions using a voice recorder, generating an audio file for practicing the MP sessions at their home. The MP groups continued to practice the MP session for 15 min each day, for a total of eight weeks, at home. Daily reminders (text messages or phone calls) were sent to participants to motivate them to practice the MP and to evaluate their compliance with the study protocol.
The patients in the CG received only a one-time attention-matched education on the structure and function of the heart, including the heart anatomy, heart functions, coronary arteries, and the diseases of the heart. The attention-matched education was provided face-to-face and lasted for 15 min.
Outcome Measures
Patient Information Form: This form was originally developed by the researchers based on previous literature. It contains 14 questions regarding the socio-demographic characteristics and the current and previous health status [3,5,8].
Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS): This scale was originally developed by Piper et al. and the latest revision contains four sub-dimensions and 27 items, with a 0–10 scale for each item [12]. The total fatigue score, calculated by averaging 22 items, ranges from 0 to 10. The Turkish validity and reliability study was performed by Can et al. (2004), who reported Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.94 [13]. In the present study, the Cronbach alpha value was 0.96.
Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia for Heart (TSK-H): Tampa Scale for Kinesophobia (TSK) was adapted for cardiac diseases and named the TSK-Heart scale by Bäck et al. [14]. TSK-H comprises 17 items that assess the subjective rating of kinesiophobia, and each item is rated on a four-point Likert scale with scoring options ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”. Acar et al. performed the Turkish validity and reliability study of the TSK-H and reported Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.75 [15]. The Turkish version ranges between 17 and 68, with high values indicating a higher level of kinesiophobia. In the present study, Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.67.
MacNew Quality of Life Questionnaire (MacNew): The MacNew tool was developed to measure the QoL of the patients with heart disease and comprises 27 questions containing three subscales. The MacNew sub-dimensions include the emotional functioning sub-dimension (EFS) (14-items), the physical functioning sub-dimension (PFS) (13-items), and the social functioning sub-dimension (SFS) (14-items). The total score is calculated by averaging the scores of all the questions and sub-dimensions and ranges between from 1 to 7, with higher scores representing better QoL. The Turkish validity and reliability study was conducted by Daskapan et al., who reported Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.80 and the internal content index of 0.60 [16]. In the present study, the Cronbach’s alpha value was obtained as 0.83.
Data Collection
The baseline data were collected during the first interview with the participants using the patient information form, PFS, TKS-H, and MacNew. The patients in both groups were re-assessed (follow-up assessment) in the 4th, 8th, and 12th weeks using the PFS, TKS-H, and MacNew.
Ethics statement
The study was approved by the clinical trials ethics committee [(Decision number: 2018/18–29 (KA-180075)]. The authors of the present study thoroughly explained the study to all the participants, who were also asked to sign written informed consent.
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Data analysis was performed independently by a statistician from the research group. Comparisons of the MacNew, PFS, and TSK-H scores between the study groups were performed using Student’s t-test. The statistical significance threshold for the two-tailed test and the analyzes was set at p<0.05.
The mean age of all participants was 55.0±10.0 years. Among the patients, 67.9% of patients in the MG were 50 years and older and 78.6% experienced MI for the first time, while 67.9% of the patients in the CG were 50 years and older and 85.7% experienced MI for the first time. The majority of the participants in both groups were male (82.1% in MG; 85.7 in CG) and married (96.4%).
Both groups were similar in terms of age and previous MI history (p>0.05). The analysis of the clinical characteristics revealed that 57.1% of the patients had at least one co-morbid disease in both study groups. ST-segment elevated MI type was observed at a 53.6% rate in MG and 67.9% in CG. Almost all the patients (92.9%) had a stent implanted (Table 1). Although not presented in any table, antiplatelet agents were the most prescribed agents in both groups (89.3% in the MG and 78.6% in the CG).
Study groups were homogeneous in terms of fatigue scores at baseline assessment (t:1.004, p=0.32). The mean total PFS scores of the participants in the MM group were 2.08 at the baseline, 0.9 at week 4, 0.47 at week 8, and 0.44 at week 12 of the study. The corresponding scores for the CG were 1.56, 1.12, 0.98, and 0.76, respectively. These scores represented that the patients in both groups experienced mild fatigue after MI. When comparing the total PFS scores between the study groups, no significant difference was observed for the baseline assessment and all the assessments (p>0.05) (Table 2).
Concerning the kinesiophobia scores, the TSK-H score was 40.25 for MG and 41.71 for CG at the baseline assessment. The study groups were homogeneous in terms of the kinesiophobia scores at the beginning of the study (t:−0.875, p=0.39). The TSK-H scores were 36.18 in the 4th week, 34.39 in the 8th week, and 34.96 in the 12th week in the MG, and the corresponding scores in the CG were 41.71, 41.89, 41.82, and 41.00, respectively. The TSK-H scores obtained for the MG were significantly lower than those obtained for the CG in the 4th week (t:−3.734, p=0.001), 8th week (t:−5.279, p=0.000), and 12th week (t:−4.390, p=0.000) (Table 2).
In terms of the QoL scores, the study groups were homogenous at the baseline assessment (t:−0.640, p=0.53). After the completion MP sessions, the QoL scores were significantly higher in the MG compared to the CG at 8th week (t:2.933, p=0.005). In the all sub-dimensions of MacNew presented significant differences in favor of MG at week 8 (t:3.257, p=0.002 for EFS; t:2.694, p=0.01 for PFS; and t:3.130, p=0.003 for SFS). Only the EFS sub-dimension continued to present significantly higher differences in the follow-up assessment at week 12 (t:2.118, p=0.039) (Table 3).
The current study was designed as a randomized controlled trial that investigated the effects of 8-week MP interventions on fatigue, kinesiophobia, and the QoL in patients with acute MI. Although the literature contains studies investigating the effects of MP in heart failure patients, to the best of our knowledge, no study investigating the effects of MP on acute MI patients has been conducted so far. Consistent with our hypothesis, MP decreased kinesiophobia and improved the QoL in patients with MI. The other hypothesis, that “MP can reduce fatigue”, was not confirmed by the results of the present study.
Fatigue is considered an important determinant of the health status in acute MI patients [4,5]. However, studies investigating the association between MP and fatigue in patients with MI are limited. In several systematic reviews evaluating the effectiveness of MP in heart diseases, it was concluded that MP increases the functional capacity and effectively reduces fatigue [3,17]. However, contrary to the findings reported in the literature, the MP intervention did not prove to be effective in reducing fatigue in the present study. The literature emphasizes that fatigue is influenced by various factors, such as patient characteristics, repeated MI, MI severity, and the treatment applied (PCI, CABG, or implanting cardiac battery) for MI [2,4,5]. Since our study sample comprised mostly middle-aged and male patients, with no diseases and a high QoL before the MI, and the participants also reported a mild fatigue level at the beginning of the study, the authors presumed patient characteristics as the possible reason for the ineffectiveness of the MP intervention in fatigue.
The importance of encouraging patients to perform physical activity during the early period after MI is well-recognized as secondary prevention [7,18]. However, kinesiophobia presents a striking barrier to the implementation of cardiac rehabilitation, including body movements or exercises. Several studies have reported that heart disease patients largely experience kinesiophobia [7,19]. Throughout the study, the kinesiophobia scores remained significantly lower in the MG. In the present study, the mean kinesiophobia scores were significantly decreased in the MG, with this positive effect lasting for four weeks after the completion of the MP intervention. Therefore, it is proposed that MP can reduce kinesiophobia and could, therefore, be applied as a complementary intervention in cardiac rehabilitation programs.
The American Heart Association published a scientific statement based on a systematic review of the studies on meditation, suggesting a possible benefit for the CAD patients [20]. In support of our third hypothesis, the MP intervention in the present study improved the QoL and all its sub-dimensions in the intervention group compared to the control group. The positive effect of MP on the emotional dimension was maintained in the follow-up assessment, while the achievements in the physical and social dimensions could not be sustained after the intervention was terminated. Recent studies have also reported significant improvements in the QoL and its sub-dimensions immediately after the mindfulness intervention and after three or six months in MI and other cardiac patients [21]. Gotink et al. (2017) reported that a 12-week online MP intervention improved the patients’ QoL in the intervention group [22]. Nijjar et al. (2019) reported improvements, even though statistically insignificant, in the health-related QOL at three months in the intervention group compared to the controls [23]. The MP may increase selective and sustainable attention and awareness, thereby reducing the negative processes and consequently, the emotional vulnerability, contributing to improving the QoL. In other words, the efficacy of MP in the QoL might be based on the patient’s self-realization of automatic thoughts.
Despite the encouraging findings, the present study also had certain limitations. One of the limitations is the difficulty in masking the patients’ groups due to the nature of the intervention presented as a barrier to a double-blind, randomized control trial. The PI collected the data for both groups and also administered all the interventions. Lastly, the generalizability of the study findings to all MI patient populations is low as our sample consists mostly of young and male patients.
In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that the MP intervention can significantly improve the QoL in patients with MI, and this effect is maintained, particularly in the emotional aspect. Moreover, the MP is effective in decreasing kinesiophobia, and this beneficial effect was sustained for one month after the intervention was terminated. On the contrary, the MP intervention could not affect the fatigue scores. On the basis of these findings, it is recommended to integrate the MP intervention into clinical practice as an integrative and complementary intervention within the scope of secondary prevention after acute MI. The study procedure should be replicated in different study samples, including the patients with low ejection fraction and those requiring CABG or pacemaker following acute MI.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Canan Demirci, Metin Oksul, Necla Ozer, Leyla Ozdemir. Effect of mindfulness on fatigue, kinesiophobia and quality of life in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):110-115
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Evaluation of the interval between pregnancies for perinatal outcomes: A Prospective study
Mochhoury Latifa 1, Milouda Chebab 1, Fatima Zahra Laamırı 1, Aicha Yacoutı 1, Amina Barka 1, 2
1 Department of Health Sciences and Technologies, Hassan First University of Settat, Settat, 2 Department of Neonatology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V. University, Rabat, Morocco
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21374 Received: 2022-08-30 Accepted: 2022-10-05 Published Online: 2022-10-24 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):116-120
Corresponding Author: Latifa Mochhoury, Hassan First University of Settat, Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Laboratory of Health Sciences and Technologies, 26000, Settat, Morocco. E-mail: latifa.mochhoury@uhp.ac.ma P: +21 262 030 35 82 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5019-2296
Aim: The aim of this study is to provide Moroccan data on major outcomes and risk factors of the short interpregnancy intervals.
Material and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study, between June 1, 2020 and June 1, 2021. Thus, we enrolled in our study 1200 patients. The participants were divided into two groups: the first group included women with short intervals between pregnancies (less than 9 months (n=443) ), and the second group was the control group, which included women with interpregnancy intervals of more than 9 months (n=187)
Results: A short interval between pregnancies was associated with a high score of prematurity, anemia and low birth (p< 0, 05). Risk factors of the short interpregnancy intervals were age > 35 years, no anterior contraception or breastfeeding, and often low-income background
Discussion: Both preventive strategies during and after pregnancy and appropriate family planning management care are needed to avoid perinatal complications.
Keywords: Short Interpregnancy Intervals, Risk Factors, Prematurity, Anemia, Low Birth
Research has unveiled that labor complications, such as premature labor, neonatal death and intrauterine growth restriction [1], were associated with childbirths occurring at closer intervals [2-3]. Irregular bleeding, anemia and postpartum infections become more common during the third trimester, which can be explained by maternal iron and folate deficiency [4-5]. Nevertheless, studies have not shown whether this association is due to obstetrical history or demographic factors.
Women whose pregnancies are closely spaced are often disadvantaged, younger, and less educated [1, 2]. Usually, close pregnancies are often associated with youth of patients or with unfavorable socio-economic factors [1]. The latter represent only a part of the risk factors for closely spaced pregnancies, thus making them unsatisfactory and insufficient for the implementation of effective and fruitful prevention.
No studies have been conducted in Morocco on closely spaced pregnancies. Our study aims at exploring maternal risk factors of closely spaced pregnancies, analyzing their possible relationship with maternal-fetal complications, and informing the public of valuable prevention methods.
Material and Methods
This retrospective study was carried out using a descriptive and comparative case-control analysis and was conducted at the Hassan I Provincial Hospital in Settat. This study was carried out according to the ethical rules for medical publication. Medical confidentiality and patient anonymity were respected.
All patients with close pregnancies, with an alive newborn, between June 1, 2020 and June 1, 2021, were identified using birth registers and medical records from the maternity hospital of the provincial hospital center of the city of Settat. Six hundred and thirty patients were selected according to exclusion criteria, such as terminated pregnancies (miscarriage, intrauterine death or termination of pregnancy), twin pregnancies and multiple pregnancy (more than three pregnancies).
Close pregnancies were set to be 9 months between delivery and the conception of a new pregnancy. The date of the start of pregnancy was determined by ultrasound of the first trimester or date of the last menstrual period.
A group of patients (N= 443), which gave birth twice with a time interval between the first delivery and conception of the following pregnancy of less than 9 months was then matched with a control group (N= 187), whose patients had closely spaced pregnancies greater than or equal to 9 months in the same study period and respecting the same exclusion criteria.
Operational Definitions
In our survey, we considered all women living in the town as urban and those living 10 km or further from the city Centre as rural.
Socio-economic level
According to a study conducted in 2007 by the High Commission for Planning (HPC), a net monthly income of less than 3,000 Moroccan Dirhams (MAD) was classified as low, whereas a monthly net income of 3,000 MAD or higher this was classified as high income.
Gestational age was calculated in weeks of amenorrhea (WA) from the date of the last menstruation.
A postpartum hemorrhage was defined as blood loss greater than 500ml in the first 24 hours after delivery.
Pre-eclampsia was defined by the persistence of a systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mm of Hg and/or a diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mm of Hg and proteinuria greater than 0.3g/24h. Anemia during pregnancy was defined as a hemoglobin level of less than 10g/dl.
Degree of severity of anemia
Anemia was considered mild if (10 Hemoglobin levels <11 dg / l). That was moderate if (7< hemoglobin <10 dg / l) and severe if (hemoglobin ≤ 7 dg / l).
From the medical records, the following neonatal data were collected:
• The child’s weight;
• The term of birth in weeks of amenorrhea (WK). Apgar score at five minutes of life, the weight of the newborn, namely hypotrophy (< 10th percentile) or macrosomia (> 90th percentile) (curves of references AUDIPOG [6])
• Neonatal hypothermia persisted at skin temperature below 35 °C.
The following data about the mothers were collected: age, family situation, socio- professional situation, educational level, parity, breastfeeding, as well as the contraceptive method prescribed postpartum after childbirth. For each pregnancy studied, the following were observed: the existence of an obstetric pathology (threat of premature delivery, premature rupture of the membranes, the appearance of amniotic fluid), the mode of childbirth (spontaneous low way or high “cesarean section”).
Ethical considerations
Participants were informed that the survey was anonymous and that collection data collection was strictly for scientific purposes. The verbal consent of the participants was requested. Each participant was given the opportunity to discontinue participation if she did not agree. Participants were also reassured that not participating would not affect the progress of their medical care in the hospital.
Data Measurement
Data analysis in this study was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 13.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Quantitative and qualitative variables were created from the data, which were codified for statistical analysis. Descriptive analysis of the variables was based primarily on class size and proportions, and mean and standard deviations were used as measures of central tendency and dispersion. Regarding the conditions, qualitative variables were compared using the chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test. Pearson’s correlation test was performed to understand the relationship between quantitative variables. Mean comparison of quantitative variables for different classes of a qualitative variable were performed using the Student’s (-test for independent samples, after verification of the different condition of the test. For all statistical tests, a P threshold of <0.05 was considered significant.
A total of 1200 patients were admitted; 630 patients were included, classified into 2 categories according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria: group 1, whose interval between pregnancy was less than 9 months (N= 443), and the control group, whose interpregnancy interval was higher than 9 months (N= 187).
Characteristics of the study population are presented in Table 1. The median maternal age was 32 years (± 6.59) for the group of patients whose interpregnancy interval was < 9 months vs 29 years (± 8.40). The difference was significant (p<0.05). In the group of patients with a close pregnancy < 9 months, 53.7% were single vs 43% were in the control group (p <0.05) and 34% had no profession vs 6% in the control group (p < 0.05). In addition, 12.6% were followed versus 6% in the control group, the difference was. In the group of closely spaced pregnancies.
The average term of delivery was (36 [±10.3] WA), for the group whose interpregnancy interval < 9 months vs (38[± 3.52 WA]), thus the term < 36 GW was 53, 3% in the population with interbirth interval < 9 months vs 26.7% in the control group (p < 0.001).
For patients who failed contraception, 89% were patients with a close pregnancy < 9 months vs 55.6% in the control group (p < 0.001). Also, 93% did not breastfeed in the group with interpregnancy interval < 9 months vs 57% in the control group ((p <0.05).
Maternal and neonatal complications according to interpregnancy interval are presented in Table 2. The use of the high route was statistically in the group with a close pregnancy of 79% vs 65.8% in the control group. Meconial liquid was 52.6% vs 11.2% (p < 0.05). Also, the premature rupture of the membranes was predominant in the group whose interpregnancy interval was < 9 months with a percentage of 55.6% vs 9.6% (p < 0.05).
The mean birth weight was 2999 [±1130 g] in patients with a closely spaced pregnancy <9 months, versus 3079 [±786 g] (Table 3). Prematurity in close pregnancies < 9 months was 53.3% vs 26.2% in the control group (p < 0.001) There was a significant difference regarding hypotrophy which was 50.60% vs 24 .1% Similarly, the incidence of hypothermia in the immediate neonatal period in newborns from close pregnancies < 9 months was 21.7% vs 12.3% in the control group. (p=0.007).
The percentage of women with pre-eclampsia was 35% in the case group vs. 24% in the control group (p < 0.05). Anemia during pregnancy was 40.9% in patients with a close pregnancy against 5% in the control group (p < 0.05). The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage was 92.8% vs 57.2% in the control group (p < 0.05) (Table 2).
Table 3 shows, according to multivariate logistic regression, that age > 35 years was a risk factor with OR = 19.07; IC 95 [4.98-75.06]; p<0.05. The level low socioeconomic status and coming from a rural area were also risk factors, with a respective OR of 3.46; 95% CI [2.06- 5.81]; p<0.05 and OR = 0.46; 95% CI [0.28-0.78], p<0.05. The fact of not resorting to natural breastfeeding and not adopting contraception during the previous pregnancy were risk factors with a respective OR of 49.46; CI 95 [15.78-155.03]; p<0.05 and OR = 15.77; CI 95 [7.31-33.99]; p <0.05
As mentioned above, our study was carried out on close pregnancies, which has proved to be valuable given the lack of data on the topic.
The choice of inclusion of close pregnancies was defined in our study by a delay of less than nine months between the date of the first delivery and the following conception. This delay to define a close pregnancy varies according to the authors between six and 12 months [1-7]. We, therefore, chose an average period of nine months as the selection criterion.
It was observed that the patients in the group whose interval between pregnancies was higher than 9 months, were older, the average age was 32 years ± 6.59. Nearly 60.9% of patients were over 35 years old, against 43.3% of patients in the control group. This observation contradicts the findings, which stated that young age was a risk factor multiplied by 20.3 (95% CI: 4.5-91) for patients aged under 21 [8, 9]. On the other hand, our study confirmed advanced that age (after 30 years) was a risk factor for closely spaced pregnancies in Denmark, and that late pregnancies, in turn, were due to a preponderance of professional activity over family life [10,11]. Indeed, women with a pregnancy after 30 years choose, according to these authors, to shorten the time interval between subsequent pregnancies in order to be able to catch up with menopause. The significantly large proportion of non-breastfeeding women in the closely spaced pregnancy group partly explains the occurrence of closely spaced pregnancies; the “contraceptive barrier” of breastfeeding did not protect the patients. The fact of single people living in a disadvantaged environment and the conditions cited above could impede the follow-up of the pregnancy. Added to this are remote establishments of care, nutrition and contraception.
In our study, hypotrophy and prematurity were found to pose a significant neonatal risk. This can be explained by the partition of cervical insufficiency, which implies a weakness of the tissue when two pregnancies are close together, hence the interest in spacing the interval between genesis, to find the muscle tone of the cervix before you can start a new pregnancy. Our results are in line with both a systematic review and a meta- analysis by Conde-Agudelo et al [12] who reported that interpregnancy intervals of less than 18 months and greater than 60 months are significantly associated with low gestational age birth, despite adjustment for the least maternal age and one marker of socio-economic status. Previous studies have demonstrated that short interpregnancy interval is associated with small gestational age at birth [13]. On the other hand, a cohort study with detailed information on pregnancy intention and socio-economic status, short interpregnancy interval was not associated with lower birth weight. These findings suggest that previously observed associations between short interpregnancy intervals and lower birth weight may reflect the influence of socio-economic and/or other unmeasured factors [14]. The rationale of this could be that mothers with short inter-pregnancy intervals might not recover from physiological changes that happen during pregnancy and after delivery, which is associated with a decrease in macro and micro-nutrients, abnormal remodeling of endometrial blood vessels, anemia, and an increase in the risks of certain other factors inducing adverse perinatal outcomes
Our study is consistent with international studies which have shown that during close pregnancies, women were more anemic, this is particularly the case of the French study, which had highlighted an increased risk of 4.9 for anemia during pregnancy (P=0.001), and an increased risk of 2.1 postpartum (P=0.02) in the closely spaced pregnancies group (interval <9 months) [8].
These factors are linked to nutritional deficiency, in particular iron and folic acid deficiencies [15, 16], the maternal nutritional potential, which would not have had time to regenerate completely. For this reason, during pregnancy monitoring, women should be considered at greater risk of anemia, iron and folic acid supplementation should be offered quickly if necessary. Furthermore, certain prostaglandins, initiators of childbirth, have been incriminated. Smith et al. suggested abnormally high levels of these substances after first delivery and consider them as possible risk factors for premature delivery [17].
Our results confirm those of the literature, in fact, recourse to cesarean section was the majority in the group whose interval <9 months [18]; it is always clear that cesarean delivery is very demanding compared to vaginal delivery, given the urgency imposed by neonatal suffering, or the fact that the pregnancy is desired.
We concluded significant differences in the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage, which joins Conde’s study [12]. The latter confirmed a 70% increased risk when the interval between two pregnancies was less than or equal to 5 months compared to an interval of between 18 and 23 months. The presence of metrorrhagia could be explained by the increased number of placental abnormalities during close pregnancies [19-22] and a defect in the remodeling of endometrial vessels. Most of our results could be explained by the maternal exhaustion hypothesis, which suggests that short intervals do not allow the mother to recover from the physiological stresses imposed by the previous pregnancy, resulting in depletion of maternal nutrient stores and anemia, which play a role in the pathogenesis of premature rupture of membranes and puerperal endometritis [23-25].
Regarding the increased risk of bleeding in the third trimester, we postulate that a short interval between pregnancies may interfere with the normal processes of endometrial blood vessel remodeling after delivery, with subsequent uteroplacental underperfusion, thereby increasing the likelihood of placental abruption and placenta previa.
Other alternative explanations for the relationship between short intervals between pregnancies and adverse maternal outcomes could be levels of postpartum stress, socioeconomic factors other than marital status and education, unstable lifestyles, occupation, inability to use or inadequate use of health services, and other behavioral or psychological determinants.
Although there is no clear and explicit literary definition of the term ‘close pregnancy’, it is essential to recognise the complications it can cause. In this regard, our study shed light on the determinants of closely spaced pregnancies and the factors that increase their occurrence (lack of contraception, artificial breastfeeding after the first pregnancy, age >35 years, geographical background and socioeconomic level). However, a large-scale multivariate study is much needed to tackle recommendations of intervals between two pregnancies.
Our findings suggest several ways to improve perinatal outcomes. Providers of reproductive health care could counsel mothers on the association between adverse perinatal outcomes and short and long interpregnancy intervals, and on the benefits of optimizing that interval. Public health programs could identify women who become pregnant after short or long interpregnancy intervals. Public health agencies could consider measures to improve family-planning and fertility services.
Limitations of the study
• Incomplete medical records.
• The prevalence of reproductive risk factors was relatively low in our study population, and hence caution should be used in generalizing our results to other populations.
Thanks to all the authors who contributed to the realization of this work.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Mochhoury Latifa, Milouda Chebab, Fatima Zahra Laamırı, Aicha Yacoutı, Amina Barka. Evaluation of the interval between pregnancies for perinatal outcomes: A Prospective study. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):116-120
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Difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Current experience and management strategies
Özlem Karaca Ocak 1, Zeynep Ergenc 2, Hasan Ergenc 2
1 Department of General Surgeon, Medicana International Hospital, Samsun, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, Ayancık Government Hospital, Sinop, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21385 Received: 2022-09-08 Accepted: 2022-12-02 Published Online: 2022-12-13 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):121-124
Corresponding Author: Hasan Ergenc, Department of Internal Medicine, Ayancık Government Hospital, Sinop, Turkey. E-mail: dr.hasanergenc@hotmail.com P: +90 368 613 10 27 F: +90 368 613 16 87 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0519-0264
Aim: In the present study, the purpose was to determine the indications for transition to open surgical procedure, which is a safer method in difficult cholecystectomy, and to compare our 10-year data with the data reported in the literature.
Material and Methods: The present study was conducted with 3752 patients who were operated with the LC method in the general surgery clinic of our hospital. Gallbladder patients who underwent either elective or emergency surgery were included in the study. The demographic characteristics of the patients, laboratory data, past medical history, diagnosis and indication for surgery, reports of switching to open surgery were collected from patient files and electronic records.
Results: A total of 3752 (2815 female, 937 male) patients were included in the present study. The mean age of the patients was 55±12.7 (18-75) years. Gallbladder diseases were seen 3.0 times more frequently in women. The most common was chronic calculous cholecystitis (2755; 73.42%) which was an indication for LC. In addition, we detected acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, polyp in the gallbladder, and biliary pancreatitis, in order of frequency.
Discussion: The transition from LC to open surgical procedure in difficult gallbladder diseases must be done for safe termination of surgery. LC can be performed safely by an experienced surgical team.
Keywords: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Acute Cholecystitis, Choledocholithiasis, Prognosis
Clinical presentations of gallstone disease are quite variable. It can be detected in a wide clinical spectrum from right upper abdominal pain to sepsis [1]. Stone cholecystitis makes up an average of one-third of emergency surgical visits [2]. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) has recently become the golden rule in the treatment of gallbladder diseases. Difficult cases such as adhesions, and inflammations as a result of adhesions in the gallbladder, anatomical variations (i.e. gallbladder aplasia), and ongoing cystic duct obstruction are still preferred to open surgery technique because of high complications and technical difficulties.
Some previous studies defined objective parameters for difficult LC, which include male gender, age > 60, recurrent attacks, elevated amylase, history of upper abdominal surgery, adhesions that mask the gallbladder, acute inflammation, and Mirizzi syndrome [3-4]. A safer surgical method must be preferred in difficult cases for successful completion of cholecystectomy. In the present study, the purpose was to determine the indications for transition to open surgical procedure, which is a safer method in difficult cholecystectomy, and to compare our 10-year data with the data reported in the literature.
Material and Methods
The present study was conducted with 3752 patients who were operated with the LC method in the general surgery clinic of our hospital between 2011 and 2021. The demographic characteristics of the patients, laboratory data, past medical history, diagnosis and indication for surgery, reports of switching to open surgery were collected from patient files and electronic records. Laboratory values were as follows: amylase (cut-off level, 19-86 U/L), lipase (cut-off level, 10 – 140 U/L), alkaline phosphatase (cut-off level, 25-100 U/L). The approval from the Medicana International Samsun Hospital Clinical Research Ethics Committee (17.06.2021-10) was obtained, and the study was conducted in line with the ethical rules based on the decision of 7150 /1. Medicana International Samsun Hospital and Surgery Clinic was opened in 2011; the hospital has maintained medical records of all patients operated on at Medicana Hospital since 2011.
Gallbladder patients who underwent either elective or emergency surgery were included in the study. All patients who were scheduled for elective cholecystectomy were admitted on the morning of the surgery date, and were allowed to have food and drink 8-10 hours before the surgery. After the gallbladder was removed, temporary drains were placed in difficult cases with a risk of postoperative bleeding. The reasons for preoperative surgery of each patient were evaluated, and the reasons for not continuing with the LC method and switching to open surgery were also recorded. Cholecystectomy was performed by using the Veres Technique in laparoscopic intervention. The peritoneal cavity was inflated with carbon dioxide, and surgery was performed using the standard four-port technique. All patients were dressed with anti-embolic stockings and low molecular heparin was used subcutaneously. Antibiotic prophylaxis was provided for some cases as perioperative 3 doses of intravenous first-generation cephalosporin. The reliability of the LC method and its performance in treatment were discussed in the light of the literature data.
The data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The Chi-Square Statistics was used for categorical data, categorical variables (n) as percentages, and unpaired Student’s t-test for continuous variables. Normally distributed variables were compared with the independent sample t-test, and non-normally distributed variables were compared with the Mann-Whitney test. In statistical terms, a p <0.05 was accepted to be significant. The data were analyzed with the SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 22.0, Chicago).
A total of 3752 (2815 female, 937 male) patients were included in the present study. The mean age of the patients was 55±12.7 (18-75) years. Gallbladder diseases were seen 3.0 times more frequently in women. The most common was chronic calculous cholecystitis (2755; 73.42%), which was an indication for LC. Also, there were acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, polyp in the gallbladder, and biliary pancreatitis, respectively. Laboratory data and demographic characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1. There were 3448 (91.89%) patients who underwent elective LC, and 304 (8.10%) patients who were operated on with emergency surgery indications. A total of 258 of the patients who underwent emergency surgery had acute calculous cholecystitis, 30 had choledocholithiasis, and 16 had biliary pancreatitis. It was observed that other acute calculous cholecystitis cases were treated with antibiotics, and following the acute period, choledocholithiasis and biliary pancreatitis cases caused by stones underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. LC was performed after overcoming acute manifestations after antibiotic treatment.
It was found that the transition rate to open cholecystectomy (OC) technique was 1.91% (n=72). Transition to the open cholecystectomy procedure was performed in most cases as a result of the inability to maintain the LC technique with inadequate exposure, difficult dissection (dense adhesions-inflammation), anatomic variations (gallbladder aplasia), uncontrollable bleeding, bile leakage, and some technical problems. The causes and frequency of transition from LC to open surgical procedure are shown in Table 2.
Bleeding was detected in 19 patients during the post-operative follow-up, and was treated conservatively with ultrasound-guided percutaneous tube drainage (n=6) and with open surgery (n=13). Biliary and subhepatic collection was detected in 24 patients in hepatobiliary ultrasonography and tomography. All these cases were treated with ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage. The leak was detected with hepatobiliary ultrasonography in 12 patients, who were treated with ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage (n=4) and open surgery (n=8). Common bile duct injury was detected in 8 patients with hepatobiliary ultrasonography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, and was treated with ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage (n=2) and open surgery (n=6). Post-operative pancreatitis was detected in 6 patients with tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, and was treated successfully with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and parenteral antibiotics (n = 6).
LC is the standard treatment for acute cholecystitis and other gallbladder diseases, and is associated with a more comfortable and shorter postoperative hospital stay when compared to open cholecystectomy. LC provides many advantages over the open procedure. It is also a fact that LC has disadvantages and complications. If a case is considered to be unsafe for LC, or complications develop, the surgeon may need to switch to the open procedure. It was found in the present study that the most common reasons were inadequate exposure, difficult dissection (dense adhesions-inflammation), anatomic variations (gallbladder aplasia), and bleeding in the transition from the LC technique to the open procedure. In our study, we focused on the factors that developed in LC for the transition to open cholecystectomy method and caused that the LC method was not continued.
The rate of transition to open surgery gradually declined since the first LC in 1987 based on surgical experience and advances in devices. In current studies, this rate is reported to be between 2-11.5% [5-7]. It was seen that LC is switched to open surgery for various reasons. The most common causes are adhesions and inflammation of the gallbladder [8]. In our study, it was found that the transition rate to open cholecystectomy technique was 1.91%. The transition from LC to open surgery is required for a safer termination of surgery.
Chronic inflammation, adhesion, and adherent gallbladder were associated with increased transition rate [7-9]. It has been shown that dense adhesions are associated with chronic inflammation and recurrent episodes of acute cholecystitis [10]. The main cause of the transition was reported as severe inflammation, which prevented the correct definition of the ductal anatomy in previous studies [11]. It was shown that the rate of transition to open surgery was 16.7-46.4% especially in dense adhesions in Calot Triangle Area [12-13]. In our study, it was found that the rate of transition to open surgical procedure was 33.3% because of inadequate exposure, difficult dissection (dense adhesions-inflammation). The rate of transition to open surgical procedure was consistent with the literature data.
Anatomical difficulties continue to challenge the use and safety of the LC in patients with anatomical variations (e.g., gallbladder aplasia). The willingness of surgeons to switch to the open cholecystectomy procedure remains important for the safety of this operation. The rate of transition to open surgical procedure was reported to be 4.3-22% in previous studies [14-15]. In our study, the rate of transition to open surgical procedure was 22.1% because of anatomic variations (e.g., gallbladder aplasia) and anatomical difficulties. The rate of transition to open surgical procedure was consistent with the literature data.
The main complications are bleeding, bile leakage, and bile duct injury in LC [16]. Previous studies have shown that 18.2% of patients switched to open surgery because of bleeding [7], which was detected in 0.68-3.7% of the patients who underwent LC [17-18]. Bleeding was detected at a rate of 0.34% in our study, and it was shown that the frequency of transition to open surgical procedure was 18%. In previous studies, common duct injury rates were 0.62-0.9% for LC [19-20]. Again, biliary leak was reported as 0.57% [21]. We found that the common bile duct injury was 0.16% and biliary leak was 0.21%, and the frequency of common bile duct injury and biliary leak was 11.1% between transitions to open surgical procedure. The low rate of bleeding, bile leakage, and injury found in our study can be explained by the clinical experience and the frequent elective surgery of the cases. It is predicted that, as the procedure becomes more widespread in studies, the rates of common duct injury after LC will decrease more [22]. It is important to identify risk factors, which require transition to open surgical procedure before the surgery. Patients must be informed about this to continue the treatment.
The transition from LC to open surgical procedure in difficult gallbladder diseases must be done for safe termination of surgery. LC can be performed safely by an experienced surgical team. In the event that LC cannot be performed safely, switching to OS must be initiated to minimize the risk of bile duct and/or other organ injury. Although LC is the ideal method, it is also necessary to learn the appropriate technique to perform open cholecystectomy.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Özlem Karaca Ocak, Zeynep Ergenc, Hasan Ergenc. Difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Current experience and management strategies. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):121-124
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Evaluation of trimethylamine n-oxide levels in pleural effusion
Siyami Aydın 1, Muharrem Cakmak 1, Mehmet Ferit Gursu 2, Tugce Kaymaz 2
1 Department of Thoracic Surgery, 2 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Fırat University, Elazig, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21393 Received: 2022-09-16 Accepted: 2022-12-10 Published Online: 2022-12-26 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):125-129
Corresponding Author: Siyami Aydin, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Fırat University, Elazig, Turkey. E-mail: siyamiaydin51@gmail.com P: +90 505 546 45 76 F: +90 424 233 35 55 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6889-8887
Aim: Although many parameters have been studied for the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of pleural fluid, the level of Trimethylamine-N oxide (TMAO) has not been reported so far. In our study, by investigating the TMAO levels in the effusion fluid of patients with pleural effusion, we aimed to report a mean pleural fluid TMAO value and its relationship with diseases.
Material and Methods: The pleural fluids of 49 patients who were treated in the last year were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups as transudate (Group 1) and exudate (Group 2) and the results were compared.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 65.77 ± 15.13 years. The mean TMAO value of the patients was found to be 0.43 ± 0.12, which is lower than normal TMAO plasma values. When groups 1 and 2 were compared, the results of Group 1 were found to be significant in terms of the mean PLT and CRP values (p < 0.05). Although trimethylamine-N oxide concentrations were low in normal plasma, no significant difference was found when the two groups were compared (p = 0.9124).
Discussion: Although the serum Trimethylamine-N oxide levels of the patients were reported to be high for most of these reasons, no elevation of TMAO was observed in the pleural effusion fluids of the disease groups in our study. On the contrary, a mean value well below the serum TMAO values of these patients was obtained. The pleural fluid TMAO value was determined as 0.43 ± 0.12. We are of the opinion that even if the serum TMAO values that cause pleural effusion are high in the disease groups, this elevation does not pass into the pleural space.
Keywords: Effusion, Pleura, Trimethylamine-N oxide
Pleural effusion is an excessive accumulation of fluid between the layers of the pleurae. It is a symptom not only of the pleura, but also lung and/or extrapulmonary local-systemic diseases. Its prevalence is 320/100000. Although it is seen equally in both gender, its etiology is different according to gender. Pleural effusions are divided into two groups as transudate and exudate. It can develop due to many benign and malignant diseases. Two-thirds of malignant pleural effusions occur in women. It is especially related to breast and gynecological cancers. On the other hand, effusions due to malignant mesothelioma and pancreatitis are more common in men [1].
The main causes of effusions are heart failure, liver diseases, parapneumonic effusions, pulmonary embolism, pericardial diseases, coronary by-pass surgery, autoimmune rheumatic diseases, chylothorax/pseudochylothorax, hemothorax, pancreatic diseases, kidney diseases, and tuberculosis. According to the underlying diseases, the results of many cytological, microbiological, biochemical and immunological parameters have been reported in effusion fluids, but the level of trimethylamine-N oxide (TMAO) has not been reported so far [1].
Trimethylamine-N oxide (TMAO) is a metabolite formed as a result of a high-protein diet. Trimethylamine (TMA) is formed as a result of the metabolism of L-carnitine, choline and phosphatidylcholine by intestinal microorganisms. Trimethylamine is converted to TMAO in the liver. As the plasma TMAO level increases, the risk of malignancy, inflammatory diseases, and major cardiovascular events also increases [2]. Its high level causes colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and atherosclerosis [3]. A relationship has been found between trimethylamine-N oxide elevation and many diseases, but it has not been studied in pleural effusions. In our study, the TMAO levels in the effusion fluid of patients with pleural effusion were investigated and we aimed to report a mean pleural fluid TMAO value and the relationship of this value with diseases.
Material and Methods
The pleural fluids of 49 patients treated for pleural effusion between January 2020 and March 2021 were included in the study. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee (28.04.2021-1941).
Blood samples were taken from the patients for routine whole blood, biochemistry and C-reactive protein analysis. Fluids obtained for trimethylamine-N oxide measurement were taken by thoracentesis or tube thoracostomy, pleurocan or thoracotomy procedures. The patients were divided into two groups (Group 1: transudate, Group 2: exudate) according to their fluid properties. Demographic and laboratory values of each group were recorded.
Pleural fluids were stored in the freezer at -17.7°C until TMAO analysis. Human TMAO sandwich ELISA kit with LOT number 202104 produced by SunRed Biotechnology company was used in the study. All procedures were performed according to the protocol of the kit. TMAO levels in effusion fluids were measured at 450 nm using the Skanlt RE 5.0 program on a Thermo Scientific ELISA reading device. As a result of the reading, the concentration and OD values of the standard graphics and samples were obtained.
Age, gender, symptoms, laboratory values and underlying diseases of the patients were investigated. The total demographic characteristics and mean laboratory values of the patients were obtained. Since the study was conducted with effusion fluids and it was not possible to create a control group, the results were compared with normal blood values of TMAO and the results determined in previous studies. In addition, different values were also compared between groups and within the same group. Their significance was analyzed.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Pleural fluids (hemothorax) due to trauma were excluded from the study.
Statistical analysis
IBM SPSS Statistics version 22.0 was used for data analysis. Continuous variables were expressed as mean±standard deviation, while categorical variables as number-ratio. Homogeneity analysis of variances was performed using Levene’s test (p>0.05). The Shapiro Wilk test was used to evaluate normality (p>0.05). Results were evaluated with the Mann Whitney-U and Student’s t tests. P<0.05 was considered significant.
A total of 49 patients were included in the study. Thirty (61%) patients were male, while 19 (39%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 65.77 ± 15.13 years. The mean WBC of the patients was found to be 8.76 ± 3.01, RBC was 4.21 ± 0.66, HBG was 11.92 ± 2.33, HCT was 37.41 ± 5.20, PLT was 268.96 ± 116.89, ALB was 3.57 ± 0.68, total protein was 6.53 ± 5.82, glucose was 144.17 ± 65.255, urea was 62.11 ± 35.23, creatinine was 1.88 ± 0.44, CRP was 47.11 ± 39.60, and TMAO was 0.43 ± 0.12. Considering the laboratory values of the patients, it was observed that the TMAO values were lower than the normal blood values.
The mean age of patients in Group 1 (transudate, n; 15) was 67.66 ± 14.06. Of the patients, 11 (73%) were male, while 4 (27%) were female. The mean WBC was found to be 7.96 ± 1.27, RBC was 4.20 ± 0.5, HBG was 12.19 ± 1.53, HCT was 38.12 ± 3.64, PLT was 202.6 ± 100.26, ALB was 3.63 ± 0 .79, total protein was 6.90 ± 1.32, glucose was 169.2 ± 94.63, urea 66.22 ± 29.05, creatinine was 2.67, CRP was 11.36 ± 19.48, and TMAO was 0.41 ± 0.07.
The mean age in Group 2 (exudate, n; 34) was 64.94 ± 15.70 years. Of the patients, 19 (56%) were male, while 15 (44%) were female. The mean WBC was found to be 9.56 ± 4.75, RBC was 4.23 ± 0.82, HBG was 11.65 ± 3.13, HCT was 36.71 ± 6.77, PLT was 335.32 ± 133.52, ALB was 3.52 ± 0.57, total protein was 6.16 ± 09, glucose was 119.14 ± 35.88, urea was 58 ± 41.41, creatinine was 1.10 ± 0.89, CRP was 82.86 ± 59.73, and TMAO was 0.46 ± 0.18 (Table 1).
When groups 1 and 2 were compared, Group 1 was found to be significant in terms of mean PLT and CRP values (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found when trimethylamine-N oxide concentrations were compared (Table 2) (p = 0.9124).
The most common underlying diseases in Group 1 were infection (n; 5, 33%), chronic renal failure (n; 5, 33%), and congestive heart failure (n; 5, 33%), while they were infection (n; 6, 18%) and malignancy (n; 28, 82%) in Group 2. The distribution of patients with malignancy was lung adenocarcinoma in 3 (11%), lung squamous cancer in 4 (14%), endometrial cancer in one (4%), chronic myelocytic leukemia in one (4%), malignant melanoma in one (4%), breast cancer in 4 (14%), mesenchymal tumors in one (4%), pleural mesothelioma in 4 (14%), gastric cancer in 4 (14%), multiple myeloma in two (7%) non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in one (4%), ovarian cancer in one (4%), and pancreatic cancer in one (4%) (Table 2).
Mean TMAO values of patients in Group 1 with infection, chronic renal failure (CHF), and congestive heart failure (CRF) were 0.40±0.08, 0.43±0.05, and 0.40±0.08, respectively. In addition, the mean TMAO values were 0.46±0.22 and 0.46±0.18 in patients in Group 2 with infection and malignancy, respectively. TMAO values related to diseases were not found to be statistically significant. The mean values were below normal blood values (Table 3).
The most common complaints in both groups were pain and shortness of breath. It was observed that all patients were diagnosed with computed tomography of the thorax, and chest radiography was less preferred. Both groups continued to be given oxygen, bronchodilator, mucolytic expectorant, and drugs used for chronic diseases before.
Normally, there is 0.1-0.2 ml/kg of pleural fluid, which acts as a slider between the pleural leaves in both hemithoraxes. This corresponds to 10-15 ml of fluid between the pleural leaves in each hemithorax. In fact, the amount in question is the remainder of a 5-10 liter fluid cycle that takes place within 24 hours between the pleural leaves. In cases that adversely affect this cycle, pleural effusion occurs. It is seen equally in both genders. Cough caused by pleural effusion is mild and non-productive. Chest pain is of sharp-pounding or blunt type and increases with deep inspiration. Diagnosis is made by physical examination, posteroanterior/lateral chest X-ray, ultrasonography, and computed tomography [1]. In our study, the number of male patients (n: 30) was higher, the most common symptom was chest pain and shortness of breath, and the most commonly used diagnostic method was computed tomography of the thorax.
The easiest way to sample a pleural effusion is thoracentesis. Biochemical analysis should be performed for the characteristics of the effusion. Therefore, blood is drawn simultaneously with the pleural fluid. Transudate/exudate differentiation is made by investigating the pleural fluid and serum protein, albumin and LDH ratios, which are expressed as Light’s criteria [4]. This distinction is extremely important in terms of differential diagnosis and treatment. In our study, the number of patients with transudative fluid was 15, while the number of patients with exudative fluid was 34. While the number of diseases causing transudative fluid formation was equal, most of the diseases causing exudative fluid formation were malignancies.
Glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol, pH, hematocrit, adenosine deaminase, amylase, creatinine, NT-pro BNP levels, and the levels of many markers according to related diseases have been studied in pleural effusions [4, 5]. In addition, microbiological, immunological, and cytological studies related to the fluid have also been reported [5-7]. In our study, the mean pleural fluid TMAO value, which has not been reported so far, was determined as 0.43 ± 0.12 without distinction between transudate and exudate.
Some metabolites formed as a result of a high-protein diet cause malignancy, inflammatory bowel diseases, and cardiac diseases. One of these metabolites is a trimethylamine-N oxide (TMAO). Trimethylamine-N oxide consists of choline, lecithin and L-carnitine, and trimethylamine (TMA) produced by the gut microbiota [2, 8,]. The TMAO is then either transported to tissues for accumulation or excreted by the kidney [2, 3, 9]. Plasma TMAO levels vary widely among individuals. Circulating TMAO levels are determined by a number of factors including diet, gut microbial flora, liver flavin monooxygenase enzymes, and kidney function [10]. The heritability of trimethylamine-N oxide has been reported in studies [11]. In a study conducted on healthy subjects, fasting plasma TMAO levels were measured and a median concentration of 3.45 μM (range 2.25-5.79) was reported, which did not differ by gender [11]. Although there were no serum values in our study, the mean pleural fluid TMAO value was 0.43 ± 0.12.
Studies of the pharmacokinetics and renal clearance of TMAO in healthy human subjects have shown that TMAO has a small volume of distribution (about half that of urea) but a higher renal clearance compared to urea and creatinine [12]. Missailidis et al. measured the plasma concentration of TMAO in 80 controls and 179 chronic kidney disease patients and reported that high TMAO levels were strongly associated with the degree of renal function [13]. Kaysen et al. measured serum TMAO levels in 235 hemodialysis patients and reported that serum TMAO concentrations in these patients were higher than in those with normal or near-normal kidney function [8]. Bain et al. found that TMA and TMAO levels in plasma before dialysis (1.39±0.483, 99.9 ± 31.9 mM, respectively) were higher than in healthy subjects (0.418 ± 0.124 and 37.8 ± 20.4 mM, respectively) [14]. In our study, the mean pleural fluid TMAO in patients with CRF was 0.40±0.08, which was found to be much lower than the serum TMAO values of patients with kidney disease in other studies.
In a study with 3903 patients, high plasma levels of choline and betaine were associated with a poor prognosis for cardiovascular risk factors. However, high choline and betaine levels were reported to be associated with the risk of future major cardiac events, only with concomitant increased TMAO levels [15]. In another study, TMAO levels were increased in patients with stable heart failure, and high levels were associated with an increased risk of death [16]. Therefore, substantial evidence has suggested that high TMAO levels are associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Mueller et al. measured plasma concentrations of TMAO, betaine, and choline in a cohort of 339 patients who underwent coronary angiography and noted that TMAO plasma concentrations were higher in diabetics compared to euglycemic patients [17]. Stubbs et al. reported that high concentrations of TMAO were an independent predictor of coronary atherosclerosis and increased long-term mortality independent of traditional cardiac risk factors [18]. In our study, the mean pleural fluid TMAO in patients with CHF was 0.43 ± 0.05, which was found to be much lower than the serum TMAO values of patients with heart disease in other studies.
In a study conducted with 345 patients with ischemic stroke, serum levels of TMAO ranged from 0.5 to 18.3 μM, with a median value of 5.8 (IQR, 3.3–10.0) μM. In the control group of this study, the mean value was found to be 3.9 (IQR, 2.6–6.1 μM) [19]. In our study, the mean value was found to be far below the serum value of the control group of that study. In a study of 644 cases with colorectal cancer, it was reported that the risk of colorectal cancer was 3 times higher in men with high serum choline compared to those with low serum choline [20]. In our study, the mean pleural fluid in patients with malignancy was 0.46 ± 0.18, which was found to be much lower than the serum TMAO values of the patients in other studies.
Pleural effusions can develop due to many reasons. Although the serum Trimethylamine-N oxide levels of the patients were reported to be high for most of these reasons, no elevation in TMAO in pleural effusion fluids was observed in the disease groups in our study. On contrary, a mean value obtained was significantly lower than the serum TMAO values of these patients. The pleural fluid TMAO value was determined as 0.43 ± 0.12. We are of the opinion that even if the serum TMAO values are high in the disease groups that cause pleural effusion, this elevation does not pass into the pleural space.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Siyami Aydın, Muharrem Cakmak, Mehmet Ferit Gursu, Tugce Kaymaz. Evaluation of trimethylamine n-oxide levels in pleural effusion. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):125-129
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Effect of blood transfusion on octogenarians undergoing open heart surgery
Mustafa Simsek 1, Barış Timur 2, Zihni Mert Duman 3
1 Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Istanbul Dr. Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, 2 Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Istanbul Dr. Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, 3 Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Cizre Public Hospital, Şırnak, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21434 Received: 2022-10-06 Accepted: 2022-12-02 Published Online: 2022-12-16 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):130-134
Corresponding Author: Mustafa Simsek, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Istanbul Dr. Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. E-mail: mustafasimsek73@gmail.com P: +90 505 778 99 80 F: +90 216 337 97 19 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9903-5307
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion on early morbidity and mortality in patients aged 80 years and older undergoing cardiac surgery.
Material and Methods: Between January 2017 and December 2019, 115 patients aged eighty and over who underwent heart surgery in our institution were included in the study. The data were collected retrospectively from our hospital’s records after ethical committee approval. In this study, patients were divided into two groups as those who received blood and those who did not and were compared in terms of postoperative cerebrovascular incident, new-onset dialysis, infection, prolonged ICU length of stay, and mortality.
Results: In the study, 63.5% (n=73) of the patients were female and 36.5% (n=42) were male. The CPB time of the patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher. Preoperative hematocrit levels were significantly lower and postoperative morbidities and mortality rates were significantly higher in the transfusion group. Age, CPB time, postoperative dialysis, inotropic use, transfusion of more than 5 units of blood were independent factors that increases the mortality according to the univariate and multivariate analyses.
Discussion: Octogenarians are a fragile group of patients. Blood transfusion should be avoided whenever possible to minimize the risk.
Keywords: Blood Transfusion, Cardiac Surgery, Complications, Mortality, Octogenarians
Transfusion of allogeneic red blood cells (RBCs) has been practiced in modern medicine for many years. In some studies, it has been shown that low hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations and the resulting decreased oxygen delivery increase mortality [1]. Patients with low hematocrit at the time of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery had higher mortality [2]. However, transfusion also has some handicaps. There is a growing debate that transfusion of RBCs during the treatment of cardiac surgery patients increases short and long-term morbidity and mortality. In addition to mortality, it has been stated that transfusion in critically ill patients carries high morbidity rates [3].
In a number of studies, it has been associated with many morbidities, including increased renal failure and infection, as well as respiratory, cardiac and neurological complications [4-5]. The rate of allogeneic blood transfusion in patients undergoing cardiac surgery varies between 40% and 90%, although it varies in many centers [6,7]. Today, as a result of technological developments and new treatment options, the average life expectancy has increased gradually. For this reason, the proportion of octogenarians among patients undergoing cardiac surgery is increasing. Due to the high incidence of age-related anemia in octogenarians, the probability of transfusion is higher [8]. However, the effects of blood transfusion in octogenarians undergoing cardiac surgery have not been clearly demonstrated. In most studies, patients in heterogeneous age groups were compared [1,3,5,9]. In our study, we selected a group of patients in the homogeneous age group and examined only patients aged eighty years and older. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion on early morbidity and mortality in patients aged 80 years and older undergoing cardiac surgery.
Material and Methods
This study was conducted based on the linked data collected retrospectively from our hospital’s records after approval by the hospital ethics committee (E-28001928-604.01.01). The study included 115 patients (n=115) aged 80 years and older who underwent cardiac surgery in our institution between January 2017 and December 2019. All emergency and elective cases were included in the study. Patients were operated on pump and were monitored with 20 G radial artery catheterization, 5-lead electrocardiography (ECG), peripheral oxygen saturation (sPO2) and Bispectral index (BIS) after 16 G peripheral IV catheter was inserted. Anesthesia induction was achieved with propofol, fentanyl and rocuronium by applying the routine cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) anesthesia protocol. Propofol, Fentanyl, Rocuronium and Sevoflurane were used for maintenance anesthesia. Patients were started with 1 g bolus tranexamic acid followed by intravenous infusion of 7.5 mg/kg/hour. A transesophageal echocardiography probe was placed in all patients to evaluate perioperative cardiac functions. According to the transfusion protocol of our hospital, RBC were transfused in a way that hemoglobin was 7-8 g/dl (Htc 21-24) during CPB and 9-10 g/dl (Htc 27-30) after CPB. Operations were performed with sternotomy. Before cannulation, 300-400 IU/kg heparin was administered. Arterial cannulation was performed using the ascending aorta. Venous cannulation was performed with bicaval (in patients who will undergo mitral or tricuspid valve intervention) or two-stage single atrial venous cannula technique. CPB was initiated with activated coagulation time (ACT) >450. All operations were performed at 32 degrees hypothermia, under cross clamp and on pump. Isothermic blood cardioplegia at 20-minute intervals was used for myocardial protection.
After termination from CPB, the ratio of heparin to protamine was neutralized to 1:1. At the end of the operation, the patients were taken to the postoperative intensive care unit (ICU).
In this study, patients were divided into two groups as those who received blood and those who did not, and were compared in terms of postoperative cerebrovascular incident (CVI), new-onset dialysis, infection, prolonged ICU length of stay, and mortality.
The definition of postoperative CVI is used for temporary or permanent neurologic deficits. The definition of postoperative dialysis was used for patients with normal preoperative renal function who were started on dialysis for postoperative acute renal failure (ARF). The definition of postoperative infection was used for patients with a positive wound or blood culture and who were initiated on antibiotic therapy. The definition of prolonged intensive care unit stay was used for patients who stayed in the intensive care unit for more than 48 hours. The definition of mortality was used for patients who died in the early period in the hospital.
Statistical Analysis
SPSS v26.0 program was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical methods (mean, standard deviation, median, frequency, percentage, minimum, maximum) were used while evaluating the study data. The conformity of the quantitative data to the normal distribution was tested with the Shapiro-Wilk test and graphical examinations. Student’s t-test was used for comparisons between two groups of normally distributed quantitative variables, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparisons between two groups of non-normally distributed quantitative variables. The Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, and Fisher-Freeman-Halton test were used to compare qualitative data.
Univariate and Multivariate Logistic regression analyzes were used to evaluate the risk factors affecting mortality. Statistical significance was accepted as p<0.05.
The study was conducted in S.B.U. Dr. Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital between January 2017 and December 2019 with a total of 115 cases, 63.5% (n=73) were females and 36.5% (n=42) were males. The ages of the subjects participating in the study ranged from 80 to 97 years, with an average of 82.90±3.09 years. Age and gender distributions and BMI measurements of the cases did not show a statistically significant difference according to the status of postoperative blood transfusion (p>0.05). The rate of diabetic patients and the rate of hypertension in patients who received postoperative blood transfusion were found to be statistically significantly higher than the patients who were not transfused (respectively p=0.007, p=0.039; p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of the operation types of the cases according to the status of postoperative blood transfusion (p>0.05) (Table 1).
Preoperative and postoperative EF and Cross-Clamp Time measurements of the cases did not show a statistically significant difference according to the status of postoperative blood transfusion (p>0.05). The CPB time of the patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher than the patients who did not (p=0.043; p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the preoperative lowest hematocrit (HCT), creatinine measurements of the cases according to the status of postoperative blood transfusion (p>0.05). The preoperative HCT value of the patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly lower than in the patients who did not (p=0.017; p<0.05) (Table 1).
No statistically significant difference was found between the incidence of postoperative CVI in the cases according to the status of postoperative blood transfusion (p>0.05). The incidence of postoperative dialysis in patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher than in patients who were not transfused (p=0.029; p<0.05). The incidence of postoperative infection in patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher than in patients who were not transfused (p=0.031; p<0.05).
The incidence of postoperative IABP in patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher than in patients who were not transfused (p=0.029; p<0.05). The rate of prolonged intensive care hospitalization and the rate of use of inotropes in patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher than in patients who were not transfused (p=0.001; p<0.01).
The incidence of morbidity in patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher than in patients who were not transfused (p=0.001; p<0.01). Mortality rate in patients who received postoperative blood transfusion was found to be statistically significantly higher than in patients who were not transfused (p=0.033; p<0.05) (Table 2).
In the ROC analysis with total blood unit counts according to mortality, a the area under curve was 0.764 (95% Confidence Interval 0.651- 0877; P=0.01). When the total blood unit cut off value was accepted as ≥ 3, sensitivity was 64.3%, specificity was 71.3% When the total blood unit cut off value was accepted as ≥ 5, sensitivity was 42.9%, specificity was 89.2% (Figure 1). The rate of emergency surgery was found to be significantly higher in patients with mortality (p=0.023; p<0.05). The ODDS ratio of the effect of emergency surgery on mortality increases by 3.8 times (1.20-12.0). While preoperative EF measurements of the cases did not differ statistically according to mortality (p>0.05), postoperative EF was found to be significantly lower in patients with mortality (p=0.035; p<0.05). The ODDS ratio of the effect of one unit increase in postoperative EF on mortality was 0.95 (0.91-0.99)
In terms of mortality, the duration of CPB was found to be significantly higher (p=0.004, p<0.05). The ODDS ratio of the effect of each unit increase in the duration of CPB on mortality increases by 1.02 (1.00-1.04) times. Postoperative dialysis rate in cases with mortality was found to be statistically significantly higher than in cases without mortality (p=0.011; p<0.05). The effect of undergoing postoperative dialysis on mortality increases the ODDS rate by 6.27 (1.51-26.01) times. Postoperative blood transfusion rate of 5 units or more in patients with mortality was found to be statistically significantly higher than in patients without mortality (p=0.004; p<0.01). The effect of having 5 or more blood units used in the cases on mortality increased the ODDS ratio by 6.14 (1.79-20.99) times. The rate of use of inotropes in cases with mortality was found to be statistically significantly higher than in cases without mortality (p=0.002; p<0.01). The ODDS ratio of the inotropic use on mortality was found to be 6.85 (1.98-23.69) in the cases.
In the multivariable evaluation, emergency operation, duration of CPB and use of more than 5 units of blood were found to be the risk factors, which have a significant impact on mortality, and logistic regression analysis was performed. It was observed that the number of transfused blood units of 5 and above was statistically significant in the multivariate analysis upon mortality (p:0.018; p<0.05). The ODDS ratio of the effect of the number of transfused blood units on mortality was found to be 5.24 (1.33-20.68) (Table 3).
Transfusion is a cause of morbidity and mortality for all age groups. It has been shown that comorbidities increase regardless of age in patients undergoing RBC transfusion [10]. Elderly patients may need more transfusions than younger patients, which increases the risk further. Our study also showed that the mortality and morbidity rates are increased with blood transfusions. We should avoid transfusion whenever possible. In today’s world with all the developments and new methods, elderly patients can also be operated safely. It is now accepted that cardiac surgery can also be safely performed in the octogenarians [11]. However, we also know that advanced age is a preoperative risk factor for mortality. One of the most commonly used risk stratification method is Euro SCORE II. Age is the main risk factor that should be considered [12]. Therefore, the mortality rate of this group is slightly higher than that of the younger populations. A study by Chan et al. showed that the overall mortality in cardiac surgery in 11190 patients is 2.2% [13]. However, mortality can be up to 15% in patients over 80 years of age [14]. In our study, the mortality rate was slightly lower (12.2%).
Cardiac surgery is one of the most common surgeries involving blood transfusion. It is riskier than many surgeries in terms of morbidity and mortality. Increasing transfusion rates are one of the main reasons for this situation. For this reason, many clinics and associations continue to seek ways to reduce blood use today. Even with a restricted approach, 11.4% of the patients receive blood products [15]. In a study by Shaw et al. it is showed that not only operative mortality, but 5-year mortality was also increased by blood transfusion [16]. Similar to the literature, our study showed that blood transfusion significantly increases the mortality and morbidity of the patients.
As we discussed earlier, octogenarians are a fragile group. Already the operative mortalities are higher in this group. Our results showed that, as the amount of blood used increases, its effect on mortality increases up to 6 times. Only one patient died in the group without the blood transfusion. There are 13 patients with mortality in the transfusion group. Thus, it is safe to say that blood transfusion itself is a predictor of mortality. Blood transfusion causes morbidity as well as mortality. Increased blood product use causes increased intubation time, prolonged ICU stay, and prolonged hospital stay [17]. Similarly, in our study, the transfusion group had prolonged ICU stay.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) following cardiac surgery is one of the greatest complications. Blood transfusion itself is also an underlying cause of AKI. Numerous observational studies showed the correlation between these two factors [18]. In a study by Rasmussen et al. they detected acute renal failure in 542 of 1960 patients. In our study, we find that postoperative need for dialysis is significantly higher in patients with blood transfusion.
In light of all this information we have, the more we reduce the blood transfusion, the lower the mortality and morbidity. It is seen that blood transfusion increases mortality both with the inflammation it creates and the morbidities it creates. Although octogenarians can be operated safely today, they are still a risk group in terms of mortality. Adding an additional transfusion burden to this patient group increases the existing risks.
Therefore, transfusion should be avoided as much as possible in every patient group, but especially in octogenarians.
Octogenarians are a fragile group of patients. Cardiac surgery can be safely performed on these patients. However, blood transfusion should be avoided whenever possible to minimize the risk.
Our study has some limitations. It is important to increase the number of patients with larger, multicenter series. The exact causes of mortality and morbidity can be revealed more clearly by considering risk factors one by one in larger series.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
The authors we have no conflict of interest to declare.
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Mustafa Simsek, Barış Timur, Zihni Mert Duman. Effect of blood transfusion on octogenarians undergoing open heart surgery. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):130-134
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Role of conservative therapy in complicated giant pulmonary hydatid cyst cases
Miktat Arif Haberal 1, Erkan Akar 2, Ozlem Sengoren Dikis 3, Mehmet Oguzhan Ay 4, Hakan Demirci 5, Murat Ersal 6, Melih Yuksel 4, Halil Kaya 4
1 Department of Thoracic Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, 2 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ, 3 Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, 4 Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, 5 Department of Family Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, 6 Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, University of Health Sciences, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21438 Received: 2022-10-10 Accepted: 2022-11-14 Published Online: 2022-11-21 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):135-138
Corresponding Author: Miktat Arif Haberal, Department of Thoracic Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, Turkey. E-mail: arifhaberal53@hotmail.com P: +90 5306909452 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1051-094X
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the role of conservative therapy in cavitary lesions secondary to capitonnage suturing in the postoperative period for giant hydatid cyst cases within the context of the literature.
Material and Methods: The files of 346 patients who had been operated in our clinic due to a hydatid cyst between 01 May 2010 and 30 June 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. Epicrisis reports and operation notes of 52 cases that had been operated due to a giant hydatid cyst were examined. Files of 7 giant hydatid cyst cases with postoperative cyst cavity were included in the study.
Results: Cases were followed up for six months following the medical treatment. Surgical intervention was not performed for any of the seven patients whose treatment was completed, and their cavities closed spontaneously. The length of stay in the hospital was determined as 10-15 days (mean=13.1 days). Mortality and morbidity were not encountered in any of our cases.
Discussion: In case of cavity opening in the post-operative period in giant hydatid cyst cases, unless complications such as bronchopleural fistula, pneumothorax, empyema or fluid retention giving air-liquid level inside the cavity occur, it must be assumed that capitonnage sutures were opened. We assume that implementation of infection treatment as the first option before surgery for the closure of the cavity may be more effective for spontaneous recovery of the patients without increasing their risks of mortality and morbidity.
Keywords: Hydatid Cyst, Conservative Therapy, Cavitary Lesion, Capitonnage, Giant Hydatid Cyst
Cyst Hydatid is the most common parasitic disease of the lungs. It is usually caused by Echinococcus granulosus and rarely by Echinococcus multilocularis. Carnivorous animals such as dogs and wolves are the primary hosts in the lifecycle of echinococcus, whereas humans, sheep and cattle are the intermediate hosts. While hydatid cyst disease in humans is frequently seen in the liver and lungs, it can be seen wherever the blood reaches when it is considered that scolex are carried by the blood. It is endemic in Mediterranean and Middle East countries, including Turkey. Hydatid cyst disease frequently presents with the involvement of the lower lobes of the lungs, especially the right lower lobes [1-5].
Hydatid cysts with a diameter larger than 10 cm are defined as giant cysts [6]. Giant cyst hydatid disease is more common in childhood compared to adults due to the elastic structure of the lungs [7]. Its clinical symptoms show a parallel with the size of the cyst. Chest pain, cough, shortness of breath and hemoptysis are among the most common symptoms [8]. Casoni and Weinberg complement fixation tests, which were previously used in diagnosis, are now replaced by serological tests. We did not apply these tests to the patients in our clinic.
Imaging procedures are frequently used for diagnosis. Giant hydatid cysts cause a more severe clinical picture by creating more pressure on the surrounding lung tissues compared to smaller cysts. When giant cysts are ruptured, they can cause obstruction in respiratory airways due to excess cyst liquid and the size of the cyst membrane requiring emergency intervention.
The basic treatment of cyst hydatid disease is parenchyma protective surgery [9]. Surgical procedures are more difficult with giant cysts compared to smaller cysts and they cause more problems in the post-operative period.
The aim of this study was to examine the role of conservative therapy in cavitary lesions secondary to capitonnage suturing in the postoperative period in giant hydatid cyst cases within the context of the literature.
Material and Methods
This retrospective study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (2011-KAEK-25 2020/09-09) and the informed consents were waived by approval of the Institutional Review Board.
The files of the patients who had been operated in our clinic due to a hydatid cyst between 01 May 2010 and 30 June 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. Complications requiring surgical intervention, such as prolonged air leak, pneumothorax, bronchopleural fistula (BPF) or empyema were not included in the study.
PA chest radiography and thorax computed tomographies (BT) were used in the diagnosis as clinical imaging techniques. All patients were hospitalized and were followed up. All patients underwent rigid bronchoscopy and fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) and were assessed in terms of BPF. Moreover, complete blood count, sedimentation, C-reactive protein (CRP) and blood biochemistry examinations were applied for each patient and active infection and organ function disorders were investigated. Broad-spectrum antibiotherapy was initiated in all cases, and they were followed up with daily PA chest radiographies. After discharge, the patients were followed up in 10 day-periods in the first month and then once a month for six months.
The files of 346 patients who had been operated in our clinic due to a hydatid cyst were analyzed. Epicrisis reports and operation notes of 52 cases that had been operated due to a giant hydatid cyst were examined. Files of 7 giant hydatid cyst cases with postoperative cyst cavity were included in the study (Figure 1).
The age and gender distribution of the cases and general characteristics of the cysts are given in Table 1. The age distribution of our cases was 21-40 (mean 30.7) years old.
Application complaints of the patients were non-specific respiratory system symptoms, such as cough, expectorating, shortness of breath, fever and fatigue.
The cyst was located in a single lung in all of the seven cases with cavity-opening complication in the post-operative period. The cyst was most frequently detected in the right lung (n=5; 71.4%) and in the lower lobe (n=5; 71.4%) (Figure 2). Giant cyst hydatid diagnosis was made by measuring the cavity diameter using thorax BT in all cases. The measured cyst cavity diameter was 10-15 cm (mean 12.4 cm). Posterolateral thoracotomy + cystotomy + capitonnage were applied in all cases as operation methods.
The mean time of postoperative complication development time was 48.8 (30-65) days. Application complaints of the patients were frequent cough and expectorating. In the first PA chest radiography it was detected that the cyst cavity recurred in the operated lung lobe but there was no air-liquid level inside the cyst. On the other hand, complications such as pneumothorax, empyema or abscess were not detected radiologically. Complete blood count, biochemistry, sedimentation and CRP were determined for all patients. Infection parameters such as leukocyte count, sedimentation and CRP levels were measured.
All patients were examined in terms of clinical, radiologic and bronchoscopic BPF. There was no evidence of fistula in any of the cases. Broad spectrum antibiotics were initiated in cases referring to infectious diseases. Patients whose treatment was completed in ten days were followed up with daily PA chest radiography. Cases were followed up for six months following medical treatment. The cavity closed spontaneously without surgical intervention in the seven patients whose treatment was completed (Figure 3). The length of stay in the hospital was determined as 10-15 days (mean 13.1 days). Mortality and morbidity were not encountered in any of our cases.
Giant cyst hydatid disease can reach a large extent to cover the entire lobe of the lung. This situation is explained by the higher elasticity of lung tissue compared to other tissues. Giant pulmonary cysts are more common in children compared to adults due to the higher lung elasticity in children [10]. Symptoms and findings of giant pulmonary cyst hydatids are not different from those of simple cyst hydatids. Depending on the cyst size, its location, and the presence of complications, patients may experience dyspnea, chest pain, hemoptysis, fever, membrane expectoration (hydoptysis) and allergic reactions. Enlargement of the pulmonary giant cyst hydatid from 10 cm in diameter to a diameter that fills the entire hemithorax can only be explained by the elastic structure of the cyst and its location away from mediastinal structures [11,12].
Cyst hydatid diagnosis is made with radiologic examinations and serologic methods. PA chest radiography, thoracic ultrasonography, thorax computed tomography, thorax magnetic resonance and echocardiography for cardiac involvement in case of necessity are among the most preferred radiologic methods [13]. Basic treatment in cyst hydatid cases is parenchyma protective surgery [13,14]. The aim in surgery is the eradication of the parasite, prevention of intraoperative rupture and closing of the residual cavity. Surgical options include cystectomy, cystotomy, enucleation wedge resection, segmentectomy and lobectomy in case of cysts causing parenchyma destruction by covering more than 50% of one lobe or causing chronic abscess, bronchiectasis or severe hemoptysis. Lobectomy was not applied to any of the cases included in this study.
Cystotomy and capitonnage are the most preferred methods of surgical treatment. We also preferred this method of surgery in all our cases. Medical treatment is applied in small uncomplicated cysts, in patients who do not tolerate surgical operation and in cases that reject surgical treatment [13-14]. Surgical treatment was applied in all our cases. In a previous study it was mentioned that medical treatment should begin at least 4 days prior to surgery, and albendazole should be used for at least one month, while mebendazole should be used for at least three months [16]. Despite this, other studies assert that the use of albendazole and mebendazole in the control of this disease in the pre-operative period may cause cyst perforation [13,17]. In our clinic, we did not apply routine albendazole treatment in non-perforated cyst hydatid cases in the pre-operation period. In the postoperative period, we used 10mg/kg of albendazole for three months to prevent recurrence and checked routine liver functions each month.
There was no liver or any other organ involvement in any of the seven cases that had been operated due to giant cyst hydatid and cavity opening complication had developed after surgery. Untreated cysts may open into the bronchus and pleura, causing serious complications requiring invasive intervention. Complications such as atelectasis, prolonged air leak, pneumothorax, empyema, recurrence, BPF and cavity opening can develop after surgery [18]. The recurrence rate in the post-operation period in cyst hydatid cases varies from 4.6% to 12%. The first place in etiology is occupied by surgery that is performed inattentively to prevent pleura spread [19]. According to one study, the most frequent post-operation complication was atelectasis (17.5%) [20]. In another study, it was emphasized that the most common complication was prolonged air leak [1]. Considering all of our cyst hydatid cases, our most common post-operative complication was atelectasis with a rate of 13.7%. We applied medical treatment to all of our seven giant cyst hydatid cases that developed very annoying complications such as opening of the cavity under capitonnage after surgery. The common feature of our cases was that we detected a complication of BPF, which plays role in cavity opening.
Study limitations
The retrospective design was the main limitation of this study.
In case of cavity opening in the post-operative period in giant hydatid cyst cases, unless complications such as BPF, pneumothorax, empyema or fluid retention giving air-liquid level inside the cavity occur, it must be assumed that capitonnage sutures were opened. We assume that implementation of infection treatment as the first option before surgery for closure of the cavity may be more effective in spontaneous recovery of patients without increasing their risk of mortality and morbidity.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Miktat Arif Haberal, Erkan Akar, Ozlem Sengoren Dikis, Mehmet Oguzhan Ay, Hakan Demirci, Murat Ersal, Melih Yuksel, Halil Kaya. Role of conservative therapy in complicated giant pulmonary hydatid cyst cases. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):135-138
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Should we continue with aflibercept after bevacizumab in diabetic macula edema?
Ceyda Başkan 1, Duygu Doğan 2
1 Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara City Hospital, Ankara, 2 Department of Ophthalmology, Yozgat City Hospital, Yozgat, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21461 Received: 2022-10-22 Accepted: 2022-11-22 Published Online: 2022-11-26 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):139-143
Corresponding Author: Ceyda Başkan, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara City Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. E-mail: ceydaydin@hotmail.com P: +90 312 552 60 00 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8256-9230
Aim: In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of intravitreal aflibercept (IVA) to combined intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) and IVA on best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central macular thickness (CMT) in diabetic macular edema (DME).
Material and Methods: Twenty-one eyes of 21 patients with DME with a CMT greater than 250 μm in optical coherence tomography (OCT) measurements were retrospectively included in the study. BCVA and CMT measurements of patients were performed before therapy, in the first, third and sixth months. Patients were followed up for an average of 9±3 (6-12) months. After a 3-month injection of 1.25 mg/0.05 ml bevacizumab in 11 eyes in Group 1, intravitreal aflibercept therapy was started. Ten patients in Group 2 were given 3 loading doses monthly followed by 3 month of maintenance intravitreal aflibercept treatment.
Results: The BCVA (log-MAR) of the patients in the pre-treatment period was 0.7 ± 0.3 in Group 1; 0.6±0.4 at 1 month post-treatment; 0.4 ± 0.2 at 3 months; It was 0.4 ± 0.2 at 6 months. The BCVA was 0.7 ± 0.27 before treatment in Group 2; 0.6±0.4 at 1 month post-treatment; 0.4 ± 0.2 at 3 months; It was found to be 0.4 ± 0.21 at 6 months. While the mean CMT before the application was 294.5 ± 47.0 µm in Group 1, it was 345.7 ± 62.32 µm in Group 2. The CMT was 274.9 ± 30.1 µm in the 1st month, 274.3 ± 42.3 µm in the 3rd month, and 252.8 ± 24.1 µm in the 6th month after injection in Group 1. It was measured as 286.2 ± 40.99 µm at 1 month, 264.3 ±34.05 µm at 3 months, and 245.0 ± 32.38 µm at 6 months in Group 2. No complications were encountered after the injections. There was no significant difference between the groups in CMT and BCVA (p>0.05).
Discussion: Bevacizumab is an effective and safe treatment method in DME. In this study,it was shown that treatment with intravitreal aflibercept and bevacizumab injection provides a similar anatomical and functional improvement in patients with DME.
Keywords: Diabetic Macula Edema, Aflibercept, Bevacizumab
Diabetes is a metabolic disease with vasculopathy. With the use of insulin and oral anti-diabetics, life expectancy has increased in diabetic patients and this has increased the incidence of diabetes-related complications. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most important causes of vision loss in adults, and the pathology largely responsible for this process is diabetic macular edema (DME), which is characterized by exudation and accumulation of extracellular fluid and plasma components [1]. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an important agent responsible for abnormal vascular permeability in DME, and many studies have shown visual gains and anatomical improvements in treatment with intravitreal anti-VEGFs [2,3]. The use of bevacizumab, as an anti-VEGF agent in DME, is an alternative treatment method that is gaining in popularity over time. Bevacizumab is used in many diseases such as senile macular degeneration, pseudophakic cystoid macula edema and in proliferative diabetic retinopathy, including DME, and successful results were obtained in these diseases [4,5,6,7]. However, some people respond poorly to bevacizumab or ranibizumab, and it was also observed that resistant edema persisted despite repeated injections [8].
In Protocol T study, all 3 anti-VEGF (aflibercept (Eylea; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc [Tarrytown, NY]), bevacizumab (Avastin; Genentech [South San Francisco, CA]), and ranibizumab (Lucentis; Genentech) groups showed visual acuity (VA) improvement from baseline at 2 years, and also there was decreased number of injections at 2 years. Visual acuity outcomes were similar for eyes with better baseline VA. Aflibercept and ranibizumab are more effective in eyes with worse baseline VA at 2 years compared with bevacizumab. Even though aflibercept is superior to ranibizumab in 1 year, there is no difference after that [9].
The DRCR.net study compared the effectiveness of 3 drugs in center-involved DME and showed vision gains in all 3 drugs at the 2-year visit. It was demonstrated that there was decrease in the number of injections, frequency of visits and amounts of focal/grid laser photocoagulation treatment in all 3 groups in the second year. Among eyes with better VA at baseline, no difference was identified in vision outcomes through the 2-year visit. For the eyes with worse VA at baseline, the advantage of aflibercept over bevacizumab for mean VA gain was still present at 2 years, although the difference at 2 years was diminished. The VA difference between aflibercept and ranibizumab for eyes with worse VA at baseline was significant at 1 year but this difference decreased at 2 years [10].
In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of the switch to aflibercept after bevacizumab injection to maintenance treatment with aflibercept injection aflibercept injection on visual acuity and central macular thickness (CMT) in diabetic macular edema (DME).
Material and Methods
Twenty-one eyes of 21 patients with DME with a CMT greater than 250 μm in optical coherence tomography (OCT) measurements in the Eye Clinic of Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Oncology Training and Research Hospital were retrospectively studied. The approval of the local ethics committee was obtained for the study. The patients were followed up for an average of 9±3 (6-12) months. Patients over 40 years of age, with best visual acuity between 0.3 and 1.2 with Log-Mar, and without high-risk or active proliferative retinopathy were included in the study. Patients with uncontrolled diabetes, glaucoma and hypertension, patients whose fundus could not be evaluated well because of cataract and corneal opacity, patients who had cataract surgery or underwent Nd-YAG laser capsulotomy and panretinal photocoagulation in the last 6 months, were excluded from the study.
Ophthalmological examinations of all patients were evaluated before intravitreal injection application. The best corrected visual acuity(BCVA) was corrected according to the Log-MAR, anterior segment and fundus examinations with biomicroscopy, CMT measured with Zeiss Stratus Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and intraocular pressure (IOP) measured with Goldmann applanation tonometry were recorded.
After a 3-month injection of 1.25 mg/0.05 ml bevacizumab in 11 eyes in Group 1, it was switched to intravitreal 2mg/0.05mL aflibercept therapy. Ten patients in Group 2 were given 3 loading doses monthly followed by 3 months of maintenance intravitreal aflibercept treatment (2mg/0.05mL ). Before the injection, VA (log-MAR), anterior segment, fundus and OCT findings in the 1st, 3rd and 6th months were evaluated.
Data analysis was done using IBM SPSS 25.0 statistical package program. While evaluating the study data, the Chi-Square (x2) test was used to compare qualitative data as well as descriptive statistical methods (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, median, min-max). The conformity of the data to the normal distribution was evaluated with the Kolmogorov-Smirnow and Shapiro-Wilk tests. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for intergroup comparisons of data that did not show normal distribution, and the Friedman test was used for within-group comparisons. Dunn’s post-hoc test was used to find the source of the difference in cases where there was a difference in the group comparisons. Values with probability (P) less than a=0.05 were accepted as significant and there was a difference between groups, higher values were considered insignificant and there was no difference between groups.
The study included 21 eyes of 21 patients, 9 (42.85%) females and 11 (57.14%) males. Their ages ranged from 40 to 76 (mean 59.15±8.54 years). The mean follow-up period was 9.32±2.8 months. The BCVA (log-MAR) of the patients was 0.7±0.3 in Group 1 in the pre-treatment period who received aflibercept for 3 months after bevacizumab, 0.6±0.4 in the 1st month post-treatment; 0.4±0.2 in the 3rd month; It was 0.4±0.2 in the 6th month. The mean visual acuity (log-MAR) of the patients before treatment in Group 2 who had 3 months of aflibercept loading followed by 3 months of aflibercept was 0.7 ± 0.27; 0.6±0.4 in 1st month post-treatment; 0.4 ± 0.2 in the 3rd month; It was detected as 0.4 ±0.21 in the 6th month. The mean CMT before the application was 294.5 ± 47.0 µm in Group 1 (Figure 1). The mean CMT was 345.7 ± 62.32 µm in Group 2. CMT in Group 1 was 274.9 ± 30.1µm in the 1st month, 274.3 ± 42.3 µm in the 3rd month, and 252.8 ± 24.1µm in the 6th month after injection (Figure 2). In Group 2, CMT was 286.2 ± 40.99 µm in the 1st month, 264.3 ± 34.05 µm in the 3rd month and 245.0 ± 32.38 µm in the 6th month (Figure 3). No complications were encountered after the injections. There was no significant difference between the groups in CMT and visual acuity (p>0.05).
The two major pathological events responsible for vision loss in diabetic retinopathy are diabetic macular edema resulting from retinal vascular high permeability and retinal neovascularization. VEGF, a potent angiogenic stimulant and vascular permeability factor, can cause both of these conditions. As the degree of diabetic macular edema increases, there is a proportional increase in VEGF levels in aqueous humor.
Today, anti-VEGF therapy is applied off-label in diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion, which are the leading diseases of retinal neovascularization, and successful results have been reported with different anti-VEGF drugs in clinical use, with variable responses. There are also studies about the effect of bevacizumab on diseases such as retinopathy of prematurity, Coats’ disease, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, pediatric vitreoretinal, such as incontinentia pigmenti [11].
RISE/RIDE studies demonstrate that intravitreal injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agents have progressively replaced focal laser photocoagulation as the primary treatment for center involving macular edema. Anti-VEGF treatment administered monthly demonstrated significant VA gains in a large percentage of patients and reduction of severe VA loss [13].
VISTA/VIVID studies demonstrate that IVA administered every 4 or every 8 weeks (after 5 initial monthly doses) significantly improved VA and significantly decreased severe vision loss, while simultaneously improving the diabetic retinopathy severity score, compared with focal laser photocoagulation. Data from these studies will provide additional information regarding the similar efficacy observed with IVA regimens of 2 mg every 4 weeks and 2 mg every 8 weeks . This study also demonstrated that intravitreal aflibercept dosed every 8 weeks (after 5 initial monthly doses) could provide a therapeutic option that may reduce the total number of injections and necessary office visits, substantially reducing the burden on patients, physicians, and the healthcare system [14].
In addition to replacing laser therapy, anti-VEGF treatments make it possible to treat with aflibercept at 8-week intervals after a 5-month loading dose. However, it is now known that good results are also obtained with bevacizumab
Haritoglou et al. administered 1.25 mg/0.05 ml IVB injection to 51 patients with DME. At least 2 injections were applied to 16 patients. 35% of the patients received focal laser treatment, 37% panretinal laser therapy, 12% vitrectomy and 33% intravitreal triamcinolone injection previously. Mean visual acuity was 0.86±0.38 (logMAR) at baseline, while it increased to 0.75±0.37 logMAR (p=0.001) at 6 weeks post-treatment. However, there was a slight decrease (0.84±0.41) at 12 weeks. The visual acuity increase of at least 3 lines was observed in 29% of the patients at 6 weeks and in 26% of the patients at 12 weeks of follow-up. Mean central retinal thickness was 501±163 µ at baseline, then decreased to 425±180 µ (p=0.002) at 2 weeks post-treatment, 416±180 µ at 6 weeks (p=0.001) and 377±117 µ (p=0.001) at 12 weeks. As a result, it has been observed that IVB injection provides improvement in visual acuity and decrease in retinal thickness even in cases unresponsive to laser, IVTA injection or vitrectomy [4].
Arevalo et al. conducted retrospective, multicenter study involving 139 eyes of 115 patients with diffuse DME and applied 1.25-2.5mg intravitreal bevacizumab injection to the patients. After 24 months of follow-up, VA and CMT changes were examined. The mean number of IVB injections was 5.8 per eye. Mean visual acuity in the 1.25mg IVB group was 20/150 at baseline, 20/107 (p<0.0001) at 1 month, 20/75 (p<0.0001) at the end of the follow-up period. Similar changes were observed in the 2,5 mg IVB administration group. The visual acuity was 20/168 at baseline, 20/118 at 1 month (p = 0.02), 20/114 (p<0.0001) at the end of 24 months.
The mean CMT in the 1.25mg IVB administration group was 466.5±145.2 at baseline, while it was 332.2±129.6 in the 1st month, and 286.6±81.5 at the end of the 24th month. Similar results were observed in the 2.5 mg group. In terms of results, there was no difference between the mg dose administrations [12].
The Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network (DRCR.net) conducted a comparative effectiveness trial comparing 3 commonly used antivascular endothelial growth factor anti VEGF agents, aflibercept, bevacizumab and ranibizumab for center-involved diabetic macular edema (DME) associated with visual impairment at the 2-year visit. The need for focal/grid laser photocoagulation treatment also decreased in all 3 groups in the second year. This study identified that there is no difference in vision outcomes among eyes with better VA at baseline, over the 2 years. For eyes with worse VA at baseline, the advantage of aflibercept over bevacizumab for mean VA gain persisted through 2 years, although the difference at 2 years was diminished. The VA difference between aflibercept and ranibizumab for eyes with worse VA at baseline that was noted at 1 year, decreased at 2 years [10].
Protocol T study demonstrated that all 3 regimens, on average, produced significant VA improvement over 2 years. However, as in the first year, there were differences between regimens according to the baseline VA. There was no significant difference in mean VA change between the treatment groups at 2 years in eyes with better baseline VA. In eyes with baseline VA of 20/50 or worse, the advantage of aflibercept over ranibizumab was remarkable at 1 year, but this superiority decreased and was no longer statistically significant at 2 years, whereas aflibercept remained superior to bevacizumab. However, aflibercept and ranibizumab were not found to be cost-effective compared to bevacizumab [9].
In this retrospective clinical study, the BCVA (log-MAR) of the patients in the pre-treatment period was 0.7 ± 0.3 in Group 1; 0.6±0.4 at 1 month post-treatment; 0.4 ± 0.2 at 3 months; It was 0.4 ± 0.2 at 6 months. The BCVA was 0.7 ± 0.27 before treatment in Group 2; 0.6±0.4 at 1 month post-treatment; 0.4 ± 0.2 at 3 months; It was 0.4 ± 0.21 at 6 months. While the mean CMT before the application was 294.5 ± 47.0 µm in Group 1, it was measured as 345.7 ± 62.32 µm in Group 2. The CMT was 274.9 ± 30.1 µm in the 1st month, 274.3 ± 42.3 µm in the 3rd month, and 252.8 ± 24.1 µm in the 6th month after injection in Group 1. It was measured as 286.2 ± 40.99 µm at 1 month, 264.3 ± 34.05 µm at 3 months, and 245.0 ± 32.38 µm at 6 months in Group 2. Even though visual acuity did not increase when loaded with bevacizumab, the CMT decreased. With continued treatment with aflibercept, visual acuity stabilized, while CMT continued to decrease. Although visual acuity remained stable from the beginning in the group that was loaded with aflibercept and continued, the final visual acuities were similar in both groups. However, there was also a decrease in the CMT in the 2nd group, but there was no significant difference between the two groups. No complications were encountered after the injections. There was no significant difference between the groups in CMT and BCVA (p>0.05). All these results show that the switch to aflibercept after bevacizumab injection gives similar results to treatment with aflibercept alone. Bevacizumab appears to be superior to other anti-VEGFs in terms of cost-effectiveness. In addition, according to the Protocol T study, although bevacizumab is not as effective as other anti-Vegf agents in low baseline VA levels at 2 years, it seems to be more advantageous due to its accessibility and affordability.
As a result, intravitreal bevacizumab is an effective treatment modality in the treatment of DME, especially in the regions with low accessibility to other anti-VEGF agents. Our study also supported this approach by providing similar anatomical and functional improvement in patients with cystoid DME with intravitreal combined aflibercept and bevacizumab injection treatment when compared to aflibercept injection.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Ceyda Başkan, Duygu Doğan. Should we continue with aflibercept after bevacizumab in diabetic macula edema? Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):139-143
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Is SII a predictive hematological parameter for subclinical inflammation of gestational diabetes mellitus?
Levent Özgen 1, Feyza Bayram 2
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Uludag, 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Health Sciences, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa ,Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21464 Received: 2022-10-26 Accepted: 2022-12-10 Published Online: 2023-01-12 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):144-147
Corresponding Author: Levent Ozgen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Uludag, Dogankoy, Bursa, Turkey. E-mail: drozgenl@yahoo.com P: +90 534 795 98 77 F: +90 224 295 54 97 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0070-2646
Aim: In this study, we aimed to reveal the subclinical inflammation, which plays a role in the pathogenesis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), with the systemic immune-inflammatory index (SII), which is a new index created by formulating peripheral blood cells.
Material and Methods: This retrospective case-control study was conducted at a university hospital between June 2020 and July 2022. Between 24-28 weeks of gestation, 80 pregnant women with GDM, 240 healthy pregnant women and a total of 320 patients were included in the study.
Results: Women with GDM had higher age, gravidity, parity, body mass index (BMI) and birth weight. White bood cell ( WBC), Neutrophil count (NC), Red cell distribution width (RDW), Platecrit (PCT), Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and SII values were significantly higher in the GDM group (p<0.001 for all parameters). There was no significant difference between the groups in hemoglobin value, Lymphocyte count (LC), platelet count (PC), Mean Platelet volume (MPV), Platelet distribution width (PDW), Platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and high-sensitivity C- reactive protein (hsCRP ) values. As a result, it was revealed that with a plasma SII >765.5 mg/dl, a successful prediction of GDM can be obtained with a sensitivity of 86.2% and a specificity of 80.6%.
Discussion: Plasma SII value was the highest predictive parameter in diagnosing GDM by analyzing simple blood count parameters. Each 1 unit increase in SII increased the risk of GDM 1.03 times in this study. New inflammatory parameter, called SII, have prognostic significance to determine the presence of GDM.
Keywords: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Novel Parameter, Systemic Immune-Inflammatory Index, Subclinical Inflammation
GDM is the most common pregnancy complication and has a multifactorial etiology. The incidence is higher in developed countries, where obesity and advanced-age pregnancies are more common [1]. The importance of GDM is that it is associated with perinatal complications such as macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, increased birth trauma, preterm birth, preeclampsia, increased primary cesarean section rate and neonatal outcomes such as neonatal hypoglycemia and respiratory distress syndrome. GDM is of great importance in pregnancy due to the emergence of obesity, hypertension, type 2 DM at later stages of life [2]. For these reasons, early detection and treatment of GDM ensure that possible complications can be prevented. Gestational diabetes occurs when pancreatic secretion is insufficient in maternal insulin resistance, which becomes evident with pregnancy. Endothelial dysfunction resulting from peripheral maternal insulin resistance and vascular damage caused by chronic low-grade inflammation is the main damage that plays a role in the pathophysiology of GDM. Inflammatory cytokines such as increased C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6 and TNF-α are associated with type 2 and GDM. The pathophysiology of GDM has not been adequately clarified, although data on inflammation are available [3-6].
Studies conducted in recent years have demonstrated the presence of systemic inflammation with peripheral complete blood count parameters that are inexpensive, easy to obtain and apply. In these studies, it has been shown that neutrophils, lymphocytes and platelets originating from white blood cells are cells involved in inflammation [7]. Cell subtype ratios such as NLR, PLR and PCT levels reflect the presence of low-grade inflammation in novel markers such as mean MPV and systemic immune-inflammatory index (SII), which are relevant to chronic disease [8]. The systemic immune inflammatory index is a new inflammatory parameter derived from complete blood count (CBC) and is calculated using the following formula: peripheral neutrophil X platelet/ lymphocyte counts [9].
The aim of this study is to determine the importance of these parameters in predicting GDM by evaluating subclinical inflammation, which plays a role in the pathogenesis of GDM, with SII created by complete blood count parameters and modification.
Material and Methods
The study was designed as a retrospective case-control study in a University Hospital Perinatology Clinic between July 2020 and September 2022. The original study was approved by Saglik Bilimleri University, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Research and Training Hospital Ethics Committee with protocol number (2011-KAEK-25 2020/07-09). Patient age, parity, gestational age and birth weight were reviewed retrospectively from the hospital database. The study was carried out with 80 patients aged 18-45 years with newly diagnosed GDM and 240 healthy patients without GDM diagnosis a total of 320 pregnant women. Chronic connective tissue patients such as multiple pregnancies, congenital anomalies, primary essential HT, preeclampsia, eclampsia, pre-gestational DM, pregnant women with thyroid function disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis were excluded from the study. GDM diagnosis at 24-28 weeks was performed by a two-step 75 g glucose challenge test in accordance with the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) criteria. The diagnosis of GDM was established when any single threshold value was met or exceeded (fasting value glucose levels > 5.1 mmol/L [92 mg/dl], 1-hour plasma glucose levels of >10 mmol/L [180 mg/dl], and two-hour plasma levels of > 8.5 mmol/L [153 mg/dl].
The peripheral blood samples were analyzed in the hematology laboratory of the hospital, using the automated Beckman Coulter LH 780 Analyzer. Hemoglobin (Hb), RBC, WBC, PC, MPV, PDW, PCT, NC and LC values were measured.
Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS windows version 22 software (SPSS Inc.). The Kolmogorov–Smirnov normality test was run for checking the distribution of CBC, and the Levene statistic test was used to test the homogeneity of variances. Unpaired Student’s t-test was conducted for comparison of normally distributed variables. The results of normally distributed variables are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The Mann–Whitney U test was used for the comparison of non-normally distrusted hematological parameters, and the results were expressed as median values. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) were used to evaluate the predictive value of SII in GDM prediction, and the area under the curve (AUC) determined the discriminative ability of GDM.
A total of 320 participants were included in this study. There were 80 patients in the GDM group and 240 healthy pregnant women in the control group. Women with GDM had higher age, gravidity, parity, BMI and birth weight (p<0.001). 1. and 5. Apgar scores were higher in the control group (p<0.001). There was no difference between the two groups in terms of gestational week length. Demographic and clinical data of study groups are shown in Table 1.
WBC, NC, RDW, PCT, NLR and SII variables were significantly higher in the GDM group than in the control group (p<0.001 for all parameters). In laboratory findings, there was no significant difference between the groups in hemoglobin value, LC, PC, MPV, PDW, PLR and hs-CRP values. Comparison of laboratory parameters between the groups is given in Table 2.
The plasma Sll value was the highest predictor of GDM diagnosis by analyzing blood parameters. Each 1 unit elevation of the SII increases the risk of GDM by 1.03 times (p<0.001)
Using the ROC (receiver operating characteristics) curve, we analyzed the chance of predicting GDM of pregnancy with the plasma SII. We determined a cut-off value for the plasma SII. According to the ROC curve and the area under the curve table (AUC), the SII had a diagnostic value in predicting GDM (p<0.001). As a result, if the plasma Sll >765.5 mg/dl, a successful prediction can be obtained with 86.2% sensitivity and 80.6% specificity (Figure 1).
Changes occur in the regulated balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory states in pregnancy compared to the non-pregnant state. This intertwined inflammatory process provides the extravillous trophoblast invasion and placentation necessary for normal implantation. The excessive and exaggerated response in this process plays a role in the pathogenesis of GDM [10]. Whole blood cell indices are widely used, practical and cost-effective markers that have been used in various fields of medicine for years and provide important data on many diseases. In various studies, it has been shown that platelet indices such as MPV, PDW, PCT, fibrinogen and coagulation factors as inflammatory markers and indices such as PLR and NLR are affected in GDM patients [11]. Neutrophils, which make up most of the white blood cells, form the first line of defense in inflammation and provide active nonspecific inflammation in immune defense. While neutrophils are one of the most important effectors in acute inflammation, they also contribute to chronic inflammatory conditions and adaptive immune responses. Lymphocytes, platelets and monocytes play a role in the modulation of the inflammatory process, and this process results in an increase in NLR. Platelets promote the initiation of the inflammation cascade and modulate immune functions by expressing several pro-and anti-inflammatory molecules [12]. In recent years, in studies using NLR and PLR as inflammation biomarkers in GDM, both NLR and PLR levels were found to be significantly higher [13]. In the study by Yılmaz et al., mean NLR level was found to be significantly higher in pregnant women with GDM [14]. Although the pathophysiology of the increase in MPV in GDM has not been fully explained, it has been shown that insulin resistance is the main descriptor of platelet activation. Inflammatory cytokines such as hs-CRP, IL-6 and TNF-a have been observed to increase in the circulation in GDM. These cytokines create local, central and peripheral effects on different tissue types [15]. Due to increased hyperglycemia in GDM, platelets swell due to osmotic pressure, resulting in larger platelet production than magakaryocytes. The increase in MPV level in GDM has been shown in many studies. In the study by Sahbaz et al., PCT, MPV and PDW were found to be statistically significantly higher in GDM patients [16]. In the study by Aytan et al., RDW and NRBC were found to be significantly increased in GDM patients, but there was no difference in platelet markers [17]. Similarly, in our study, PCT and RDW were found to be significantly higher in the GDM group. This increase in MPV and PDW was not statistically significant. Hs-CRP, one of the inflammation markers, is widely used for the evaluation and treatment of inflammation. In a prospective study, hs-CRP was found to be high in correlation with increased maternal glucose level and BMI [18]. Kirbas et al. in their study using CRP as an inflammation marker, found that non-obes women with a CRP > or = 5.3 in GDM patients had a 3.7-fold increased risk of GDM. However, in our study, although hs-CRP values were higher in GDM, there was no significant difference compared to the control group (9.2+-6.4) (6.7+-2.3) [19].
The first studies using the systemic inflammatory index in the literature were studies assessing the prognosis of solid tumors such as hepatocellular and colorectal cancer and patients with coronary heart disease [20]. Lymphocytes, neutrophils and platelets, which are components of the SII formula, are involved in inflammation, while SII is also a combination of PLR and NLR. The inclusion of these blood cells in the formula is he best indicator of inflammation. Although many studies have investigated complete blood count parameters to predict adverse pregnancy outcomes, there are not enough studies using SII as a marker. Tanacan et al. has shown that SII and platelet counts can be useful in predicting this adverse outcome in pregnancies complicated by preterm premature rupture of the membranes [21]. Akdulum et al. in their study predicted that increased SII in first trimester pregnancies could predict GDM and stated the cut off value as 607.02. In our study, we found an SSI >765.5 mg/dl, with a significantly higher cut-off value in GDM patients, which supports the result of this study. We found that each unit height in SII increased the risk of GDM 1.03 times. The increase in this inflammation parameter is a result of the altered immune response of blood cells to physical stress in GDM at 24-28 weeks of gestation.
This study, we found a relationship between subclinical inflammation in the pathogenesis of GDM and SII. This index, calculated with a simple hemogram parameter can be used to predict GDM at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. Thus, the early diagnosis of GDM with a simple, easily obtained and inexpensive inflammatory hematological parameter enables the continuation of the relevant programs and planning to predict the set goal.
There are some limitations in our study. It was a retrospective, single-center study with a relatively small sample size.Therefore, it is necessary to apply the findings to the general population in studies with a larger number of patient.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Levent Özgen, Feyza Bayram. Is SII a predictive hematological parameter for subclinical inflammation of gestational diabetes mellitus? Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):144-147
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Determination of calprotectin levels in patients with cataract surgery
Huseyin Erdal 1, Erdogan Yasar 2, Sibel Cigdem Tuncer 3
1 Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Aksaray University, Aksaray, 2 Department of Ophthalmology, Afyonkarahisar Special Parkhayat Hospital, Afyonkarahisar, 3 Deparment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21474 Received: 2022-10-31 Accepted: 2022-12-10 Published Online: 2022-12-13 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):148-151
Corresponding Author: Huseyin Erdal, Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey. E-mail: herdalyfa@gmail.com P: +90 543 414 08 15 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0786-5077
Aim: The aim of the present study is to determine the calprotectin levels in patients with cataract surgery.
Material and Methods: This prospective study included 60 people, including 30 cataracts and 30 controls. Serum Calprotectin levels were determined in the ELx-800 (BioTek®) device using a commercial ELISA kit.
Results: Serum calprotectin levels in the cataract group were significantly higher than in the control group (p=0.001). Furthermore, we also found that calprotectin levels were significantly higher after cataract surgery than before cataract surgery (p=0.01). We found that Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) was higher, but no statistically significant difference was observed after cataract surgery compared to the controls (p=0.07).
Discussion: This study revealed that serum calprotectin levels can be used as a possible inflammation biomarker in the follow-up of inflammation caused by cataract surgery and also in the follow- up of cataract progression.
Keywords: Calprotectin, Cataract, Inflammation, Neutrophil-lymphocyte Ratio, Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgical operation is one of the most common surgeries in the world. Cataract is the leading cause of reversible visual impairment and blindness, which is common in poor socioeconomic and developing countries [1,2]. Crystalline structures are the main proteins that make up the lens and lens surfaces, which are primarily responsible for the refractive function [1]. Changes in the sequence and character of crystalline proteins, such as precipitation, modification, and aggregation, are the main factors through which cataract formation occurs [3]. The only treatment for cataract is the surgical removal of the lens and its replacement with a permanent artificial intraocular lens (IOL) [4]. Successful cataract surgeries lead to a significant improvement in the patient’s visual function and quality of life. It is widely accepted that surgical trauma to the ocular surface can induce an inflammatory response that includes the release of prostaglandins and the recruitment of neutrophils and macrophages. This process culminates in the production of chemical inflammatory mediators such as oxygen free radicals, proteolytic enzymes, and arachidonic acid cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase metabolites, and leads to injection, flare-ups and peri-membrane cells are clinically detectable in the anterior compartment [5,6]. Increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is known to cause oxidative damage to the lens. The increase in intracellular oxidant levels damages various cell components and signaling pathways that affect many cellular processes related to aging and age-related diseases such as neurodegeneration and cataracts [7-10].
Calprotectin (CLP) is a 36 kDa protein and is a member of the S100 proteins, which is calcium modulated family [11,12]. CLP, an inflammation marker, consists mostly of neutrophils and accounts for approximately 60% of the cytosolic protein content in the neutrophil [13,14]. CLP is released from the body during filtration of inflamed tissue and shows the activity level of innate immunity [11]. Increased CLP levels have been demonstrated in various studies such as recurrent aphthous stomatitis [15], rheumatoid arthritis [13], bowel disease [16], various cancer types [17,18] and uveitis [19] during certain inflammatory conditions or infection. As far as we know, this is the first report to determine the serum calprotectin levels in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Material and Methods
Study and control groups
A total of 30 patients who underwent cataract surgery were followed up at the Ophthalmology Department of Aksaray University Training and Research Hospital. The control group consisted of 30 healthy individuals with no statistically significant difference in terms of gender and age. Demographic information of the study and control groups was collected from the hospital automation system. Informed written consent was obtained from all patients. Patients with any systemic or autoimmune disease, history of active infection, and patients who had pseudoexfoliation, glaucoma, iridocyclitis, secondary malignancies with cataract, neurodegenerative diseases were excluded from the study. The present study was approved by the Aksaray University Clinical Research Ethics Committee (protocol number: 63-SBKAEK).
Sample collection of the study
Whole blood samples were collected from both the cataract patients and controls and centrifuged at 3600 rpm for 10 min. Subsequently, the obtained serum samples were taken into Eppendorf tubes and kept in a freezer at -80 C until the time of the experiment.
Measurement of calprotectin levels
We measured serum Calprotectin levels in the ELx-800 (BioTek®) device using a commercial ELISA kit (Elabscience Human Calprotectin ELISA Kit, catalog no: E-EL-H2357) and the values were expressed as nanograms per milliliter (ng / mL).
Statistical Analysis
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) program was used for statistical analysis. The normal distribution of the data was determined using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The mean differences between the two independent groups were compared with the Student’s t-test. Comparison of values that did not fit the normal distribution was done with the Mann-Whitney U test. For abnormally distributed data, differences between more than two groups were compared with the Kruskal-Wallis analysis test. Comparison of parameters before and after cataract was performed with the Wilcoxon signed rank questionnaire in abnormally distributed data. The P-value < 0.05 was accepted as a statistical significance level.
This study consisted of 60 people, including 30 cataracts and 30 control groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of age and gender (Table 1).
Patients with Pseudoexfoliation, Glaucoma, Iridocyclitis, Cataract with secondary malignancy, Autoimmune diseases, Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s were excluded from the study.
In the Cataract group, 18 (60%) of the patients were male and 12 (40%) were female; In the control group, 15 (50%) of the participants were male and 15 (50%) were female. Among the laboratory parameters including C-reactive protein (CRP), White blood cell (WBC), Platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and Neutrophil- lymphocyte ratio (NLR) were not found to be significantly different between the groups (p>0.05). However, calprotectin levels were found significantly different between the groups (p<0.05) (Table 2). We also evaluated laboratory parameters before and after cataract surgery. C-reactive protein (CRP), White blood cell (WBC), Platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and Neutrophil- lymphocyte ratio (NLR) were not found to be significantly different between the groups (p>0.05). However, calprotectin levels were found significantly different between the groups (p<0.05) (Table 3).
In the present study, we demonstrated that serum calprotectin levels were significantly higher in patients with cataract compared to the controls (p=0.001) (Table1). In addition, we compare the PLR and NLR ratios of cataract and control groups and found no statistically significant difference. Moreover, we also evaluated calprotectin levels before and after surgery and it was found to be significantly higher in the post-cataract surgery group than in the pre-cataract surgery groups, p< 0.05 (Table 2). There was no statistically significant difference between CRP, WBC, PLR, NLR values before and after cataract surgery (p>0.005, Table 3). Both NLR and PLR ratios were higher in the post-cataract surgery group than in the pre-cataract surgery group, but they were not statistically significant (p>0.005, Table 3). CRP levels were not statistically significant before and after cataract surgery.
CLP is a complex protein belonging to the calcium-binding S100 family of proteins, mostly produced by neutrophils and monocytes [11,20]. CLP levels are clinically important, especially in inflammatory diseases and microbial infections. Calcium-binding proteins are known to be involved in intracellular signal transduction. It has been shown that calprotectin, which is an S100 protein family, plays an important role in myeloid cell metabolism [21]. When calprotectin leaves the cell, it performs an immunomodulatory function and plays a vital role in neutrophil defense. Therefore, myeloid appears to be an important regulatory protein in intracellular and extracellular inflammatory reactions. In studies conducted on various cancer types, a significant increase in serum calprotectin levels has been detected as a result of the inflammatory response, showing that this may be an important marker in the diagnosis of some cancer types. Topuz et al. reported that calprotectin levels in laryngeal cancer patients were higher compared to the benign laryngeal pathology to healthy control group. They hypothesized that it can be used as a marker in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with laryngeal cancer [18].
In another study, Kayabası et al. reported that calprotectin levels were found to be significantly higher in the active lesion group compared to the control group in a study performed on patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. They concluded that serum calprotectin levels can be used as a reliable and robust marker for recurrent aphthous stomatitis and active ulcer lesions [15]. Elsamea et al. showed that calprotectin levels were significantly higher in rheumatoid arthritis patients than that of osteoarthritis and controls. They assumed that high serum calprotectin levels were associated with disease activity, severity, and functional status [22]. In line with the previous studies, we found that calprotectin levels were significantly higher in patients with cataract in controls. We also evaluated serum calprotectin levels before and after cataract surgery and found them to be statistically significantly higher. We hypothesized that the determination of increased serum calprotectin levels can be used to assess the severity and follow-up of the disease. Studies have reported that NLR is a new biomarker that indicates the presence of inflammation. Özler and Akoğlu reported that they found NLR levels to be significantly higher in current aphthous stomatitis (RAS) patients compared to the control group [23]. Another study by Aza et al. showed that NLR levels were higher in breast cancer patients. They showed that NLR is an independent predictor of mortality in patients with cancer patients. In the present study, NLR levels in patients after cataract surgery were found to be higher than in control group, but it was not statistically significant. We concluded that calprotectin is a prominent biomarker than neutrophil-lymphocyte in terms of inflammatory response.
Calprotectin is a new diagnostic marker that can be used in the evaluation of patients with cataracts. Measurement of calprotectin levels may contribute to the follow-up of inflammation occurring during cataract surgery and also to monitoring the progression of cataracts.
Limitation of the study
The main limitation of the present study is the small sample size. Larger sample sizes are needed for further prospective studies.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Huseyin Erdal, Erdogan Yasar, Sibel Cigdem Tuncer. Determination of calprotectin levels in patients with cataract surgery. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):148-151
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Comparison of nerve conduction studies and f-waves in the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Hasan Yaşar 1, Levent Demirtaş 2
1 Department of Neurology, 2 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21495 Received: 2022-11-13 Accepted: 2022-12-24 Published Online: 2023-01-05 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):152-156
Corresponding Author: Hasan Yaşar, Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, 24100, Erzincan, Turkey. E-mail: yasar_hsan@hotmail.com P: +90 446 226 18 18 / +90 505 631 57 19 F: +90 446 226 18 19 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8601-1277
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference in sensitivity in the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and subclinical neuropathy between routine nerve conduction studies and F-waves examined with different numbers of stimuli in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Material and Methods: In the study, eighty patients with diabetes mellitus (forty of them had symptoms of peripheral neuropathy) and forty healthy volunteers as control group were included. Those with peripheral neuropathy symptoms were included in the symptomatic group, and those without peripheral neuropathy symptoms were included in asymptomatic group. All participants underwent routine nerve conduction study.
Results: According to the results of F minimum, F mean and F maximum which were obtained with both 10 consecutive stimuli and 30 consecutive stimuli, there was a statistically significant difference between the symptomatic group and the control group as well as between the asymptomatic group and the control group (p<0.05). In F chronodispersion studies, there was no difference between groups at 10 consecutive stimuli and 30 consecutive stimuli (p > 0.05).
Discussion: F minimum, F mean, F maximum tests were more sensitive than routine nerve conduction study in detecting asymptomatic diabetic peripheral neuropathies. The results of the tests with 10 and 30 stimuli were similar. F chronodispersion was found to be insensitive in the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and subclinical neuropathies.
Keywords: Diabetic Polyneuropathy, Electrophysiology, Electrical Nerve Stimulation, Nerve Conduction, F-waves
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most important health problems recently[1]. It is a cause of mortality and morbidity due to complications in many organs and systems. Among the most important complications are neuropathy, nephropathy and retinopathy. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most common complications[2]. DM affects nerves both acutely and chronically. Two theories have been proposed regarding the formation of neuropathy. Polyol pathway activation increases due to hyperglycemia and leads to neuropathy by causing sorbitol accumulation. Another hypothesis is endoneurial hypoxia due to vascular causes[1]. Both myelinated and unmyelinated nerves are affected. Affecting the myelinated fibers causes numbness in the distal extremities, unbalanced gait, muscle atrophy and weakness. Whereas painful neuropathy and autonomic symptoms occur when unmyelinated fibers are affected[2]. If DPN is not diagnosed and treated early, it causes foot ulceration and amputation, leading to disability[3]. DPN is seen as symmetrical sensorimotor polyneuropathy[1]. It occurs as both axonal and demyelinating neuropathy[4]. Sensory symptoms begin in the toes and affect the upper extremities over time. Motor symptoms appear later than sensory symptoms. After the sensory nerves are affected, patients experience a decrease in pain sensation, sensation of pins and needles, tingling, pain in situations where pain should not normally occur (allodynia), excessive pain (hyperalgesia), hot-cold discrimination disorder[1].
In the presence of clinical findings, electrophysiological examinations and nerve conduction studies are performed to detect DPN[5]. In DM patients, the presence of neuropathy can be revealed subclinically in nerve conduction studies without clinical findings[6]. There is controversy regarding the fact that routine sensory and motor nerve conduction examinations are insufficient to detect DPN and subclinical neuropathies, and that F-wave examinations can reveal abnormalities before routine conduction examinations and are more sensitive[7].
The F-wave is one of the most fundamental studies of clinical neurophysiology[8]. It is called the F-wave because it was first shown on the lower extremities[6]. It is produced by anterior horn cells. It demonstrates excitability of spinal motor neurons. It is highly sensitive in detecting pathology of proximal segments[6].
The amount of stimulus that should be administered supramaximally is controversial. In some studies, 10, 16, 20, 32 stimuli were applied and it was suggested that increasing the amount of stimulus gave more accurate results. However, some studies suggest that increasing the amount of stimulus is not an important factor[8].
The aim of this study was to examine both F-waves at different stimulus numbers (10,30) between diabetic patients with and without DPN symptoms and control groups and to examine and compare whether there is a difference in sensitivity between routine nerve conduction examinations and F-wave examinations.
Material and Methods
It was ensured that the skin temperature is 32-36 degrees[9]. The examination was done by the same person who was blind to clinical information of the patients. Informed consent form prepared in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki was obtained from all patient and control groups and the approval of the local ethics committee was received, (Date:06.12.2021, Number:13/06). Patients with renal failure, substance abuse, a history of cerebrovascular, cardiovascular disease, those with cardiac pacemaker, neurotoxic drug use, drug use affecting the nervous system, history of malignancy, thyroid disease, cervical and lumbar trauma and disc disease were excluded from the study[5, 10, 11].
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include unpleasant abnormal sensations in the distal extremities, touch, pain, decreased sensation of temperature, burning sensation in the feet, tingling sensation, pins and needles, electrification, cramp-like sensation, decreased or absent ankle reflex, muscle weakness. Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument was used to differentiate between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. According to the scale, those with a clinical examination score >2 were considered symptomatic, and those ≤2 were considered asymptomatic[12]. A total of 120 people, including 40 DM patients with peripheral neuropathy symptoms, 40 DM patients without peripheral neuropathy symptoms, and 40 healthy controls, were included in the study. The examinations were made in the lower extremities.
Nerve conduction study and F-wave examinations were made with the Medelec Synergy model device. Sensory nerve conduction study was performed antidromically. Peak amplitude values and conduction velocities were measured in sensory nerve examinations and were compared between the patients and control groups. Onset latency is the time from the stimulus to the first negative deviation of the baseline for a biphasic sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) or the first positive peak for a triphasic SNAP. The amplitude was evaluated as the amplitude measured between the first electronegative peak and the second electropositive peak. In motor nerve examinations, compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) recorded with distal and proximal stimulation, motor distal latency, peak amplitude values, and conduction velocities were measured and compared between groups. Latency was evaluated as the time elapsed between the stimulus and the point where the potential left the baseline in the electronegative direction. The amplitude was evaluated as the amplitude of the oscillation between the baseline and the electronegative peak. When calculating the motor nerve conduction velocity, the differential latency was obtained by subtracting the distal latency of the CMAP obtained with distal stimulation from the proximal latency of the CMAP obtained with proximal stimulation, and the distance between the two stimulation points was divided by this differential latency and the conduction velocity was calculated[13].
For sural nerve conduction examination, the recording electrode was placed behind the lateral malleolus. Stimulation was performed from 12 cm proximal to the recording electrode, from the middle posterior part of the leg[10]. The recording electrode was placed on the extensor digitorum brevis muscle for peroneal motor nerve conduction examination. The peroneal nerve was stimulated distally at the ankle level, laterally from the tibialis anterior muscle tendon, and proximally from the distal of the fibula head. For tibial nerve motor conduction examination, the recording electrode was placed on the abductor hallucis muscle. The tibial nerve was stimulated from behind the medial mallous and from the popliteal fossa [14].
For the F-wave study, the electrodes were placed as for the motor nerve conduction study. For tibial and peroneal F-wave examination, supramaximal stimulus was applied from the retro-maleolar region and lateral to tibialis anterior tendon at ankle, respectively[10]. For F-wave recording, 10 (F-10) and 30 (F-30) supramaximal stimuli were obtained separately by antidromic application. F-waves were recorded while the patients were at rest. As a result of supramaximal stimulation, it was distinguished by its longer, variable latency, low shape and amplitude after the M wave. Regardless of whether the initial deflection is positive or negative, the initial latency was accepted as the starting point of the response. Minimum latency (F min), maximum latency (F max), mean latency (F mean) and chronodispersion (F cd) measurements of the F-wave were made. Waves greater than 20 µV were considered as F- waves. F-wave measured as peak-to-peak. The F-wave with the shortest latency was accepted as F min. The F mean was obtained by dividing the sum of the initial latencies by the number of F-waves[10, 11]. F max was accepted as the longest duration F-wave. F cd was accepted as the difference between the maximum and minimum F-wave. The latency of the F-wave is directly proportional to the limb length. Height can also be used instead of limb length[15]. In this study, height was used in the evaluation between groups. F-wave obtained with distal stimulus from the ankle. Signals were recorded at an amplification of 500µV/div during a 100-ms period following the stimulus[16].
Weight and height measured in the lightest clothing possible and without shoes. The study was carried out in Type-2 DM patients.
Biochemical analysis
Venous blood samples for biochemical analysis were obtained after at least 10 hours of fasting and before any drug administration. All biochemical analyzes were performed in Local Central Biochemistry Laboratory.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS v. 19 package program (IBM Corp., Armonk, USA). The statistical level of significance for all tests was considered to be 0.05. The results were presented for continuous variables as mean ± standard deviation (sd), median and minimum– maximum. The normality of distribution for continuous variables was confirmed with the Shapiro-Wilk test. For comparison of independent continuous variables between 3 groups, analysis of variance (ANOVA) or Kruskal-Wallis test was used. Homogeneity of variances was confirmed with Levene’s test. While comparing 2 groups, Tukey HSD, Games-Howell or Mann-Whitney U test was used as post-hoc test. Pearson’s chi-square test was used for the analysis of qualitative groups. Bonferroni adjustment was made for nonparametric pairwise multiple comparison tests in independent groups.
Descriptive statistics values between symptomatic, asymptomatic and control groups are shown in Table 1. No significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of gender, age, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels (p>0.05).
In the examination of the sural sensory, the common peroneal motor and the tibial motor nerves, there was a significant difference between symptomatic DM patients and the control group in terms of amplitude, conduction velocity and latency values (p<0.05); however, there was no significant difference between asymptomatic patients and control group (p>0.05), (Table 2).
As shown in Table 3, groups were examined separately with 10 and 30 stimulus numbers. When the common peroneal motor nerve and the tibial motor nerve were examined in terms of F min, F max, and F mean in both 10 and 30 stimulus numbers, it was found that there was a significant difference between the symptomatic group and the control group, and between the asymptomatic group and the control group (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups in the examination of F cd values (p>0.05).
DPN occurs due to metabolic and microvascular causes such as hyperglycemia and decreased Na/K ATPase enzyme activity, increased anaerobic glycolysis, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, polyol pathway activation, and microangiopathy[7]. The majority of patients develop DPN despite good glucose control. However, the first choice in the treatment of DPN is glycemic control[1, 17].
Motor and sensory nerve conduction examinations are performed for the diagnosis of DPN[1]. Studies have shown that there is increased sensitivity in the proximal segments of the nerves in the early stages of diabetes and it is necessary to examine the proximal segments for the diagnosis of subclinical diabetic neuropathy[11]. It has been suggested that sensory and motor examinations are insufficient to examine the long proximal segment of the nerve, therefore routine nerve conduction studies are insufficient for the early diagnosis of diabetic subclinical neuropathy[18].
When the motor nerve is stimulated from any point, it creates a compound muscle action potential in the muscle tissue with orthodromic conduction. The antidromic conduction stimulates some cells of the anterior horn. The impulses from the anterior horn cells cause an additional small depolarization of the muscle. This depolarization is called F-waves[6]. The F-wave is the late wave that occurs after supramaximal stimulation of the motor nerve. It also gives information about the state of motor neurons in the cervical and lumbosacral cords. The afferent and efferent pathway of the F-wave is the alpha motor neuron[3]. Ensuring glycemic control has the fastest effect on F-waves and is the most important follow-up investigation that gives the fastest response to glycemic changes[7].
DPN begins earlier in the lower extremities than in the upper extremities. It has been suggested that sural sensory potential is the earliest examination to show abnormality in diabetes. It shows abnormality before the peroneal and tibial motor nerves. However, it has been suggested that the F-wave is affected before the sural nerve[19]. F min reflects the fastest motor neurons[20]. F min elongation is explained by loss of the most rapid axons or decreased excitability of anterior horn cells[4]. F mean is an average measure of all axons[15]. F max reflects slow conducting neurons of motor neurons[21]. A few of the anterior horn cells are stimulated with each stimulation. For this reason, there are debates about whether at least 10 or 20 stimulations will give accurate results. In many studies, it was seen that between 10 and 32 stimuli were used, and in a few studies, stimuli were given below or above this number of stimuli[4, 6]. While 5 or 10 measurements are sufficient for the objective criterion for F mean, it has been reported that more stimuli should be applied for F min, F max and F cd. It is recommended that the number of stimuli applied should be at least 30 in order to evaluate F cd correctly[6].
There are studies reporting that the most sensitive test for the early diagnosis of diabetic subclinical neuropathy is the F min examination, and the lower extremity tibial and peroneal F min examination is the most sensitive test[1]. In some studies, F min and F mean examinations in the lower extremities were shown to be the most sensitive findings[11]. In one study, F max, and F mean values were found to be more sensitive than F min values when the healthy group and diabetic patients were compared, but this study was reported as a small study[22].
It has been shown that F-waves are associated with the duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels and are affected by these parameters. It has been shown that F-waves are significantly prolonged in patients with neurological examination findings and sensory symptoms[6].
In present study, 10 and 30 stimuli were applied separately to the patient and control groups. The patient and control groups were compared with different numbers of stimuli. In the study, there was no significant difference in terms of F cd values in 10 and 30 stimuli. Thus, F cd was not sensitive to detect symptomatic or non-symptomatic patients with diabetes and does not support studies suggesting that F cd is sensitive. In routine nerve conduction examination, symptomatic patients were significantly different from the control group, but asymptomatic patients and control group were similar. Therefore, routine nerve conduction examinations were insufficient for the early detection of asymptomatic patients. There were significant differences between symptomatic patients and control groups and between asymptomatic patients and control groups in both 10 and 30 stimuli; F-wave examinations were more sensitive than routine examination in early detection of asymptomatic patients and subclinical neuropathies. Examinations at different stimulus numbers did not make any difference in sensitivity. Sensitivity did not change in F min, F max and F mean examinations at 10 and 30 stimuli.
Routine nerve conduction examination detected symptomatic patients, but it was insufficient to detect asymptomatic patients. F-wave examination was more sensitive than routine examination in detecting subclinical neuropathy in asymptomatic patients. F min, F max, F mean did not show any difference in sensitivity at different number of stimuli. F cd examination was similar in diabetes and control groups and its use in detection of peripheral neuropathies was not sensitive.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Hasan Yaşar, Levent Demirtaş. Comparison of nerve conduction studies and f-waves in the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):152-156
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The relationship between dialysis adequacy and COVID-19 onset and mortality risk: Single center experience
Eda Altun 1, Süheyla Apaydın 2
1 Department of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Bahcesehir University, 2 Department of Nephrology, Goztepe Medicalpark Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21507 Received: 2022-11-18 Accepted: 2022-12-24 Published Online: 2023-01-30 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):157-161
Corresponding Author: Eda Altun, Department of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. E-mail: dredaaltun@gmail.com P: +90 532 490 41 94 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5564-356X
Aim: We primarily aimed in this study was to evaluate risk factors for COVID-19 infection and if any association between dialysis inadequacy in COVID-19 infection in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients. Secondly aimed to describe prevalence and risk factors associated with long-lasting symptoms of non-deceased COVID-19 MHD patients before vaccination.
Material and Methods: One hundred one MHD patients infected with COVID-19 and 100 MHD patients without the infection were enrolled in this retrospective cross-sectional study. Risk factors for mortality, need to intensive care unit (ICU) stay and long-lasting symptoms were analyzed.
Results: The mean age of patients was 59.13±13.58 years. COVID-19 infected patients had significantly higher number of patients with DM, COPD, CHF. The need for ICU was found to be statistically significantly higher in patients with COPD and DM. In our results, the patients who had lower Kt/V at admission hospital had more than 5 fold higher rate of COVID-19 those have higher Kt/V. We analyzed risk factors for mortality at, one year included higher age, higher CRP and lower base-line Kt/V were diagnostic criteria. Older MHD patients had a high frequent of long-lasting symptoms. Low Kt/V, low hemoglobin level and high CRP level associated with a higher risk of long-lasting symptoms (p=0.00, p=0.001, p=0.02)
Discussion: We conclude that DM, CHF, COPD, older age, obesity were poor prognostic factors for in infected with COVID-19. Dialysis adequacy parameters of Kt/V, serum albumin level, hemoglobin level were significantly lower in need to ICU and deceased patients.
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Dialysis Adequacy, COVID-19 Disease, Mortality
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 2020. COVID-19 presents as asymptomatically or can cause a variety of infection findings from mild infection to severe pneumonia [1,2,3].
Patients with kidney disease appear to be at high risk for COVID-19 and it is related complications, as most of them are older-age and have multiple co-morbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Dialysis patients have additional risk factors, including chronic immune dysfunction, the need to go to the hospital for hemodialysis three times a week and these comorbidities increase the risk of developing severe types, need to ICU and mortality of COVID-19 infection [4,5,6].
COVID-19 disease’s pathophysiological mechanism is poorly understood but various studies have reported that infected patients have an abnormal level of cytokines. Inflammation is associated with the progression of the disease and poor clinical outcomes [7].
Globally dialysis adequacy has recognized a combination of the following parameters, middle molecule clearance, control of mineral metabolism, anemia correction, and quality of life. Mostly, clinicians have used Kt/V for measurement of dialysis adequacy [8].
Dialysis dose as measured by Kt/V can be affected by many factors, including; treatment time (TT), blood flow rate (BFR), dialysate flow, hypotension , vascular access function, dialyzer characteristics and proper blood sampling . In the literatüre some of the studies have demonsrated that lower than recommended Kt/V may increase mortality, especially in females [9,10]. Many studies have reported that, inflammation is closely related to dailysis adequacy [11].
In this study, we primarily aimed to determined risk factors for COVID-19 infection, need to ICU and mortality rate among the MHD patients and aims to document if a relationship exists between dialysis inadequacy and COVID-19 infection in MHD patients.
Material and Methods
Our study was designed retrospectively. COVID-19 was diagnosed according to the Turkey Ministry of Health COVID-19 guideline. A total of 201 patients undergone maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) for at least 3 months were recruit this study; 78 patients were confirmed COVID-19 cases, 23 suspected (PCR test negative but chest computer tomography, positive) and 100 non-infected COVID-19 control hemodialysis patients. The exclusion criterias were patients with incomplete data and hematological or hemostatic disease. For each patient, the following clinical parameters were recorded from the medical file: age, gender, primary kidney disease, co-morbidities, complaints during hospitalization, vital signs at the time of admission, chest computer tomography (CT) findings during admission, COVID-19 PCR results. Charlson’s comorbidity index (CCI) calculated was used to calculate CCI score and estimated 10-year survival. And also routine blood examinations included complete blood count, coagulation profile, and serum biochemistry (including liver function tests, total proteins, albumin, ferritin, pro-calcitonin, C-reactive protein (CRP), ferritin, D-dimer, white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte), Kt/V and UF volume.
Hypoalbuminemia was defined as serum albumin level was <3.5 g/dl (N: 3.5-5.5 g/dl) Serum CRP level < 10 mg/L was considered normally. The weekly average Kt/V were used to dialysis adequacy parameters. The accuracy of dialysis (Kt/V) was calculated according to the following formula: – In (R- 0.008*T) + (4-3.5*R) * 0.55 * UF/V.
The data of Kt/V were analyzed by taking a mean of last three months before COVID-19 infection and admission to hospital due to COVID-19 infection.
All of the patients received standard therapy according to the Turkey Ministry of Health COVID-19 guideline. We used favipiravir 2 × 1600 mg as loading and 2 × 600 mg as maintenance all of the confirmed and suspected covid-19 patients for 5 or 10 days. The other treatment modalities such as high dose vitamin C, immune plasma, antibiotic, glucocorticoids, tocilizumab, were recorded. The patients have an abnormal gas exchange (partial pressure of oxygen saturation of inspired; paO2 <300 or arterial blood oxygen <400) or the patients who had higher serum CRP, ferritin, corticosteroids, and/or tocilizumab were added to treatment.
The patients were divided in two groups to according to COVID-19 situations; the positive real time-PCR confirmed groups and COVID-19 suspected group with negative real time PCR and the non-infected hemodialysis patients for control groups.
This study was approved by the Bahcesehir University Faculty of Medicine Ethical Commite (2022-03/12). The study is compliant with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki.
SPSS software (version 22.0, SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA) was used for statistical analysis were performed. The Kolmogorov- Smirnov test was used to detect normality in the data distribution. Descriptive analyses were given as mean and standard deviations for normally distributed variables.
The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare differences in nonparametric data between the groups. For comparing parameters without normal distribution student T-test was used. Ci-Square test was used for comparing the categorical variables. P-value less than 0.05 was considered to have statistical significance. We used t-tests, analysis of variance (MANOVA), multivariate Cox regression analysis, and x² tests to compare data for most continuous, categorical variables by COVID-19 status.
The study groups consisted of 78 patients confirmed, 23 suspected COVID-19 and 101 non-infected COVID-19 MHD patients. Demographic and clinical parameters of all MHD patients are shown in table 1. The mean age of patients 59± 13.58; % 58.7 were male and the mean dialysis duration time was 59.58±47.41 months. In infected with COVID-19 group hypertension %43, Diabetes Mellitus (DM) %51.5, congestive heart failure (CHF) %30, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) %38.4 patients were. The most common symptom is cough (%61), fever (%38), myalgia (%34) in infected COVID-19 patients. All of the patients were hospitalized in the confirmed and suspected COVID-19. Eighty-three patients had pulmonary involvement (68 bilateral, 15 unilateral). Eighty-eight patients required oxygen support and thirty-four patients were transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU)
To find risk factors for COVID-19 disease among MHD patients; patients infected with COVID-19 were compared to patients who were non-infected with COVID-19. (Table 2) Confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients were statistically significant lower Kt/V (p= .04), higher CCI score (p= .03), lower estimated 10 years survival (p= .01) and lower hemoglobin levels (p= .01) COVID-19 infected patients had significantly higher number of patients with DM (p= .01), COPD (p= 0.04), CHF (p= .02). In our results the patients those had lower Kt/V at admission hospital had more than 5-fold higher rate of COVID-19 those have higher Kt/V. (p=.00)
Patients who needed to stay at ICU were compared to patients who did not. The need for ICU was found to be statistically significant higher in patients with COPD (p= .01) and DM (p= .03). Patients who needed ICU stay had higher CCI score (p= .04), lower estimated 10-year survival (p= .01) and lower Kt/V (p= 0.03). They also had statistically significantly lower lymphocyte (p= .02), lower oxygen saturation (p= .01), higher WBC (p= .03), higher CRP (p= .00), and higher bilateral pulmonary involvement (p= .00) at admission.
In our results, the patients who had lower Kt/V at admission hospital had a more than 5-fold higher rate of Covid-19 those have higher Kt/V.
The mortality rate in our study cohort was %31.6. The deceased patients were older (>65 y.o.) (p= .01). COPD and DM were the most common co-morbid conditions in deceased patients (respectively p=.00, p=.06, p=.02). CRP and Ferritin values were found to be significantly higher, albumin level was significantly lower in the non-survival groups. (p= .04, p= .03, p= .00, p= .01, p=.02) Patients who deceased had statistically significantly lower Kt/V. (p= .04). Non-survival patients had statistically significant higher CCI score (p= .02), lower estimated 10-year survival (p= .00). There was no statistically significant difference for gender to compared deceased and survival patients. There were no statistically significant differences in mortality rate between patients who used corticosteroids and tocilizumab and did not use them. (p=.2, p= .09) Table 3.
We did not find any difference during the hospitalized period mead week pre-dialysis serum potassium, phosphate, and bicarbonate values in confirmed COVID-19, suspected COVID-19 patients, and non-infected COVID-19 patients.
In the end, we were compared to patients who died due to other causes in non-infected patients with deceased COVID-19 patients who had statistically significantly lower Kt/V, higher WBC, ferritin, D-dimer levels in infected COVID-19 patients. (p= .03, p= .01, p= .00 respectively.)
In the multivariable method (Manova), older age (> 65 years), lower Kt/V, higher CRP, high CCI score, and along with DM, COPD significantly associated with the need to ICU.
In our results, one year mortality rate was 41.5 % (42 of 101 patients). 31 of 101 of died during hospitalization period. 3 of 42 (7.14 %) in the first six months, of these 2 died from heart attack, one from cerebrovascular event. Eight of 42 patients died in the followed six months. These of 3 died from respiratory failure, 2 of these from cerebrovascular event, 3 of these from heart attack.
The 12 month mortality rate for non-covid hemodialysis patients was 12 of 100 (12%) and one year mortality rate was lower than COVID-19 MHD patients (p= 0.032). The patients in COVID-19 who were died older than who survived (p=0.042) and more frequently had a positive pulmonary involvement in chest tomography. During the one year follow-up period; 23 of the 59 patients (38.9%), suffered at least one additional event, including respiratory, cardiovascular or non-specific general symptoms (e.g. fatigue, myalgia).
We analyzed risk factor for mortality at, one year included higher age, higher CRP and lower base-line Kt/V were diagnostic criteria (retrospectively p= 0.03, p= 0.01, p=0.00).
At 12 months, 13 (22.4 %) patients showed having at least one long-lasting symptoms. The most common long-lasting symptoms were muscle weakness, cough and breath-shortness. The patients who were having long-lasting symptoms were older age and higher CRP levels than others.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and can progress from variables symptoms such as fever, dry cough, joint pain, severe picture such as shortness of breath, respiratory failure, and multiple organ dysfunction syndromes. The main risk groups for mortality and developing complications during the COVID-19 pandemic are older age and people with chronic health problems [11] .
Dialysis adequacy is described by clinical and laboratory measures along with solute clearance. These are including the following parameters; blood pressure control, uremic symptoms, inflammatory markers, serum albumin, and hemoglobin levels, metabolic acidosis, urea reduction ratio (URR), and Kt/V [12,13,14].
In our study, we primarily aimed to detect the presence of any difference in dialysis inadequacy between COVID-19 MHD patients and non-infected COVID-19 MHD patients. We secondarily aimed to define the possible relation of dialysis adequacy and other laboratory parameters or co-morbidities in COVID-19 MHD patients.
A few studies reported that Kt/V inadequacy (< 1.2) is associated with a chronic inflammatory state [11]. The increase of Kt/V 0.1 is associated with a reduced risk of mortality from cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and infectious diseases [15].
Among dialysis patients, those had lower Kt/V at admission hospital had a more than 5 fold higher rate of COVID-19 those who have higher Kt/V, a pattern that although commented on, has not been well quantified in national studies. Also, we did find a statistically significant association with lower Kt/V and need to ICU and mortality rate among the COVID-19 MHD patients. Therefore we describe that dialysis inadequacy is an important risk factor for mortality among the COVID-19 MHD patients.
In many studies reported that chronic inflammation is an important factor for inadequate dialysis and HD dosage (Kt/V) has been shown to have a significant impact on the morbidity and mortality rate in patients on MHD patients [11]. Additionally in the literature has been reported that the occurrence of inflammation is higher in patients who were on dialysis for a long time [16]. But in our study, there was no statistically significant relationship between Kt/V and dialysis vintage.
Although, dialysis inadequacy is related to a more extended hospitalization time and higher medical costs, 3 while the inverse denotes effective patient hemodialysis [17]. In our study we did not find an association between hospital stays and Kt/V, serum albumin, or CRP levels in infected with COVID-19 MHD patients.
Serum albumin and hemoglobin levels are used as parameters of dialysis adequacy in MHD patients [18]. According to our results, serum albumin and hemoglobin level were statistically significant higher in infected with COVID-19 MHD patients. However, we did not find associations were observed between serum albumin, hemoglobin level and need to ICU stay. Within the groups of patients non-survived, the mortality rate was higher in a patient with low albumin levels.
UF volume is another important marker for dialysis adequacy in MHD patients [19,20]. The median UF was 2.9 liters in our study groups. We did not find any differences in compared MHD patients infected with and non-infected with COVID-19 for UF volume.
Until now, there have been many reports of COVID-19 disease in MHD patients. Can et al, showed that risk factors that were significantly associated with infection risk were older age, higher CCI score, and lower estimated 10-year survival [21]. In our study risk factors for COVID-19 infection were lower Kt/V, lower hemoglobin level, higher CCI score, diabetic nephropathy, COPD, and CHF.
During the first time of pandemic, some of the studies indicated that corticosteroids caused delayed viral clearance, on the other hand, a few authors observed prescribing corticosteroids in COVID-19 patients [22,23,24]. The RECOVERY trial was showed that corticosteroids were a clear beneficial effect for viral clearance in COVID-19 patients [25].
According to our results, the patients receiving corticosteroids, the mortality rate was similar to non-receiving corticosteroids patients. Hyperglycemia and seconder bacterial infection were more frequent in corticosteroid receiving patients.
In this study, 101 MHD patients diagnosed with COVID-19, 33.6% of them were transferred to the ICU. It is seen that there is a positive correlation between advanced age (<65 y.o.) and ICU requirement. And also it has been shown that mortality risk related to COVID-19 was significantly higher in older age (>65), and in patients with higher CRP, ferritin, and WBC. Also, mortality risk significantly rises in patients with diabetic nephropathy, COPD, CHF.
The main difference is in our study from the other studies published until now the low Kt/V value, which is an indicator of dialysis adequacy, increases both the mortality ris, the need for ICU and high risk of long-lasting symptoms associated COVID-19.
In our knowledge, this study is the first that investigates the relationship between Kt/V and inflammation in COVID-19 MHD patients and non-infected MHD patients. We detect a significant difference among Kt/V between the COVID-19 MHD patients and non-infected MHD patients. We claim that adequate and effective dialysis treatment both reduces the risk of being infected with COVID-19 in MHD patients and reduces the risk of intensive care unit need and mortality in MHD patients infected with COVID-19.
Our study has several limitations; firstly this was a retrospective study and limited participiants number . Some of the data such as changes in blood pressure, oxygen saturation, residual renal function, body weight, D-dimer and IL-6 levels were not included in the data. And also we do not evaluated antibody seroposivity for ımmunglobulin M (Ig M) and ımmunglobulinG (Ig G).
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Eda Altun, Süheyla Apaydın. The relationship between dialysis adequacy and COVID-19 onset and mortality risk: Single center experience. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):157-161
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Prognostic significance of histopathologically longest tumor size in colorectal cancer
Sinan Omeroglu 1, Selcuk Gulmez 2, Orhan Uzun 2, Aziz Serkan Senger 2, Mert Tanal 3, Onur Guven 1, Erdal Polat 2, Mustafa Duman 2
1 Department of General Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, 2 Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Kosuyolu High Specialization Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, 3 Department of General Surgery, Tekirdag Dr. Ismail Fehmi Cumalioglu City Hospital, Tekirdag, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21517 Received: 2022-11-25 Accepted: 2022-12-31 Published Online: 2023-01-11 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):162-166
Corresponding Author: Sinan Omeroglu, Department of General Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital, Huzur Neighbourhood, Cumhuriyet ve Demokrasi Street, No:1, Istanbul, Turkey. E-mail: dr_sinanomeroglu@hotmail.com P: +90 544 865 13 22 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7992-5943
Aim: Colorectal cancer (CRC) accounts for 10% of all cancers diagnosed annually and third cause of cancer-related death in the world. The objective of this study was to investigate the prognostic significance of the histopathologically longest tumor size in colorectal cancer.
Material and Methods: In this retrospective study, we included 337 patients with CRC who were treated in our department. Patients who underwent radical surgery and pathologically confirmed CRC with stages I, II and III were included in the study. Patients’ demographic data such as age, gender and body mass index (BMI), tumor localization, pathologic stage, duration of hospitalization, neoadjuvant therapy status, ASA score (The American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification system), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9), biochemical parameters, total number of lymph nodes, maximum tumor diameter (TuS) and metastatic maximum lymph node diameters and overall survival (OS) were recorded.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 61.78±12.43 years. The mean BMI value was found as 28.29±2.93 kg/m2 in all patients. Of the patients, 197 (58.5%) were male and 140 (41.5%) were female. Pathological stages were found as I in 48 (14.24%), II in 133 (39.47%) and III in 156 (46.29%) patients. A total of 118 (35.14%) patients received neoadjuvant therapy. The mean operation time was statistically significantly lower in the patients who underwent laparoscopic operations (p=0.011). Maximum tumor size was not significantly correlated with overall survival.
Discussion: Our results indicate that maximum tumor size is not correlated with overall survival, but it was with metastatic maximum lymph node diameter and total number of harvested lymph nodes.
Keywords: Colorectal Cancer, Maximal Tumor Size, Lymph Node, Prognosis, Overall Survival
Colorectal cancer (CRC), represents a significant health problem worldwide. CRC accounts for 10% of all cancers diagnosed annually and third cause of cancer-related death in the world [1]. The incidence and mortality are approximately 25% lower in women than in men [2]. These rates are also different among countries with the highest incidence seen in most developed countries. Based on the continuing progress in developing countries, the worldwide incidence of CRC is estimated to reach 2.5 million new cases by 2035 [3].
Five-year survival in colorectal cancer is 65% [4]. The tumor-lymph node-metastasis (TNM) staging system, which is the gold standard in many cancers, is widely used to evaluate the prognosis and treatment management of patients. The current TNM staging system in American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Staging Manual 8th edition, is seen as the most important prognostic determinant for CRC. The staging is done by the depth/invasion of the primary tumor in T category, the lymph nodes status in the N category, and the presence of distant metastases in the M category. The size of the primary tumor is not considered in this staging system. However, the prognosis of patients at the same stage is highly variable.
The T classification, based on the vertical tumor penetration level of the different layers of the intestinal wall in microscopic examination, is an important parameter to identify high-risk patients in treatment failure [5]. Tumor size defined as the largest horizontal diameter of the tumor plays an important role in determining the T stage of various solid tumors such as breast, kidney and lung cancers [6].
A significant proportion of CRC patients suffer from recurrence and distant metastasis [7]. Therefore, additional prognostic factors need to be identified to better assess the prognosis. Thus, identification of appropriate prognostic markers is of great importance for decision-making in CRC patients for therapeutic modalities including surgery, molecular target therapy, adjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy and novel agents in horizons. Tumor size (TuS) is a surrogate factor of survival in many gastrointestinal cancers including gastric cancer, gastro-intestinal stromal tumor, carcinoid tumors [8]. A recent comprehensive study has clearly shown that tumor size, especially maximum horizontal tumor diameter, represents a valuable prognostic factor in gastric cancer [9]. In pathological examination, tumor size can be considered as a prognostic factor in predicting disease recurrence and survival in patients with colorectal cancer [10]. Some recent studies reveal that large tumor sizes are significantly associated with complications, metastases, high recurrence, and poor prognosis of CRC [11]. However, some other studies suggest that patients with small tumor sizes have a worse prognosis [12, 13]. As a result, its relevance is more unclear with different publications reporting controversial results [13, 14]. The objective of this study was to investigate the prognostic significance of histopathologically longest tumor size in colorectal cancer.
Material and Methods
In this retrospective study, we included 337 patients with CRC who were treated in the gastrointestinal surgery department of our hospital between May 2006 and December 2018. Before the beginning, the study protocol was approved by hospital’s local ethics committee with 2020, 4/17-322 numbered protocol. Informed consent from patients was not needed because of the retrospective nature of the study. All procedures were carried out in accordance with the ethical rules and the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Only patients with workup data and available pathology data including TuS and follow-up data were included. Patients who underwent radical surgery, with pathologically confirmed CRC and patients with stages I, II and III were included in the study. Patients who had synchronous distant metastases at diagnosis (stage IV), patients with more than one primary CRCs, those who underwent emergency surgery and patients with missing data were excluded from the study (Figure 1).
All patients were staged according to AJCC 8th edition. Either laparoscopic or open colorectal surgery was performed by the same surgical team. Tumor size was measured during the histopathological examination. At each follow-up visit, patients underwent physical examinations and were checked for symptoms. Thoracoabdominal computed tomography (CT) scan and tumor markers (CEA, CA19–9) analyses were performed according to the guidelines.
Patients’ demographic data such as age, gender and BMI, tumor localization, pathologic stage, duration of hospitalization, neoadjuvant therapy status, ASA score, CEA and CA 19-9 levels, biochemical parameters, harvested total lymph nodes, maximum tumor diameter (TuS) and maximum metastatic lymph node diameter were recorded. In addition, overall survival (OS) was also recorded. Postoperative complications were analyzed using the Clavien Dindo Classification [15] . Correlations of maximum tumor size with other variables were investigated.
Statistical analysis
Data obtained in this study were analyzed using the SPSS version 25.0 (SPSS, Statistical Package for Social Sciences, IBM Inc., Armonk, NY, USA). Continuous variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and categorical variables as numbers and percentages. Pearson’s correlation analysis was used to determine the correlations between tumor size and other parameters. P<0.05 values were considered statistically significant.
A total of 337 CRC patients treated and followed-up in our department between May 2006 and December 2018 were included in the study. The mean age was 61.78±12.43 years. The mean BMI value was 28.29±2.93 kg/m2. Of the patients 197 (58.5%) were male and 140 (41.5%) were female.
The mean age was 62.20±12.34 years for male and 61.49±12.51 years for female patients. The mean BMI values of male and female patients were 27.76±2.74 kg/m2 and 29.08±3.03 kg/m2, respectively. No significant difference was found between the genders in terms of age and BMI values (p=0.15 and p=0.30, respectively). ASA scores are shown in Figure 2.
Of all tumors, 35 (10.38%) were found in the cecum, 54 (16.02%) in the ascending colon, 29 (8.61%) in the descending colon, 122 (36.20%) in the rectum, 82 (24.33%) in the sigmoid colon and 15 (4.45%) in the transverse colon. The distribution of the tumor localizations is shown in Figure 3.
The pathological stage was found as I in 48 (14.24%), II in 133 (39.47%), and III in 156 (46.29%). A total of 118 (35.14%) received neoadjuvant therapy. One hundred and twenty (35.61%) underwent open surgery and 217 (64.69%) underwent laparoscopic surgery. The mean operation time was 205.53±26.82 minutes in the open group and 193.83±35.61 minutes in the laparoscopy group. The mean operation time was statistically significantly lower in the patients who underwent laparoscopic operations (p=0.011).
Mean biochemical values and tumor marker levels are shown in Table 1.
Clinical features of the patients are presented in Table 2. The mean duration of hospitalization was 9.61±4.83 days. The mean OS was 51.48±27.74 months. T stage was found as I in 22 (6.53%), II in 62 (18.40%), III in 209 (62.02%) and IV in 44 (13.06%) patients. The mean total number of lymph nodes was 18.75±7.63. The mean maximum tumor size (TuS) was measured as 6.04 ±1.81 cm and the mean metastatic lymph node diameter as 0.92±0.36 cm. Correlations between the maximum tumor size and other several parameters were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation analysis (Table 3). As seen in Table 3, the maximum tumor diameter was significantly correlated with maximum metastatic lymph node diameter (r=0.212, p<0.001) and number of harvested lymph nodes (r=0.120, p=0.028). There was no significant correlation between the maximal tumor size and postoperative complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification (p=0.897). No other significant correlations were found with the maximum tumor diameter.
Especially in developed countries, integration of screening programs into healthcare systems has led to the diagnosis of CRC at earlier stages [16]. It was reported in a study that 38% of colon cancer cases and 43% of rectum cancer cases were diagnosed at an early stage [17]. However, such screening programs are not available in most developing countries and CRC is diagnosed at a locally advanced or metastatic stage with larger tumor size [18]. In such countries, it is of paramount importance to identify prognostic factors to improve outcomes.
Pathological stage, lymphovascular invasion, surgical margins, CEA levels, type of tumor, histological grade, bowel obstruction or perforation, genetic mutation, microsatellite instability are among the known prognostic factors in colorectal cancer. Tumor size in CRC refers to the maximum diameter of the tumor specimen examined histopathologically. Its role in T staging has been well established in many cancers including breast, lung and thyroid [19], although its prognostic ability in CRC remains controversial [20-22]. Thus, the prognostic role of maximum tumor size in CRC is investigated in this study.
In the present study, the most common tumor localization was rectum (36.20%) followed by sigmoid colon (24.33%). In a study by Mejri et al., [23] the most common localization was colon (77.04%) followed by rectum (22.96%). In another study by Kornprat et al., the most common tumor localization was colon (56.82%) followed by rectum (43.18%) [20]. These results show that our findings are consistent with the literature.
In our study, we could not find a correlation between maximum tumor size and OS, but tumor size was significantly correlated with the maximum metastatic lymph node diameter and total harvested number of LN. Similarly, in a study by Crozier et al., the maximal tumor diameter was not associated with survival in patients with primary operable CRC [22]. In the same study, maximal tumor size was correlated with pre-operative C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration. In the present study, the asscociation between tumor size and CRP was close to statistical significance (p=0.058). In a large population study (n=300,386) by Saha et al., a tumor size >6 cm increased the risk of overall mortality by 46% compared to those with a tumor size <2 cm after adjusting for sex, age, lymph nodal status and histological grade [11].
There is currently no consensus on a tumor size cut-off in international guidelines [24]. Several studies have suggested that a tumor size of 4 cm has prognostic value. In a study by Mejri et al. investigating the prognostic role of the maximal tumor size in stage II and stage III CRC, 257 patients were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups according to tumor size as ≤4 cm and >4 cm. The authors reported that tumor size had an impact on survival [23]. Since the majority of our patients had a tumor size >4 cm, we did not make such a grouping. In another study by Kornprat et al., tumor sizes were divided into two groups of ≤4.5 cm and >4.5 cm, and tumor size was demonstrated to be an independent prognostic parameter for CRC patients. In the same study, the cut-off value for tumor size was 3.5 cm. However, optimal cut-off values varied between different parts of the large bowel [20]. It was reported in a study by Dai et al. that tumor size was an independent factor for OS in patients with ulcerative type CRC [25].
Different and controversial results among the studies clearly indicate the need for further studies on tumor size in CRC. Although a cut-off value for tumor size in predicting OS is not determined in this study, cut-off values reported in the literature are also different. Future studies may focus on the prognostic value of tumor size considering tumor stage, lymph node status and diameter, and biochemical parameters.
Study limitations
This study has some limitations. First, it was designed as a retrospective study conducted at a single center. Second, grouping could not be done between tumor sizes, because the majority of tumors were >4 cm. However, given the need for such studies in the literature, it is obvious that further studies on this issue are warranted especially on populations in developing countries.
Our results indicate that maximal tumor size does not correlate with overall survival, but it does correlate with metastatic maximum lymph node diameter and number of harvested lymph nodes. Although it seems to have no effect on OS, it may have an effect on the pathological stage as it affects the lymph node status, and may contribute to TNM classification. Further studies would provide a better insight into prognostic value of tumor size in OS of CRC patients.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Sinan Omeroglu, Selcuk Gulmez, Orhan Uzun, Aziz Serkan Senger, Mert Tanal, Onur Guven, Erdal Polat, Mustafa Duman. Prognostic significance of histopathologically longest tumor size in colorectal cancer. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):162-166
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A new predictive parameter for ischemic stroke: Inflammatory prognostic index-IPI
Mustafa Timurkaan 1, Esra Suay Timurkaan 1, Gülsüm Altuntaş 2
1 Department of Internal Medicine, 2 Department of Intensive Care Unit, Elazig Fethi Sekin City Hospital, Elazig, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21518 Received: 2022-11-25 Accepted: 2022-12-31 Published Online: 2023-01-04 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):167-172
Corresponding Author: Mustafa Timurkaan, Department of Internal Medicine Unit, Elazig Fethi Sekin City Hospital, 23300, Elazig, Turkey. E-mail: mustafatimurkan@gmail.com P: +90 505 889 31 50 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1950-0489
Aim: In stroke patients, there is a close relationship between the inflammatory response and poor prognosis. In this study, we aimed to compare the prognostic roles of NLR and CAR in ischemic stroke patients. In addition, we planned to formulate NLR with CRP and Albumin and to investigate the superiority of this parameter in predicting mortality and prognosis.
Material and Methods: Patients with the diagnosis of ischemic stroke in the tertiary intensive care units were retrospectively evaluated between August 2018 and October 2022. NIHSS, GCS, APACHE II scores, demographic data, comorbidities, treatment regimens, laboratory, and clinical variables were obtained from the hospital database. The IPI was calculated as C-reactive protein × NLR (neutrophil/ lymphocyte ratio)/serum albumin. CAR, NLR, PLR, and IPI were compared by ROC curves.
Results: Of the 660 patients in the study, NIHSS, APACHE II, CAR, NLR, PLR, and IPI constituted a risk for mortality in the multivariate analysis. AUC for CAR: 0.968, NLR: 0,980 PLR: 0,923, IPI: 0,984.
Discussion: Increases in NLR, PLR, CAR, and IPI correlate with mortality in ischemic stroke patients. The IPI parameter can be used safely and easily, like the other combined parameters such as CAR, NLR, and PLR.
Keywords: Ischemic Stroke, Mortality, NLR, PLR, CAR, IPI
Cerebrovascular disease (CVD), is a temporary or permanent damage to certain area of the brain as a result of bleeding or ischemia. On the other hand, an acute ischemic stroke is an impairment in cerebrovascular functions that occur suddenly due to impaired blood flow limited to a specific or global region. Symptoms last longer than 24 hours or can lead to sudden death without being identified for any reason other than a vascular event [1]. With the injury of the brain, disability and mortality become inevitable. Intravenous thrombolytic therapies, endovascular thrombectomy, anticoagulant, and antithrombotic therapies are various treatment methods.
There are many studies showing that neuroinflammation takes a great place in the worsening of ischemic stroke patients [2,3]. As a result of the blood flow pause, proinflammatory mediators, cytokines, and chemokines are released from many areas, including the activation of leukocytes and ischemic endothelium [4]. Because of these proinflammatory conditions, edema, and cellular damage, the clinical condition of patients become more and more exacerbated.
With the increase in the number of neutrophils, a simultaneous decrease in the number of lymphocytes is observed. Also, platelet counts increase with inflammation and play an important role in thrombogenesis [5]. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), MPV, and RDW have been studied previously to predict prognosis in stroke patients [6]. NLR and PLR were shown to have diagnostic and predictive importance in the prognosis of many different diseases [7].
The other two components of the inflammatory response are CRP and albumin. CRP increases in inflammatory conditions, trauma, and ischemic events. Contrarily, albumin decreases in malnutrition, trauma, malignancy, infection, and inflammation. These two parameters have been studied individually for years in inflammatory conditions. However, in recent studies, the CRP to albumin ratio (CAR) was found have higher prognostic and diagnostic value than these two parameters alone [8].
In this study, we planned to compare the prognostic roles of NLR and CAR values in ischemic stroke patients. In addition to these parameters, we planned to formulate NLR with CRP and albumin and investigate the superiority of this new parameter in predicting mortality and prognosis.
Material and Methods
Study design
We studied retrospectively in a single center. Nine hundred thirty-two patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of ischemic stroke in the tertiary intensive care units of Elazig Fethi Sekin City Hospital were evaluated between August 2018 and October 2022. Two hundred seventy-two of these patients were excluded from the study according to the exclusion criteria.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
A total of 660 patients over the age of 18, who had any kind of ischemic stroke and were admitted within the first 72 hours of symptom onset, were included in the study. Patients 1) with acute infection, 2) with a diagnosis of sepsis, 3) with a diagnosis of malignancy, 4) with neurodegenerative disease, 5) with intracranial hemorrhage, 6) having undergone neurosurgery or other surgery in the last week, 7) with the known hematological disease, 8) with the known rheumatological disease, 9) receiving immunosuppressive therapy for any reason, 10) intoxication, 11) insufficient clinical and laboratory data, 12) previously diagnosed with ischemic stroke, were excluded from the study.
Data collection and definitions
The diagnosis of ischemic stroke was made by the definition of the World Health Organization and verified with Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Stroke severity during intensive care admission was determined by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). The diagnosis and severity of ischemic stroke were determined by experienced neurologists working in our hospital who were not included in this study, and the data were obtained from the hospital’s electronic system. Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) and APACHE II scores in the first 24 hours of admission to the intensive care unit, demographic data (age, gender), comorbidities (especially cardiovascular risk factors, eg, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension), treatment regimens, laboratory (CRP, Albumin, WBC, Platelet, Neutrophil, Lymphocyte) and clinical variables (mortality, number of intensive care unit stays) were obtained from the hospital database.
In the biochemistry laboratory of our hospital, albumin measurements were studied on AU-5800, CRP levels were determined by the nephelometric method on Image-800 protein Chemistry Analyzer (Beckman Coulter Inc., Minnesota, USA), and a complete blood count was analyzed on the DxH 800 device.
NLR is the ratio of the number of neutrophils to the number of lymphocytes.
PLR is the ratio of the number of platelets to the number of lymphocytes. CAR value was obtained by dividing the CRP value by the Albumin (gr/dl) value.
NLR: Neutrophil/Lymphocyte.
PLR: Platelet/Lymphocyte.
CAR: CRP/Albumin.
The IPI (Inflammatory Prognostic Index) value that we used in the data of our study was calculated using the formula: IPI: CRPxNLR/Albumin.
Ethics and approval
Informed consent of the patients for their antiischemic treatments was obtained during their stay in the intensive care unit, and anticoagulant, thrombolytic or mechanical thrombectomy treatment modalities were applied according to the protocol of our hospital.
Our study was approved by the ethics committee of Fırat University (2022-1209) and complies with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Statistical analysis
Analyzes were evaluated in 22 package programs of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). In the study, descriptive data were shown as n and % values in categorical data, and mean±standard deviation (Mean±SD) values in continuous data. Al logistic regression analysis was performed to calculate the mortality risk. Significant ones in the univariate analysis were included in the model for multivariate. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were drawn to measure the value of various parameters in predicting exitus. The statistical significance level in the analysis was accepted as p<0.05.
The study included 660 patients who had undergone CVD and were hospitalized in the tertiary ICUs. The mean age of the patients was 77.0±10.5 years (min=30-max=98), 355 (53.8%) were females and 305 (46.2%) were males. Of the patients, 616 (93.3%) received anticoagulants and 44 (6.7%) received thrombolytics. While 181 (27.4%) of the patients were intubated, 181 (27.4%) died. Comorbidities were present in 652 (98.8%) patients, and 323 (49.5%) of those had HT, 318 (48.8%) had DM, 257 (39.4%) had CAD, 155 (23.8%) had HL, 47 (7.2%) had COPD, 42 (6.4%) had CHF, 14 (2.1%) had CRF, 12 (1.8%) ) had Parkinson’s disease and 12 (1.8%) had AF. The mean of the measurement data of the patients is shown in Table 1.
In the logistic regression analysis performed to calculate the risk of mortality, male gender, advanced age, and anticoagulant treatment created a risk for mortality according to the univariate analysis. In addition, GCS, NIHSS, APACHE II, increased number of ICU days, CAR, NLR, PLR, and IPI pose a risk for mortality. Significant ones in the univariate analysis were used in the multivariate analysis, and the increase in NIHSS, APACHE II, CAR, NLR, PLR, and IPI constituted a risk for mortality (Table 2).
The optimal cut-off point for CAR was found to be 31,429 according to the ROC analysis for mortality, with sensitivity of 92,82 % and specificity of 95,41 %, and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0,968. The optimal cut-off point for NLR was found to be 7,723 according to the ROC analysis for mortality, with sensitivity of 97,79 % and specificity of 93,32 %, and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0,980. The optimal cut-off point for PLR was found to be 195,833 according to the ROC analysis for mortality, with sensitivity of 93,37 % and specificity of 83,51 %, and area under the curve (AUC) of 0,923. The optimal cut-off point for IPI was found to be 202,202 according to the ROC analysis for mortality, with sensitivity of 97,79 % and specificity of 95,41 %, and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0,984 (Table 3, Figure 1A-B, 2A-B).
Although the diagnosis and availability of advanced treatment methods are developing day by day, stroke still remains a major cause of mortality and long-term morbidity. Mortality still varies between 20-30 % [9].
Mainly neutrophils, white blood cells, platelets, and mediators accumulate in the ischemic area [13-15]. With the secretion of various oxygen radicals, cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) from neutrophils, damage to the blood-brain barrier occurs. Increase in cellular damage, edema, and bleeding are observed [10]. These factors trigger the exacerbation of brain damage and worsen the clinical situation [11]. The stress state that occurs with the increase of inflammation creates an immunosuppressive environment and apoptosis of lymphocytes is observed [12]. This causes the neutrophil-lymphocyte balance to deteriorate. It is known that there is an increase in platelet count and thrombogenesis in case of inflammation. Platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and the effect of this ratio on prognosis in various diseases have been included in various studies [13]. Altıntaş et al associated high PLR value with insufficient recanalization, increased infarct area, and poor prognosis in ischemic stroke patients. When we looked at the relationship of PLR with mortality, we found 93.37% sensitivity and 83.51% specificity at a cut-off value of 195.83 (CI: 0.900-0.842). AUC was 0,923. These values show us that PLR can be used to predict prognosis in ischemic stroke-related inflammation [14].
We think that if the prognosis of ischemic stroke can be predicted with biomarkers, mortality and disability can be prevented. To date, many studies have shown the increase of inflammation in ischemic brain injury and its adverse consequences. However, it is not yet clear which of the measured parameters is more prognostic. We used parameters such as CAR, NLR, and PLR, which have been studied before, and compared their advantages in predicting prognosis. We investigated the superiority of the inflammatory prognostic index (IPI), which is found by formulating NLR, CRP, and albumin. Instead of using these markers separately, we thought that the combination might be more predictive of the prognosis of the disease. The primary endpoint was patients’ mortality. According to our data, more than 80% of the patients had cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and their mean age was 77 years. There was a correlation between age and mortality in the univariate regression analysis, but we found that it did not significantly increase mortality in the multivariate regression analysis. In both univariate and multivariate regression analyzes, we found that high NIHSS and APACHE II scores, CAR, NLR, PLR, and IPI values are independent risk factors for increased mortality.
NLR has been studied in many areas such as malignant diseases, immune diseases, and cardiovascular diseases, and it has been found valuable in predicting prognosis in most studies [8,15]. Studies showed the increased NLR as a reason of the formation and fragility of atherosclerotic plaque [16]. The
fragility of this plaque also causes it to rupture and cerebrovascular stenosis, ulceration, and new inflammation area occurs. In addition, NLR has been shown as an independent factor of the severity of ischemia, hemorrhagic complications, and poor prognosis [17-20]. In our study, when we look at the relationship between NLR and mortality according to Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis, the cut-off value was 7.72 (CI: 0.967-0.990). We found an increase in mortality when the NLR was >7.72. Sensitivity at this point is 97.79%; specificity is 93.32% and AUC is 0.98. With these values, we can say that NLR is an important prognostic factor in ischemic stroke.
CRP is synthesized from hepatocytes, especially induced by interleukin-6 (IL-6). Compared to other proinflammatory cytokines, it is faster, easier, and cheaper to study, which is its advantage. There are studies indicating that the increase in CRP is also correlated with tissue damage and mortality in cerebral ischemia [21]. Albumin is a negative acute phase reactant synthesized from hepatocytes and decreased in case of inflammation. In inflammatory conditions, due to increased vascular permeability, blood albumin level is decreased. In recent studies, it has been shown that examining these two parameters separately has less prognostic importance than the CAR value [8,22]. Bender et al. showed that the CAR value of patients with intracranial hemorrhage predicted in-hospital mortality. We found the optimal cut-off value for CAR to be 31.43 (CI: 0.952-0.980) with 92.82% sensitivity, 95.41% specificity, and 0.968 AUC [23]. We can say that CAR is one of the parameters that can be easily and safely used in predicting mortality, although its specificity, sensitivity, and success are slightly lower when compared to NLR.
Inflammation and its high correlation with mortality of stroke patients require early prediction of prognosis and taking preventive measures. For this reason, easy and fast availability, low cost, and reliable parameters are needed. Combined parameters such as NLR, PLR, and CAR can be obtained quickly from whole blood count and biochemical parameters and have prognostic importance in inflammation. Routine monitoring in clinical practice also provides convenience. IPI has been studied very recently. It has been used in several malignancy studies before and has been found to be associated with mortality [24]. We studied IPI in cerebral ischemia with intense inflammation in the early period. The optimal cut-off point was 202.2 (CI: 0.972-0.992) in our study. At this point, we can say that it is more successful than other parameters in predicting the prognosis with 97.8% sensitivity, 95.41% specificity, and 0.984 AUC value. Like other parameters, IPI can be checked with routine blood tests. It is also important that it is easy, cheap, and quickly available. The fact that it is superior to CAR, NLR, and PLR suggests that it can be used in many areas. Cut-off values in this study were different from other studies. This may be due to the variety of study groups and unitary differences.
As the inflammatory process is a remarkable factor in ischemic stroke prognosis, we recommend determining the severity of inflammation to predict the severity and prognosis of the disease in these patients. Thus, we think that both mortality and disability can be reduced by making the necessary preventive and protective treatment and care plans. For all of these reasons, we argue that the IPI parameter can be used safely, apart from the combined parameters such as CAR, NLR, and PLR.
The most important limitation is that the study was retrospective and single-center. However, we planned to conduct this study prospectively with a larger patient group. Since the study is retrospective, the subtypes of stroke could not be categorized and the Modified Rankin Scales of the patients could not be accessed from our hospital database. Although inflammation is more intense in the first 72 hours of symptom onset, NLR, PLR, CAR, and IPI values will be studied dynamically in the prospective study.
Learning points
• Ischemic stroke is an important cause of mortality and morbidity in intensive care units.
• In the early stages of ischemia, inflammation plays an important role.
• Inflammation is important in the prognosis of ischemic stroke patients.
• CAR, NLR, PLR, and IPI are important prognostic factors for ischemic stroke patients.
None declared.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Mustafa Timurkaan, Esra Suay Timurkaan, Gülsüm Altuntaş. A new predictive parameter for ischemic stroke: Inflammatory prognostic index-IPI. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):167-172
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The role of biomarkers in prediction of the severity and prognosis of acute pancreatitis: A retrospective assessment
Mehlika Bilgi Kırmacı 1, Ömer Faruk Çiçek 2
1 Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Afyonkarahisar University, Afyonkarahisar, 2 Department of Cardiology, Mehmet Akif Inan Education and Research Hospital, Sanliurfa, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21530 Received: 2022-12-03 Accepted: 2023-01-13 Published Online: 2023-01-31 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):173-176
Corresponding Author: Mehlika Bilgi Kırmacı, Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Afyonkarahisar University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. E-mail: mehlikabilgi@hotmail.com P: +90 505 887 91 19 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8034-1459
Aim: Determining the severity of acute pancreatitis (AP) is very important in terms of early recognition of sepsis, local/systemic complications and potential risk of death. In our study, we aimed to examine the effectiveness of biomarkers that we can use to reduce morbidity and mortality in AP patients.
Material and Methods: Data of 482 AP patients followed up at Mehmet Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital between January 2020 and July 2022 were analyzed. Age, gender, comorbidities, clinical history, laboratory/imaging findings and hospital stay were evaluated. Our study was carried out with the permission of the ethics committee numbered HRU/21.13.07 obtained from Harran University.
Results: Among AP patients, 471 (98.1%) were diagnosed with biliary pancreatitis, 11 (2.2%) with hyperlipidemia and non-biliary pancreatitis due to chronic alcoholism. According to the Revised Atlanta Classification of Pancreatitis, 8 (18.0%) were diagnosed with moderate/severe and 395 (81.9%) with mild AP. When the data of these two groups were compared, the mean age of the patients, the length of hospital stay, the number of patients treated in the intensive care unit, the rate of comorbid hypertension, glucose values, percentages of immature granulocytes (% IG), procalcitonin (PC), CRP and leukocyte levels were significantly higher in the moderate/severe AP patient group.
Discussion: AP predicts prognosis and severity; %IG ratio, leukocytes, CRP and PC values are important and effective biomarkers. Comorbidities and age are effective factors in the development of moderate/severe AP. By looking at these parameters, we can reduce mortality and morbidity by acting faster with the progress of AP.
Keywords: Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis, Biomarkers, Atlanta Criteria
Despite modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, acute pancreatitis remains a disease with a high morbidity and mortality risk [1].
It can progress in different severity, ranging from the mild clinical form such as edematous pancreatitis to severe clinical forms such as pancreatic necrosis and systemic organ damage. Therefore, the severity and course of the disease may vary. Although various classification/scoring criteria are used to determine the prognosis in patients with acute pancreatitis (AP), we cannot adequately detect severe pancreatitis cases at the time of diagnosis. Despite numerous biomarker, prognostic classification and imaging studies, it is difficult to predict severe cases [2]. Especially, in organ failures that develop as a result of pancreatic necrosis and systemic complications, mortality decreases with early diagnosis and early and effective initiation of treatment. SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) and organ failure in the first 2 weeks and sepsis and other complications after the 2nd week are the biggest causes of mortality. The specificity and sensitivities of amylase and lipase values are very effective in diagnosing. However, they are not decisive for the severity of the disease and the prediction of complications. C-Reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PC) levels are used to confirm the diagnosis and predict prognosis. Studies show that immature granulocytes can be used as an early inflammation marker in the presence of inflammation. Studies examining the relationship between acute pancreatitis and immature granulocyte percentage (IG %) are limited. In these studies, the relationship between disease severity and IG% was examined.
The percentage of immature granulocytes is a new marker of inflammation that is not sufficiently known by most clinicians [3].
CRP is an acute phase reactant secreted in the liver against Interleukin (IL) 1 and IL-6. CRP >150 mg/L in the first 48 hours distinguishes severe AP from mild. It is the most useful biochemical marker used to determine the severity and complications of AP [4].
White blood cells (WBC) play an important role in the inflammatory process. In AP, the activation of leukocytes with inflammatory reactions and the cytokine storm that initiates the inflammatory process are responsible for the initiation of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), which is responsible for systemic complications, as well as local necrosis formation in the pancreas [5].
Sepsis is an inflammatory process and one of the most important diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers is procalcitonin. It is an important indicator to determine the prognosis and severity of AP early and to diagnose infected pancreatic damage [6].
Studies have shown that procalcitonin is an important prognostic factor in sepsis and acute pancreatitis [7].
Any delay in diagnosis and treatment leads to an increase in morbidity and mortality rates. There is a need for a rapid, simple and reliable biomarker for the early recognition of AP and the prediction of its severity. Although various inflammation markers and complex scoring systems have been developed for this purpose, there is no ideal method yet.
The diagnostic value of ERCP in acute pancreatitis has been reported as 38-79% in the literature. Whether there is an accompanying acute cholangitis picture in acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP) is important in the decision-making process for ERCP [8]. ERCP is indicated in the presence of cholangitis with acute calculous pancreatitis and in the presence of common bile duct obstruction with acute calculous pancreatitis. Routine ERCP is not recommended only with the prediction of severe AP without cholangitis or common bile duct obstruction [9].
There is a need for highly sensitive biochemical biomarkers that can evaluate the severity and prognosis of this disease, which can cause organ failure and mortality, more quickly, simply and specifically [10].
Material and Methods
Between January 2020 and July 2022, S.B. 482 FP cases followed in Mehmet Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital were evaluated retrospectively.
Ethics Committee Approval
Ethical approval for our study was obtained from of Harran University Clinical Research Ethics Committee (decision dated 05.07.2021 and numbered HRU/21.13.07). Age, gender, comorbidity, clinical, laboratory and imaging examinations, length of hospital stay and clinical course of the patients were recorded.
Early recognition of severe pancreatitis and prognosis, which causes local or systemic complications in the clinical course of AP patients, and application of the necessary treatment are the most important factors affecting morbidity and mortality. In this study, we evaluated the routinely used biochemical markers, which are indicators of inflammation and infection, which can detect the prognosis and the severity of the disease early in patients hospitalized for AP.
The revised Atlanta Criteria were used to determine AP severity.
The effectiveness of PC, %IG, CRP and leukocyte levels, which are routinely checked in blood samples of patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of AP, in early detection of sepsis development were investigated.
Data were obtained retrospectively from patient files and hospital information systems.
Patients under the age of 18 and pregnant, patients receiving chemotherapy, patients hospitalized for less than two days, and patients whose data could not be reached were excluded from the study.
When the data of our patients are examined, according to the Revised Atlanta Classification, 8 (18.0%) were diagnosed with moderate/severe and 395 (81.9%) with mild AP (Table 1) [11]. Of the 482 patients admitted with the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis and followed up and treated, 267 (55.3%) were female and 215 (44.6%) were male. The mean age was 57.9±21.05 years in women and 58.06±17.34 years in men.
The mean age in the moderate and severe patient groups was 71.16 ± 14.16 years.
The mean age of patients with the mild course was 57.88 ± 20.90 years. The mean age of patients with the moderate and severe course was statistically significantly higher (p=<0.0001).
There was no significant difference between the two patient groups in terms of gender (p=<0.12).
Twenty-three (6.0%) of the mild patients and 77 (74.7%) of the moderate and severe patients were followed up in the intensive care unit. The mean hospital stay was 6 days in the mild cases group and 19 days in the moderate and severe patients group. When mild AP patients and moderate/severe AP patients were compared in terms of the number of patients receiving intensive care treatment and length of stay in the hospital, the number of patients in the moderate/severe AP group was significantly higher (p=<0.0001). Of the patients, 471 (98.1%) were biliary pancreatitis, 9 (1.8%) were hyperlipidemia and non-biliary due to chronic alcoholism, 2 (0.4%) were post-ERCP pancreatitis.
Of the 482 patients with acute pancreatitis, 27 (5.6%) resulted in mortality. Of the 27 patients, 1 (3.7%) had a mild course and 26 (96.2%) had a moderate/severe course.
Demographic data, etiological characteristics, length of hospital stay and intensive care unit admission rates are presented in Table 2.
In this study, the revised Atlanta Classification was used for the staging of severity in acute pancreatitis. The mean age of the patients was 73.36 ± 15.17 years in moderate and severe AP patients and 56.78 ± 19.80 in mild pancreatitis patients.
Moderate and severe pancreatitis developed in 103 (21.4%) of the patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of AP, and mild pancreatitis developed in 379 (78.6%). The mean age of the patients with moderate and severe severity was higher than the patients with the mild course (p<0.001).
When the two groups were compared, the length of hospital stay and the number of patients treated in the intensive care unit were higher in moderate and severe patients (p=0.0001) (p=0.0001).
The rate of previously diagnosed hypertension was higher in patients with moderate and severe courses compared to patients with the mild course.
High glucose levels were higher in moderate and severe patients than in mild patients.
The values in the blood samples taken at the admission of the patients are shown in Table 3.
Acute pancreatitis can clinically progress from mild edematous to severe local pancreatic necrosis. Spontaneous recovery may occur, but in severe cases, metabolic disorders, sepsis, and organ failure, which can lead to death, can be observed clinically [1].
The specificity and sensitivities of amylase and lipase values are not high enough to make the diagnosis on their own and change hourly. In addition, leukocytes, CRP, IG% and procalcitonin levels are used to confirm the diagnosis and predict prognosis.
In patients with AP, different scoring systems such as Atlanta criteria, Ranson criteria, BISOP scoring, MARSHALL scoring and APACHE 2 criteria can be used to determine clinical course and prognosis. However, they are still not sufficient to predict severe pancreatitis cases. Despite many biomarkers, prognostic classifications, and imaging studies, it is difficult to predict severe cases early. It is possible to detect the formation of severe local pancreatic damage in patients after 48 hours. Therefore, many studies still need markers that can predict prognosis at the time of diagnosis [12,13].
In this study, the revised Atlanta Classification was used for staging the severity of acute pancreatitis. Thanks to this classification, detection of persistent organ failure (>48 h) with infected necrosis was determined as the most mortal picture, and follow-up of these patients in the intensive care unit was recommended.
In AP, the inflammatory reaction stimulates the cytokine system, resulting in SIRS. With persistent and persistent persistence of SIRS, dysfunctions occur in vital organs. While it may resolve within 48 hours in moderately severe AP, which can be seen as pancreatic necrosis, lung damage, shock and organ failure such as kidney failure, it may take longer than 48 hours in patients with severe acute pancreatitis.
In this study, we tried to be a guide for clinics following similar cases by trying to prove the effectiveness of biochemical and hematological markers in order to diagnose the severity and prognosis of AP early in light of the data we obtained from our large patient series.
In this study, according to the revised Atlanta classification, 21.4% of AP patients were moderate/severe and 78.6% were mild.
2-10% of mortality in AP occurs as a result of complications [14].
It also increases the risk of severe AP complications and therefore mortality [15].
The fastest diagnosis of AP can be achieved by clinical findings and biomarkers.
Inflammatory or infection biomarkers such as CRP, PRC, IG% and leukocytes are used in the diagnosis and more importantly in monitoring the prognosis and disease severity [16]. Age, comorbidities and severity of acute pancreatitis are among the factors that affect the clinical course of the patient.
Cardiovascular complications are also observed in the course of acute pancreatitis. In this respect, the most common complications are heart failure and hypotension. Activated kinins in acute pancreatitis cause vasodilation and increased permeability. In addition, displacement of intravascular volume into the abdomen, activation of the renin-angiotensin system, and cytokines released due to inflamed pancreas may cause toxic effects on the myocardium, leading to the development of heart failure and hypotension.
In our study, the mean age was found to be 71.16 ± 14.16 in the patients with moderate and severe courses, and 57.88 ± 21.19 in the patients with the mild course. We found that advanced age is an effective factor in the severity of pancreatitis and poor prognosis. Gender had no effect on AP severity and prognosis.
Twenty-three (6.0%) of the mild patients and 77 (74.7%) of the moderate and severe patients were followed up in the intensive care unit. The mean hospital stay was 6 days in the mild cases group and 19 days in the moderate and severe patients group. Local and systemic complication rates increase due to the increase in the severity of AP and the worsening of its prognosis. As a result, the length of stay of the patients and the number of intensive care hospitalizations increase. Therefore, mortality due to AP also increases.
There was no difference between mild and moderate/severe patients in terms of AP etiology. Etiology was not found to be a determinant in the severity of AP.
IG% rates, PC, CRP and leukocyte values in the blood samples taken at the admission of the patients were statistically significantly higher in patients with moderate and severe courses compared to patients with the mild course.
High IG%, PC, CRP and leukocyte levels in patients with acute pancreatitis are indicative of poor prognosis and severe AP. Early initiation of aggressive and intensive care treatment with the prediction of severe AP is important in reducing morbidity and mortality.
Local and systemic serious complications may occur in the course of AP, which is an inflammatory disease. Local and systemic complications that increase morbidity and mortality are generally seen in moderate and severe pancreatitis. In terms of preventing permanent organ damage and/or mortality, the data we obtained in this study showed that biomarkers are important and effective in terms of early diagnosis of severe cases, prevention of complications and initiation of early treatment.
AP predicts prognosis and severity; %IG ratio, leukocytes, CRP and PC values are important and effective biomarkers. Comorbidities and age are effective factors in the development of moderate/severe AP. We can predict the prognosis of AP by looking at these values.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Mehlika Bilgi Kırmacı, Ömer Faruk Çiçek. The role of biomarkers in prediction of the severity and prognosis of acute pancreatitis: A retrospective assessment. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):173-176
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Surgical timing of burst fractures in lumbar vertebrae: Early surgery or late surgery?
Mehmet O. Yüksel 1, Barış Erdoğan 2
1 Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Medipol University, İstanbul, 2 Department of Neurosurgery, Şanlıurfa Train and Research Hospital, Şanlıurfa, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21532 Received: 2022-12-03 Accepted: 2023-01-20 Published Online: 2023-01-26 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):177-180
Corresponding Author: Barış Erdoğan, Department of Neurosurgery, Şanlıurfa Train and Research Hospital, Eyyubiye, Şanlıurfa, Turkey. E-mail: dr.baris.erdogan@gmail.com P: +90 546 292 71 77 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4946-0748
Aim: Lumbar vertebral burst fractures may cause neurological damage due to displacement of bony fragments into the spinal canal. The main purpose of treatment is to remove mechanical compression, correct deformity, provide reduction, thus obtain a stable and functional spine. The goal of this study is to show the effects of early surgery on patients’ neurological outcomes.
Material and Methods: This retrospective study included 80 cases of lumbar burst fractures requiring surgery. Posterior decompression and stabilization with fusion were performed at the fractured vertebrae and one level above and one level below the fracture level. Preoperatively and postoperatively the following radiological and clinical findings were evaluated: TLICS and ASIA scores.
Results: Eighty patients with burst fractures were operated within 16 hours of referral. Fifty-seven patients were neurologically intact (ASIA E), the remaining 23 patients had various neurological deficits. Improvement was observed after early surgery in 17 patients. Meanwhile, 5 of ASIA E patients showed deterioration during preparations for elective operation, but they fully recovered after urgent surgery. No difference was found after surgery in ASIA A and B patients.
Discussion: Early surgery is important in patients with lumbar burst fractures and incomplete cord injury to prevent additional neurological deficits. However, early surgery had no effect on neurological outcomes in patients with complete cord injury.
Keywords: Decompression, Spinal Canal, Spinal Cord Injuries
Vertebral burst fractures constitute approximately 10 to 20% of all lumbar vertebra fractures [1, 2]. The etiology is broad, including high-energy traumas like falls from height, traffic accidents, sport injuries, and simple traumas in the elderly population. Spinal vertebral burst fractures are usually results of compressive force on the vertebral body, which comprise the anterior and the middle columns, in some cases, the posterior column involvement of Denis 3-column theory [3]. The fractured bony fragments may displace into the spinal canal and cause neurological compromise. Spinal cord or nerve injury may lead to sensory loss and motor weakness [4].
There is still controversy on the treatment strategies for this type of injury, whether conservative or surgical. There is also no consensus on timing of surgery or the surgical approach. The main purpose of early surgical decompression and posterior stabilization is to remove mechanical compression, provide adequate canal decompression and reduction, correct deformity, obtain a stable and functional spine, therefore improve neurological deficit [5-7].
However, several studies showed no effect of early surgical decompression on neurological examination in patients with total spinal cord injury. Another important point is that during elective surgery preparation, patients who are neurologically intact may develop motor or sensory deficits, while waiting for the operation. It must be kept in mind that, especially in patients with considerable amount of canal invasion, spinal cord injury may develop in the later hours [8, 9].
The aim of this study is to reveal the advantages of early decompressive surgery with posterior stabilization with fusion on neurological outcomes.
Material and Methods
Study Design
A retrospective evaluation of 80 patients (49 males and 31 females) who were operated for lumbar vertebral burst fractures in our institution between 2014 to 2020 was performed. For each patient, age, gender, fractured vertebral levels and the preoperative and postoperative neurological status (motor and sensory) as assessed by American Spine Injury Association (ASIA) impairment scale were recorded (Table 1). The inclusion criteria for this study were single level burst lumbar fracture and early operation (within 16 hours after trauma) [10]. Study approval was obtained from the Research Ethics Board (2020.12.01.12).
For all patients, radiological assessment was performed by computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as routine practice. After neurological and radiological evaluation, Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score (TLICS) for each patient were noted. Patients with TLICS scores between 5 to 10 were considered suitable for surgery [11, 12].
Patients with ASIA scores A, B, C and D, therefore with motor and/or sensory loss underwent urgent surgery, which was accepted as within 6 hours after preoperative preparations, whereas neurologically intact patients with ASIA score E underwent elective early surgery, which was accepted as within 16 hours after preoperative preparations.
Spinal canal encroachment rates of the patients who underwent surgery were examined. It was determined as the ratio of the mean midsagittal canal diameters of suprajacent and infrajacent vertebrae of the fractured vertebra to the midsagittal canal diameter at the level of fractured vertebra.
Surgical Procedure
All surgical procedures were performed under general anesthesia. Patients were placed in a prone position on a radiolucent operating table. The fracture level was confirmed by fluoroscopy and by using standard posterior midline approach, posterior wall decompression with laminectomy was performed, pedicle screws of appropriate diameter were inserted into the pedicles of the nonfractured suprajacent and infrajacent vertebrae. Indirect reduction via ligamentotaxis was achieved by adequate longitudinal rod contouring and distraction was applied along the entire instrumentation.
Lumbar burst fractures were detected as follows: 25 cases at lumbar 1 level, 22 at lumbar 2, 18 at lumbar 3, 11 at lumbar 4, and 4 at lumbar 5.
The mean time from referral to surgery for patients with neurological deficits (ASIA A, B, C, D) was determined as within 6 hours following the preoperative preparations. Patients without motor or sensory deficits (ASIA E) were operated under elective conditions and the average duration until surgery was determined to be within 16 hours of referral.
Preoperative ASIA scores of patients were found as follows: ASIA A: 3 persons (3.75%), ASIA B: 3 persons (3.75%), ASIA C: 8 persons (10%), ASIA D: 9 persons (11.25%), ASIA E: 57 persons (71.25%). After surgery 9 patients with ASIA D score showed improvement to ASIA E, while 8 patients showed improvement from ASIA C score to ASIA D. However, no recovery was observed at the neurological examination of 6 patients with ASIA A and ASIA B scores (Table 2). During elective preoperative preparations neurological deterioration was detected in 5 patients with ASIA E score; 4 of them regressed to ASIA D, while 1 patient became ASIA C. Hence, urgent surgical intervention was performed for these 5 patients, and postoperatively their neurological deficits recovered back to ASIA E (Table 2).
When the relationship between ASIA scores and spinal canal encroachment rates were evaluated; it was found that spinal canal encroachment rates of patients with ASIA E scores were between 25 to 55%, they were 50 to 60% at patients with ASIA D score, 55 to 70% at patients with ASIA C score, and 65 to 75% at patients with ASIA B score, whereas they were 65 to 80% at patients with ASIA D score (Table 3). The measurements performed for ASIA E scored 5 patients that showed deterioration, while waiting for elective surgery revealed 50 to 55% spinal canal encroachment rates.
Treatment goals for vertebral burst fractures are to stabilize the spine, preserve and ameliorate neurological condition, restore sagittal alignment and allow rapid mobilization. However, there is still debate on the adequate treatment strategies, surgical or conservative, and if surgical, on timing of surgical decompression and posterior stabilization in patients with spinal cord injury [8].
Studies suggest that surgery should be performed as soon as possible, however in cases with complete cord injury it should be delayed until 24 to 48 hours from the trauma to reduce intraoperative bleeding. Urgent surgery is required in cases with incomplete cord injury, because it has been found that in cases with cord compression only, early decompression increases the chance of neurological recovery [9].
In a review by Aviles et al., they reported that 2.4% of patients with intact neurological examination and conservative follow-up developed a neurological deficit [13]. In another study, in patients with neurological deficits, early surgical decompression was shown to improve ASIA scores [14]. These two studies results are parallel to our study. In their study, Vaccaro et al stated that there is no difference between early and late surgery in terms of neurological function, hospitalization and rehabilitation in patients with complete cord injury [15]. This result is not correlated our study.
Our study revealed that early decompression surgery has a positive effect on prognosis in patients with incomplete cord injury. Therefore, the timing of operation after trauma is important. However, even with early decompression, in patients with complete cord injury no improvement was observed, and the prognosis was poor.
Another significant point in lumbar vertebral burst fractures is that, in neurologically intact patients, motor strength weakness and/or sensory deficits may develop while waiting for the operation. In our current study, we wanted to emphasize the importance of early surgery for those patients with no motor or sensory loss planned to have elective surgery, that have to wait until optimum conditions like preoperative necessary clinical consultations and preparations are complete. We found that neurological deterioration may occur during the elective operation process, especially in the patient group with ASIA E score and with spinal canal encroachment rates of more than 50%.
As a result, we believe that early surgery is of vital importance in patients with lumbar burst fractures and incomplete cord injury to prevent additional neurological deficits. However, we found no efficacy of urgent surgery on neurological examination in patients with complete cord injury.
In this study, we compared the results of our patients who were operated for burst fractures. We have seen that early surgical intervention without delay in incomplete injuries is very important in order to prevent neurological deficits. Unfortunately, we have seen that early and late surgical intervention does not affect complete injuries. Our study has a short case series and more studies are needed.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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2. Rosenthal BD, Boody BS, Jenkins TJ, Hsu WK, Patel AA, Savage JW. Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures. Clin Spine Surg. 2018;31(4):143-51.
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8. Cahueque M, Cobar A, Zuniga C, Caldera G. Management of burst fractures in the thoracolumbar spine. J Orthop. 2016 28;13(4):278-81.
9. Yousefifard M, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Baikpour M, Ghelichkhani P, Hosseini M, Jafari A, et al. Early versus late spinal decompression surgery in treatment of traumatic spinal cord injuries; a systematic review and meta-analysis. Emerg (Tehran). 2017;5(1):e37.
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13. Aviles C, Flores S, Molina M. Conservative versus operative treatment for thoracolumbar burst fractures without neurologic deficit. Medwave. 2016;16 (Suppl. 1):e6383.
14. Schouten R, Lewkonia P, Noonan VK, Dvorak MF, Fisher CG. Expectations of recovery and functional outcomes following thoracolumbar trauma: an evidence-based medicine process to determine what surgeons should be telling their patients. J Neurosurg Spine. 2015;22(1):101-11.
15. Vaccaro AR, Schroeder GD, Kepler CK, Oner FC, Vialle LR, Kandziora F, et al. The surgical algorithm for the AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system. Eur Spine J. 2016;25(4):1087-94.
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Mehmet O. Yüksel, Barış Erdoğan. Surgical timing of burst fractures in lumbar vertebrae: Early surgery or late surgery? Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):177-180
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Association of immature granulocytes (IG) with prognosis in severe COVID-19 patients
Birsen Ertekin, Tarık Acar
Department of Emergency, University of Health Sciences, Beyhekim Training and Research Hospital, Konya, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21537 Received: 2022-12-07 Accepted: 2023-01-20 Published Online: 2023-01-28 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):181-185
Corresponding Author: Birsen Ertekin, Department of Emergency, University of Health Sciences, Beyhekim Training and Research Hospital, Selcuklu, Konya, Turkey. E-mail: biceacil@hotmail.com P: +90 332 224 35 24 / +90 543 849 59 64 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0630-8634
Aim: Recent research have shown that immature granulocytes (IG) can be utilized to predict severe infection, inflammation, and sepsis. As a result, the ability of IG levels to predict the severity of severe COVID-19 and its association with prognosis were studied in our study.
Material and Mthods: A total of 317 patients diagnosed with severe COVID-19 in the emergency department were analyzed retrospectively. IGC and IG% levels were compared statistically between patient groups (survivors and non-survivors, those who received and did not get mechanical ventilation (MV) assistance, patients who required and did not require vasopressors, and hospital stays ≥10 and <10 days).
Results: When compared to patients who survived but did not get treatment, non-survivors who got MV and vasopressor support had substantially higher IGC and IG% values (for all p<0.001). Additionally, it was shown that the IG% of patients with hospital stays of ≥10 days was substantially greater than that of patients with hospital stays of <10 days (p<0.001). While the IG% cut-off value was >0.45, it reached 75.5% sensitivity, 81.9% specificity, 87.6% NPV and 66.4% PPV for predicting mortality (AUC:0.86, p<0.001).
Discussion: IG levels are a low-cost, easily accessible, and strong marker that may be used to predict mortality and prognosis in COVID-19 patients.
Keywords: Immature Granulocyte Count, COVID-19, Prognosis, Mortality
Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19), caused by SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a fast-progressing disease that can result in major morbidity and mortality. The most important research priority in the COVID-19 pandemic is the identification of clinical and laboratory factors that predict prognosis. As a result, for risk categorization of these individuals, biomarkers that are easily accessible, affordable, and commonly employed are required [1]. Recently, it has been reported that hematological parameters and inflammatory indices have important predictive value for the prognosis of many diseases, including infections and COVID-19 [2].
Immature granulocytes (IG) in peripheral blood can form in response to infection, inflammation, or other bone marrow stimulation [3]. In recent studies, it has been determined that IG, which includes myelocytes, metamyelocytes, promyelocytes, is the precursor of neutrophils and can be monitored automatically in hemogram devices, can be utilized to predict severe infection, inflammation and sepsis [4]. Although the function of neutrophils in COVID-19 infection has been established [5], research examining IG levels and their association to prognosis in patients with severe COVID-19 appear to be few [6,7]. As a result, we studied the capacity of IG levels to predict the severity of severe COVID-19 and their relationship with prognosis in our study.
Material and Methods
Patients and study design
A total of 317 patients, respectively, who were hospitalized with a confirmed diagnosis of severe COVID-19 in the emergency department of a university hospital between May 1 and September 1, 2022, and met the inclusion criteria, were analyzed retrospectively. Patients older than 18 years of age, with a positive real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase-chain reaction (RT-PCR) result studied from a nasopharyngeal swab sample, with all clinical and laboratory information accessible from the hospital registry system and a confirmed diagnosis of severe/critical COVID-19 according to current guideline were included in the study (available at: https://covid19.saglik.gov.tr/TR-66301/covid-19-rehberi.html). Individuals under the age of 18, pregnant women, those with a history of acute/chronic hematological disease, liver or kidney failure, chronic alcohol or substance abuse, those receiving steroid therapy, cancers, those diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia/sepsis, autoimmune and immunosuppressive patients, those exposed to trauma, and patients whose records could not be reached in the electronic recording system were excluded from the study. By dividing neutrophil and platelet counts into lymphocytes, the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were calculated. All other parameters, particularly Immature granulocyte count (IGC) and Immature granulocyte percentage (IG%), were statistically compared between patients who survived and those who did not. Furthermore, IGC and IG% levels were compared between patients with and without mechanical ventilation (MV) and vasopressor support, hospital stays ≥10 days and <10 days. The Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Medicine Local Ethics Committee approved the study with the date 07/10/2022 and the number 2022/3999 (11425).
Data collection and laboratory tests
Age, gender, history, vital signs (fever, pulse, systolic blood pressure, saturation) at the time of admission to the emergency department of these patients and leukocytes (WBC), neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, platelets (PLT), red blood cells distribution width (RDW%), IGC, IG%, hemoglobin (Hb), mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), D-dimer, CRP, procalcitonin (PCT), and albumin values obtained from routine blood analysis, PCR result, thorax Spiral computed tomography (CT) report, whether they need mechanical ventilation (MV) (noninvasive/ invasive/ high-flow nasal cannula oxygen) or vasopressor support, total length of hospital stay and clinical outcomes (discharge/in-hospital death) were reached retrospectively from patient epicrisis. All data were collected through the hospital registry system by an emergency physician who had no knowledge of the study content and details. Complete blood count (CBC) was measured using Mindray auto hematology analyzer BC-6800 (Shenzhen, China). Biochemical parameters were obtained using Mindray chemistry analyzer BS-2000M device. Coronex COVID 19 QPCR (DS BIO and NANO Tech. Ltd., Ankara, Turkey) kit was used for the RT-PCR test.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyzes of the data were performed using the SPSS 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) package program. Normality analyzes of the data were performed using histograms and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Since all linear variables were not normally distributed, median (25% – 75% quartiles) and all categorical variables were expressed as frequency (%). Differences between groups were expressed using the Mann–Whitney U test for linear variables and the chi-square test for categorical variables. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed to evaluate the predictive power of laboratory parameters for in-hospital mortality. Laboratory parameters that achieved an area under the curve (AUC) value above 0.6 in the ROC analysis were categorized according to their optimum cut-off values using Youden’s index (sensitivity + 1−specificity). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated according to the optimum cut-off values. Logistic regression analysis was performed to calculate the effect of important laboratory parameters on COVID-19 mortality. Once the parameters were categorized according to their optimal cut-off values, they were included in the regression analysis. First, univariate logistic regression analysis was performed. Parameters with a p-value less than 0.25 in the univariate analysis were included in the multivariate logistic regression analysis using the enter method. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test was performed to evaluate the model fit. A p-value of <0.05 was accepted for statistical significance.
While 215 out of 317 patients survived, 102 patients did not survive. One hundred forty-two (44.8%) patients were male, with a mean age of 71 years (56-79) and a hospital stay of 9 days (5-14). Table 1 compares the demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings of the surviving and non-surviving patient groups. When surviving and non-surviving patients were compared in terms of age and gender, 56 (54.9%) non-survivors were male, and no significant difference was detected in terms of both gender and age (p= 0.013, p= 0.281). Pulse, IGC, IG%, WBC, neutrophil, NLR, RDW, PDW, D-dimer, CRP, PCT levels, hospital stay, and the proportion of patients who needed MV and vasopressor drug support were significantly higher in the non-survivor group (p< 0.05 for all). Likewise, oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, lymphocyte, monocytes, Hb, PLT and albumin levels were found to be lower in the non-survivor group (p<0.05 for all).
The ROC analysis for predicting mortality of IGC, IG%, NLR, RDW%, PDW, Hb, PLT, D-dimer, CRP, PCT and albumin levels is shown in Table 2. Accordingly, compared to other parameters, IG% had the highest and PDW and D-dimer had the lowest AUC values (0.86, 0.64, 0.64, respectively) (p<0.001 for all). Furthermore, while the IG% cut-off value was >0.45, sensitivity was 75.5%, specificity was 81.9% , NPV reached 87.6% and PPV reached 66.4%.
When IGC and IG% levels were compared in patients who received and did not receive MV and vasopressor support, it was determined that IGC and IG% levels were significantly higher in those who received MV and vasopressor support (p<0.001 for all). The IG% was 1.1 (0.43-2.2) and 1.1 (0.4-2.2) in patients who received MV and vasopressor support, respectively, while it was 0.1 (0.005-0.3) and 0.1 (0.01-0.4) in those who did not. The IGC was 0.11 (0.04-0.32) and 0.11 (0.04-0.32) in patients who received MV and vasopressor support, respectively, while it was 0.03 (0.01-0.07) and 0.03 (0.01-0.07) in those who did not. Furthermore, the IG% of patients with a hospital stay longer than 10 days was found to be significantly higher than that of those with a hospital stay of less than 10 days [respectively 0.5 (0.1-1.38), 0.2 (0.01-0.4), p<0.001].
According to logistic regression analysis, IG%, RDW%, PLT, CRP, PCT, and albumin levels were found to be independent markers of in-hospital mortality (Table 3).
Cytokine storm is thought to have an important role in the worsening process of COVID-19. It is an uncontrollable, fatal and systemic inflammatory response that results in the release of large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines [8]. Despite the fact that COVID-19 is a fatal disease, there is no fully accepted marker for predicting unfavorable results. Various markers of systemic inflammation have become available as part of expanded CBC in recent years. Since these biomarkers are simple and low cost, they can be easily used by clinicians in practice. In addition, according to current COVID-19 studies, hematological parameters have the property of being useful and valuable prognostic markers [2,3].
Studies have shown that IG levels, which can be easily and quickly measured by routine CBC, increase significantly in sepsis, infection and inflammation [9,10]. The presence of IGs in the peripheral circulation indicates greatly increased bone marrow activation and inflammation secondary to infection [4,11]. In a study of patients with severe COVID-19, both neutrophils and monocytes were shown to be predominantly of the immature phenotype [12]. In another CBC immunophenotyping study, it was emphasized that the increase in the number of immature neutrophils was strongly associated with disease severity and high IL-6 and IL-10 levels [13]. Selvi F et al. stated that IGC levels can be used to predict patients with COVID-19 (cut-off 0.03, while 66.7% sensitivity, 72.3% specificity and AUC: 0.718, p < 0.001) [14]. Alnor A et al. showed that IG levels in patients with severe COVID-19 increase as a disease-specific reaction and are associated with the severity of the disease [15]. Pozdnyakova O et al. found that the IGC values of patients with COVID-19 who were followed up in the intensive care unit (ICU) were significantly higher than those who were not followed up in the ICU (2.46 vs. 0.64, p = 0.02) [16]. Georgakopoulou V.E et al. also stated that the level of IGC in patients with COVID 19 is related to hospital stay length and disease severity (p=0.029, p=0.001). In addition, the authors showed that IG is an independent marker of intubation and mortality according to logistic regression analysis (OR, 13.98; p= 0.003 and OR, 42.17; p= 0.001) [6]. In our study, the IG levels in the patient group who did not survive were found to be significantly higher than in those who survived. In addition, patients with a hospital stay longer than 10 days had a significantly higher IG% than those with less than 10 days (p<0.001). Therefore, it can be thought that the IG level at admission is a marker related to the length of hospital stay and disease severity.
While most COVID-19 infections progress with mild symptoms, pneumonia that develops in some patients causes the activation of alveolar macrophages and lung epithelial cells by releasing proinflammatory cytokines. These cytokines may cause hyperinflammation and even the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) by stimulating the bone marrow to produce and release IGs [17,18]. Huang Y et al. predicted that high IG levels could detect high-risk patients for ARDS in the early period in patients with acute pancreatitis [19]. Birben B et al. stated that the Delta neutrophil index (DNI), which reflects the fraction of IG numbers, was significantly higher in the patient group who died from COVID-19, and that the relationship between mortality and DNI may be due to ARDS [20]. Alay GH et al. found a significant positive correlation between IG levels at presentation and mortality and intubation in patients with ARDS caused by COVID-19 (p = 0.001, r = 0.347 and p = 0.042, r = 0.102, respectively) [7]. In another study on COVID-19, it was stated that IG was associated with the degree of hypoxemia and an increase in IG values was detected in those who needed MV (OR = 16.41, p = 0.006) [21]. In our study, it was found that IG levels at admission were significantly higher in patients who received MV and vasopressor support compared to those who did not receive support (p<0.001). In addition, according to the ROC analysis, the IG% cut-off value was >0.45, with an AUC of 0.86, with a high predictive power for mortality (75.5% sensitivity, 81.9% specificity, 87.6% NPV). According to these results, IG levels at admission can be used as a marker to predict adverse outcomes and mortality in patients with severe COVID-19.
Despite the use of other accessible indicators, such as CRP, in the diagnosis of infectious illnesses, regular CBC analysis may determine IG levels rapidly and correctly at no extra expense [9]. In addition, IGs with a shorter half-life may reflect inflammation faster than those with a longer half-life [22]. In many studies, IG levels were compared with other blood parameters to evaluate the severity and prognostic power of the infection [14,23]. In a study of patients with acute appendicitis (AA), the ability of IGC to recognize AA early was found to be higher than other parameters (WBC, NLR, CRP) (AUC: 0.784, 98.3% sensitivity, 80% specificity) [24]. Van der Geest PJ et al. stated that IG% can replace CRP even when used alone in the estimation of infection in patients followed up in the ICU [4]. Myari A et al. emphasized that IG levels are higher in patients with critical COVID-19 (p<0.0001) and may be a useful indicator for these patients as well as NLR, WBC, and neutrophil levels (AUC: 0.890, sensitivity: 86%, specificity: 83%: cut-off >0.05) [3]. In the study by Alay GH et al., IG level at admission reached the highest predictive power of mortality compared to CRP, PCT and Ferritin according to logistic regression analysis (p= 0.026) [7]. Consistent with the literature, in our study, according to the results of logistic regression analysis, it was shown that IG% at admission had a higher predictive value compared to other parameters (OR: 4.387, p=0.002).
First, this study was conducted retrospectively in a single center with a relatively limited number of patients. Since selection bias may occur in a retrospective study, multicenter and prospective studies are required to confirm the results of our study. Second, we were unable to determine the period between the beginning of symptoms and admission to the emergency room. This time span might have influenced the levels of IG and other inflammatory markers. Third, since serial IG measurements were only obtained during emergency stay, we cannot comment on changes in IG following therapy and their influence on prognosis. Fourth, we could only examine short-term mortality in COVID-19 patients. As a result, we cannot anticipate IG’s long-term clinical results.
According to our studies, IG levels upon admission are low-cost, easily accessible, and potent markers that may be used to predict mortality and prognosis in patients with severe COVID-19.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Birsen Ertekin, Tarık Acar. Association of immature granulocytes (IG) with prognosis in severe COVID-19 patients. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):181-185
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Evaluation of the effect of trypan blue on the corneal endothelium in cataract surgery
Kemal Bayrakceken 1, Bahadır Utlu 2
1 Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Erzincan, 2 Department of Ophthalmology, University Of Health Sciences, Regional Training And Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey
DOI: 10.4328/ACAM.21544 Received: 2022-12-10 Accepted: 2023-01-25 Published Online: 2023-01-26 Printed: 2023-02-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):186-189
Corresponding Author: Kemal Bayrakceken, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey. E-mail: kbayrakceken2006@hotmail.com P: +90 505 9441944 Corresponding Author ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9550-1358
Aim: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the safety of 0.06% trypan blue applied to visualize the anterior capsule in cataract surgery.
Material and Methods: This single-center, prospective, randomized controlled study included 40 eyes of 20 patients. While performing cataract surgery on the right eyes of the patients, trypan blue was not used, and these eyes were evaluated as the control group. For the left eyes, trypan blue was used during surgery. The endothelial cell density (ECD) values of the two groups were measured, recorded, and analyzed at baseline and one week and one month after surgery, and their central corneal thicknesses were evaluated at baseline and one month after surgery.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the trypan blue and control groups in terms of the first-week (p=0.852) and first-month (p=0.881) ECD values and first-month pachymetry values (p=0.218). However, the ECD and pachymetry values significantly differed in both groups at one week and one month after surgery compared to the baseline (p<0.001).
Discussion: Our results showed that trypan blue injection into the anterior chamber to achieve comfortable and safe capsulorhexis in cataract surgery does not cause any adverse effects on the corneal endothelium.
Keywords: Cataract Surgery, Corneal Endothelial Cell Density, Trypan Blue
Cataract surgeons agree that the method of opening the anterior capsule should be capsulorhexis. Failure during capsulorhexis increases the risk of posterior capsule opening, vitreous loss, nucleus fall, and intraocular lens displacement during cataract surgery. It is very important to see the anterior capsule clearly in capsulorhexis, which is one of the basic parts of modern cataract surgery. However, the visualization of the anterior capsule is difficult during capsulorhexis in patients with white cataracts or in cases where the red reflex of the fundus cannot be obtained. Although many methods, including lateral illumination and radiofrequency capsulotomy have been developed to solve this problem, none of these techniques work very well.
Today, non-toxic dyes are used in cases where the anterior capsule cannot be selected well in the capsulorhexis stage. In 1993, McFarland and Hoffer were the first to report the injection of fluorescein under the capsule after the first capsulotomy. However, the use of fluorescein had certain disadvantages, such as the dye staining the surrounding tissues and passing into the vitreous. More recently, the dye injection technique has been modified with the use of indocyanine green and trypan blue. Trypan blue was first used by Melles in 1999. The lower cost, wider availability, and non-toxicity of trypan blue compared to other dyes have made it more popular [1].
In this study, we to evaluate whether 0.06% trypan blue applied to the anterior chamber of the eye to visualize the anterior capsule resulted in changes in the corneal endothelium after cataract surgery according to the evaluation under a specular microscope.
Material and Methods
This study had a prospective randomized controlled design. Forty eyes of 20 patients aged 40-80 years, who presented to the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Turkish Ministry of Health-Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, were diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes requiring surgery, and had the same visual acuity were included in the study. Patients with the same degree of cataracts and equal vision reduction in both eyes were included in the sample. Preoperative cataract staging was evaluated with a slit lamp examination and graded using the four grading scales of the Lens Opacities Classification System III. The right eyes of the patients formed the control group, and the left eyes formed the study group. Ophthalmological examinations of all the patients were performed in detail before cataract surgery. In addition, corneal thickness and corneal endothelial measurements were performed using a specular microscope in all patients, and these values were recorded. Patients under the age of 40 and over the age of 80 years and those with any ocular pathology other than cataract were not included in the study. Cataract surgery was performed on both eyes of each patient by the same surgeon (K. B.) under the same microscope using the same phacoemulsification machine, first on the right eye and one week later on the left eye. During the operation, trypan blue was not used in the right eye, and 0.06% trypan blue was used in the left eye. All the operations were successfully completed with no complications. All the patients were followed up on the first day and in the first week and first month postoperatively, and detailed ophthalmological examinations were performed. Corneal endothelial status was assessed using specular microscopy (CEM-530, Nidek, Gamagori, Japan), and endothelial cell density (ECD) (cells/mm2) was recorded. Corneal thicknesses were measured with an Al-Scan optical biometer (Nidek CO., Gamagori, Japan). During the follow-up, the corneal thickness and endothelial counts of each patient were measured and recorded. Ethical approval was obtained from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Health Sciences University Erzurum Regional Education and Research Hospital (18/04/2022, decision no: 2022/05-42). Written informed consent was obtained from all participants who participated in this study.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS v. 26. Categorical variables were expressed as numbers and percentages, and numerical variables as mean and standard deviation. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the results between the two groups. The suitability of numerical variables for analysis was investigated with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. In the testing of the hypotheses, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare numerical variables. The statistical significance level in all the analyses was accepted as p<0.05.
The mean age of the patients participating in the study was 69.05 ± 3.99 (min: 64, max: 79) years. Of the patients, 45.0% (n = 9) were female, and 55.0% (n = 11) were male. The visual acuity of the control group was 0.32 ± 0.12 (min: 0.1, max: 0.5), and that of the trypan blue group was 0.32 ± 0.12 (min: 0.1, max: 0.5) (Table 1).
A statistically significant difference was observed between the baseline ECD (cells/mm2) and the first-week and first-month ECD values within both groups (p < 0.001). There was also a statistically significant difference between the first-week and first-month ECD values (p = 0.001). Another statistically significant difference was observed in the corneal basal pachymetry (micron) values measured at one week after surgery and one month after surgery (p < 0.001).
There was no statistically significant difference between the control and trypan blue groups in terms of the first-week and first-month ECD values (p = 0.852). However, a statistically significant difference was observed in the first-week pachymetry values of the two groups (p = 0.018). The first-month pachymetry values did not statistically significantly differ between the two groups (p = 0.218) (Table 2).
Trypan blue is currently used in many surgical operations in ophthalmology [2,3]. Capsule staining is important to achieve smooth anterior capsulorhexis in cataracts with a weak red reflex or no red reflex. Trypan blue is widely used due to its significant advantages over other dyes. It has long been used in cataract surgery, and its use has expanded to other anterior segment operations, such as trabeculectomy and corneal transplant. Although many surgeons have used trypan blue for many years, none of the large randomized clinical trials have specifically examined the effect of trypan blue on the corneal endothelium. Most reports on the safety of trypan blue belong to small case series or limited comparative studies without a control group.
In this study, cataract surgery was performed on both eyes of the same patients with the same level of cataracts in both eyes at an interval of one week. During cataract surgery, trypan blue was not used in the right eyes of the patients, while 0.06% trypan blue was used in the left eyes. In the study group, first air was applied to the anterior chamber, and then trypan blue was injected. In most studies in the literature, different patients were used to form study groups. However, in our study, we created our groups using the different eyes of the same patients to ensure that trypan blue was the only variable.
Similar to our design, Ucar et al. [4] used 1% trypan blue in one eye and did not use this dye in the contralateral eye while performing cataract surgery in patients with pseudoexfoliation. The authors found no significant difference between the preoperative and postoperative third-month ECD values. In addition, the central corneal thicknesses did not significantly differ between the two groups. Despite pseudoexfoliation, the corneal endothelium was not significantly affected by cataract surgery.
In a study evaluating patients with diabetic retinopathy and cataracts in both eyes, Abdelmotaal et al. [5] used trypan blue in one eye and did not use it in the other eye during cataract surgery. They observed no significant difference in the ECD and corneal thickness values preoperatively and at the postoperative fourth week. Although endothelial loss was higher in diabetic patients, no additional toxic effect of trypan blue use was noted.
In our study, we detected no significant difference between the trypan blue and control groups in terms of the first-week (1,884.25 ± 607.85 and 1,897.65 ± 495.19, respectively, p = 0.852) and first-month (1,845.50 ± 633.39 and 1,941.75 ± 489.75, respectively, p = 0.881) ECD values. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the central corneal thicknesses of the two groups in the first month after surgery. However, unlike Ucar et al [4], the first-week and first-month ECD values significantly differed compared to the baseline in both the trypan blue and control groups. This shows that cataract surgery performed with phacoemulsification reduces the number of cells in the corneal endothelium with or without the use of trypan blue, which is in agreement with other studies in the literature [6-10]. However, the use of trypan blue did not have an additional negative effect on the corneal endothelium.
In the literature, different doses and application methods have been reported for the use of trypan blue in cataract surgery [7]. There is still no consensus regarding the ideal application form or dose. In our study, 0.06% dose and application under air were preferred.
There are certain limitations in this study. The study consisted of a small number of patients. Although all the operations were performed by the same surgeon and the same patients were used to form the study and control groups, the operation time and strength of phacoemulsification in different eyes of the same patients were not recorded.
In conclusion, the results of this study showed that the use of 0.06% trypan blue in cataract surgery was not toxic to the corneal endothelium. Further studies with a larger number of patients are needed to confirm our findings.
Scientific Responsibility Statement
The authors declare that they are responsible for the article’s scientific content including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, writing, some of the main line, or all of the preparation and scientific review of the contents and approval of the final version of the article.
Animal and human rights statement
All procedures performed in this study were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. No animal or human studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
Funding: None
Conflict of interest
None of the authors received any type of financial support that could be considered potential conflict of interest regarding the manuscript or its submission.
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Bayrakceken Kemal, Utlu Bahadır. Evaluation of the effect of trypan blue on the corneal endothelium in cataract surgery. Ann Clin Anal Med 2023;14(2):186-189
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